Jun 252011

TA_ wrote:
Let all the stress and anxiety you’ve been suppressing all evening unload all at once, as the several hours you spent in the actual presence of an actual Countess adds a whole new dimension to your recurring nightmare.

Whimbrel wrote:
Katia: nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles nobles

ErrorlessVector wrote:
[Katia: When your dream turns into a nightmare…

manwhocomesaround wrote:
question the strange jewelry around evil emperor’s neck. Could it mean anything?


Seriously, your recurring nightmare isn’t something to joke about. Every night for seven years you downed copious amounts of hard liquor just to keep it away.

The only reason you’re even in Cyrodiil right now is because you got better at controlling your dreams. You learned how to force nightmares on yourself, and as long as they weren’t that nightmare, you were okay with it. It’s what let you put the bottle away long enough to make a plan.

You’ve never tried to make yourself have a good dream. But then again, prior to today you’ve never had much good to dream about.

You close your eyes and try to think about nothing but cakes and fluffy clouds and rainbows and other miscellaneous, happy thoughts. You remind yourself that you are finally turning your life around. For the first time, things are looking up for you. You’re Katia Managan now. Things are going to be alright.

You concentrate on happy, delicious thoughts. You’re going to have a happy dream about succulent cake, you tell yourself.


  • Faren

    The cake…. is a lie!

    • Tirien

      Wrong, the cake is a fake.

      It is the pie that is a lie.

    • King_Burgerking


    • NoriMori

      “You’re not a hero. You’re not a productive citizen. You’re not even a real human being.”

      Someone in the comments apparently interpreted this line (from an earlier page) as a GLaDOS reference (the part where she says “You’re not a scientist. You’re not a doctor. You’re not even a full-time employee.”), so now I HAVE to read it in her voice, and therefore I now think of it as a Portal joke (even though I have no clue if that was originally intended by the author or not). So I thought I’d chip in. Since it is now a Portal joke AND directly related to Prequel. Which means I win the internet. XD

    • The cake is a lie…
      The cake is a lie…
      The cake is a lie…
      The cake is a lie…

      • Jahuty

        No, it is chocolate…

        • ian s.

          No, this is Patrick

          • Thisguy


          • Uknown


          • MentallyUnstable

            …muffin button…

          • Kirone

            Oh God, Katia is remembering PoPo’s training…

          • Salamore

            Best string of comments I’ve seen so far…”No, this is patrick” always catches me by surprise and makes me giggle like a two year old inside.

  • David

    “The only reason you’r even in Cyrodill…”
    Should I even be pointing out typos?

    • Kazerad

      WHAT TYPO? I see no typo here.

      (seriously though, thanks!)

      • Wobbit

        Is it strange that the mistake in writing “Cyrodiil” bugs me more than the one in “you’r”?

        (Also, I know I’m four months late. Whatevs :D)

  • Anonymous

    Anyone else notice QW eyes are still open in all the frames?

    • Zerp

      yes. I was wondering about that. Is that like, a lizard thing? Not blinking or whatever? Or maybe a second eyelid like some animals have?

      • Rayne

        Well, geckos don’t have eyelids, that’s why they lick their eyeballs…when they sleep, their pupils just get real small.

        Green anoles do have eye lids, though, so…Idk…I’m not an Argonian optometrist.

      • SplinteredReverence

        Or perhaps she just can’t sleep with a hot near-naked chick in her bed. Once again, the simplest answer is usually the right one.

        • MentallyUnstable

          This is win.

  • LycoHalostar

    This dream sequence inspired me to write a little horror-ish soundtrack to go along with it. There’s a place to put fanart, but I can’t really think of a place to put fanmusic so I was thinking it’d just stick it here where the dream starts!

    Listen to it here:

    Hope you all like it! :3

    • brofist

      7.5/10 – you should make more for Prequel

      • LycoHalostar

        Heh, I’d love to but I mostly make trance and electronic stuff, not sure how well that would fit in with an Elder Scrolls themed story. :3

        • Link

          That was actually awesomely fitting, great job =)

        • MentallyUnstable

          *ahem* Have you played TES before?

          • MentallyUnstable

            Meaning yes it fits perfectly.

    • NoriMori

      Wow, it’s awesome and perfect! I don’t care what your usual style is, you SHOULD make more for Prequel!

    • Alex

      Noooo I can’t listen to it how do I listen to it?

    • zmcr1234

      Aww, I can’t listen to it either

  • TechUnadept


  • SplinteredReverence

    Beneath panel one: “You’ve never tried to make yourself TO have a good dream.” I think that is another typo?

    Pointing these out makes me feel like such a friggin’ ass.

    • Kazerad

      Yup, that there’s a typo! I probably typed “never tried to have a good dream”, then revised it and accidentally left that artifact in there. Fixed now!

      Don’t feel like an ass about it! Better it get fixed than stay in there for all to see.

      • SplinteredReverence

        I know the feeling all too well. You cringe to yourself as all those lovely little thoughts of ridicule buzz about in your mind (despite the fact that no one really seems to take notice). The thing is that I believe most tend to pass up pointing out the typo even though they’ve noticed it out of fear for their first impression.

  • Highwarlord Shawn

    This section just isn’t the same without the Kahjiit Lullaby playing. Is that saved anywhere on the site (so I don’t have to dig around the forum for it)?

    • Dalen Vreth

      As someone who didn’t get to hear it the first time, I would also appreciate a like of some variety.

  • Xshu

    Wait, she’s been drinking for seven years? So she’s been an alcoholic since she was TWELVE?! Why does everything about Katia get even more depressing when you give it any amount of thought? ;_;

  • dtlux14

    HEY! You stole my joke 🙁

  • dtlux14

    A nightmare about cake? Maybe the cake is owned by a King standing there being a King, and he won’t let her have any…

  • Dragon

    Link is down.