Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.

7960: Cosplay Khajiit artist:Lithesra character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing quest_book

Cosplay Khajiit artist:Lithesra character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing quest_book

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Lithesra: Decided to draw Katia as Malkuth from LoR, since I figured they have a number of similarities with their generally chipper demeanour, constant failure and pyromania. I also just wanted an excuse to try out the brush, as the previous thing I made really wore me down with the repetitive colouring and made me loathe using the pen tool (that thing took me TWO WEEK of on and off drawing, and it didn't even turn out good).

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Zargothrax: I love crossovers like these (even when I know nothing of the related game)!
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Jiftoo: did not expect to see this crossover at all!

7958: Khajiit argonian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands impure_thoughts swimsuit text

Khajiit argonian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands impure_thoughts swimsuit text

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bluedraggy: Lifeguard training - 2 of 3.
To give her some credit, since we don't really know what Argonian breasts are for, maybe this is proper CPR technique for Argonians? Also, I want some credit - I did NOT put QW's fingers underneath Katia's swimsuit. I thought about it...

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Rick2tails: you thought instead of doing..rookie mistake XD

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ADudeCalledLeo: As we all know, breath is stored in the boobs.

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ADudeCalledLeo: I'm not sure why I didn't expect the third image to be snapped, honestly.

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bluedraggy: Oh. Huh. The reasoning is sound and legit. I accept the banishment of that image, but I will not rest until I can conceive of a mutually-consensual way to stuff Katia's mouth full of argonian tongue.

7957: Khajiit accidents_happen argonian artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave merchandise swimsuit

Khajiit accidents_happen argonian artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave merchandise swimsuit

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bluedraggy: 1 of 3. I think I can get away without questionable on these. But I've been wrong before. I have a very slight backstory for these. QW has been taking a lifeguarding course (because who better than an Argonian?) Katia has agreed to assist her with her homework - so this is Lifeguard Training. I'd tried to put all 3 images together, but as bad as it looks now, it looked worse when compressed. Other two look better than this one. Also I find I enjoy designing swimsuits! Woe be to anyone who would ever have to wear one of my designs, but I do like finding new and interesting ways to NOT reveal naughty bits.

Sorry if I go on too long, but I've always found lifeguards inherently funny. You hire a 16 or 17 year old at minimum wage or less, and then give them authority over an entire pool including adults. There's going to be issues.

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Rick2tails: instructions unclear assume QW is 17 and give her minimum wage . also nice flailing kitty arm there!

7956: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit Sigrid's_dungeon artist:Lithesra blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail painted_underwear very_casually_underdressed witch-hunter_control_panel

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit Sigrid's_dungeon artist:Lithesra blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail painted_underwear very_casually_underdressed witch-hunter_control_panel

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bluedraggy: Good draw! This scene, imho, is the point where Katia Managan became Katia Fucking Managan. Went up against her nemesis and not only won, but turned her nemesis into an... well, an acquaintance - but she did show Sig the error of her ways and that's really better than just defeat. I kinda understand why the long hiatus after that. Gotta re-establish a new plot essentially and that's not easy to do.

7954: 3D Khajiit TES_Skyrim artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan magic_fire screenshot

3D Khajiit TES_Skyrim artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan magic_fire screenshot

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Zerorganic: updated skyrim mod stuff coming soon

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ADudeCalledLeo: Katia being awesome? Splendid.

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Zerorganic: D:

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Zerorganic: Prequel Mod project, including the title screen, the playable katia, quill and katia follower are discontinued because of lack of interest. Not on my side. Prequel is dead

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Rick2tails: Prequel is never dead. sometimes it goes into comas but it always wakes up
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NewFace: It's only woken up from a coma once.
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NewFace: And quickly relapsed.

7908: 3D Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan crossover staff

3D Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan crossover staff

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Tobuzzu: Ey, This was made using a website called heroes forge, which basically just lets you design custom figurines for dnd. I found it like a day ago and immediately recreated katia. Its quite fun, to mess around with! Cheers.

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Rick2tails: pretty neat indeed!

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damrok4321: Oh really cool. I've been playing with heroforge a bit myself, but my recreation of Katia wasn't much good, this one looks pretty neat.

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RoninSmall: hero forge is a rare garbage dump. I'm surprised she's still alive

7950: Khajiit argonian artist:damrok4321 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk magnus painted_underwear text

Khajiit argonian artist:damrok4321 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk magnus painted_underwear text

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damrok4321: This is Katia proudly defending her house sized pillow fort, from evil lizard aristocracy.
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FoolishMippard: I adore how she had the technical know how to construct a drawbridge but not the presence of mind to actually close it

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Sashimi: Hahaha! Well ya know, when one has multiple daki's you need a lotta pillows.

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bluedraggy: I'd heard about pillowfort but I thought it was some sort of social network site.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @damrok4321: Very Specifically Not a Pillow Castle
Good art!

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Rick2tails: this is some good stuff

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AMKitsune: The best thing about a pillow fort is that you can have a nap practically anywhere you want. Particularly handy when you're shitfaced enough to pass out at a moments notice.
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mohitoNonalco: My theory is that those pillows were delivered to Katia as inheritance from Morrowind.

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NotGodOkay: @mohitoNonalco: You can sleep in my bed but you can't touch my pillow!

7955: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark knock_off sad text

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad fansnark knock_off sad text

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Tobuzzu: I guess I should probably post this here. This is an edit of one of the recent drawings from the prequel twitter :o

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ADudeCalledLeo: insert Fenneko laugh here
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NewFace: Curse Kazerad to the bone. Curse his guts. He delights in our suffering.

7909: character:Katia_Managan screenshot text

character:Katia_Managan screenshot text

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Homeboy145: I made Katia in to a Paintjob for the crew 2

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damrok4321: Haha nice!
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Denis: leaves a trail of fire

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ADudeCalledLeo: and then the car bursts into flame
Nice art!

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Homeboy145: maybe there's a flame effect for the tirs
would be funny

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_ghouldaddy_: incredible thanks

2480: Chapel_of_Akatosh Compact_Story Contest_Winner Grim_Reaper Kvatch artist:Mayrasiili character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro eyepatch painted_underwear sleepy

Chapel_of_Akatosh Compact_Story Contest_Winner Grim_Reaper Kvatch artist:Mayrasiili character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro eyepatch painted_underwear sleepy
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Geravind: Grim Reaper is too close to the failure-cat... Now it's(he's?) affected too.

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Fralex: @Mayrasiili: The Discworld Death is the best depiction of Death as a character that I've come across and I approve of any Grim Reaper inspired by him. Actually, I recall he canonically had a soft spot for cats, so it works really well here.

Wait, what if Katia is this world's version of Rincewind?! Look at the similarities:
-Wannabe wizards for which even mastering a single spell is a huge effort
-Horrible luck, life completely out of their control and used as fate's chewtoy
-Used as a pawn in a game played by godly entities they don't understand
-Surrounded by chaos and disaster
-For all their bad luck and apparent lack of agency, they always just manage to avoid dying.
-Everything seems to fight to direct their life, but no one force, be it gods, Death, daedra, or the readership, can actually wrest total control over it away from everything else. Instead, the net result is an individual whose true fate is impossible to predict OR control, perhaps even to the gods but at the very least to the audience. They're a wildcard that brings about great change, often by accident.

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Mayrasiili: @Kewot_Rokar: Thank you c:

@Geravind: Oh noes D: Yellow cat thing's bad luck and failure are infectious! Quickly, get your biohazard suits!
... Oh wait, this is Oblivion, there are no biohazard suits :I The old bonesack is screwed xD

@Fralex: It is, for personification who embodies death itself, Sir Terry Pratchett has managed to bring a lot of life to the character of the Grim Reaper. It's been a while since I've read the Discworld books, but now that you mention it, I think he did have a soft spot for cats :o I ought to check...

That... Theory makes too much sense :D That is way too ingenious! Now all she needs is a scraggy beard and a red, pointy hat with the word "WIZZARD" on it xD Although given that she should still aspire to become part of the Mage's Guild and an academic mage, being the local equivalent of Rincewind can't be healthy for those dreams D:

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Mayrasiili: @Salamanakis: Awh, thank you very much, that's mighty kind of you to say c:
Still, I'll let Kazerad be the judge of how the picture turned out according to the given task. I'm just happy I got to have a go at a cool thing like this, since I really like learning as much as I can about storytelling ^^

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Fralex: @Mayrasiili: "Death was familiar with the concept of the eternal, ever-renewed hero, the champion with a thousand faces. ...he pondered whether, if this creature did exist, it was somehow balanced by the eternal coward. The hero with a thousand retreating backs, perhaps."

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merumeng: I love the heaviness of this simple scene.
I can imagine him just flipping a coin though.

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Fralex: Yay! I was hoping yours would win!

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: So if you don't mind my asking, how do you get the straight lines and clean curves? I'm kinda new to digital art and the information would be really helpful for the project I'm working on right now.

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Radian: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: I think he used some kind of line tool or rulers. For curves you can just repeat undo until good result. Also you always may use vectors but this is even more boring than repeating.
I heard drawing digital slightly harder and feels strange after pencil, just keep practicing.

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NotGodOkay: I was gonna ask what the icon of death in The Elder Scrolls universe was until I thought about Sithis.

This artstyle reminds me of someone else's. Someone from Finland.
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