Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Uploader D_C_N,
Tags character:Katia_Managan crossover firearms
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D_C_N: No idea what to tag this as, but anyways I got into the blackops beta. Saw the weapon editor, and now I and clearly the most feared soldier on the field... I spent waaaay too long on this. Couldn't get the eyes quite right, oh well.

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Kewot_Rokar: Needs more inking.

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Man_Of_Mer: This is pretty neat. But in my opinion, that weapon looks like an oversized glue gun (note the opaque like tendrils to the right).

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Mediocre_Scrublord: It's designed to glue baddies to walls.

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Man_Of_Mer: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Please don't draw that. (Psst! Hey! Draw that!)

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CaptainLackwit: @Man_Of_Mer:

Those are steel struts of a collapsible stock, sir.