Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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SilentOrbweaver: Little-known fact about Katia's past: She had one of those Dwemer heaters in her room, back in the Hammerfell.

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AMKitsune: So precious
Hopefully the thermostat's set nice and low. Wouldn't want an overcooked kitten now, would we?

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Rick2tails: this is adorable but I cant imagine that would be a comfy way to sleep

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AMKitsune: @Rick2tails: You clearly do not possess the feline ability to soundly sleep anywhere regardless of surface or contortion.
Some say it was a gift from the gods...

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Sashimi: Daww, I was gonna say time to eat, but we'll just let her sleep a while longer.

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Zargothrax: @Sashimi: Erm... What? Oh. I wanted to draw a radiator (took the one on my right as a reference, my cat loves to sleep on it when it's warm, she was the inspiration for this drawing), not some grill/cooking equipment, but it seems like I have to practice drawing radiators a little more ;)

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Zargothrax: @AMKitsune: It almost scares me how much heat my cat can take. Even when the radiator is hot, she just sleeps on it like she has 90% fire resistance or something. (After a while she jumps off though, to lie on the cold floor)

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Sashimi: @Zargothrax: OH GOD, NO! I wasn't implying cooking little Katia, I meant not waking her for dinner. Lol But I can see how that comment may have been misinterpreted now.

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CandyDragon: @Sashimi: Dude I wasn't gonna say anything but I totally 100% thought you were talking about voringeating Katia. Glad I was wrong lol

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Sashimi: @CandyDragon: It's funny how you ban write something believing it to be totally innocent, yet it's perceived in the opposite context. I'm glad it was pointed it out cause I don't wan't people getting the wrong impression. I should have wrote: "Daww, I was gonna tell her it's time to eat, but we'll just let her sleep a while longer." No harm must befall little Katia!

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Sashimi: @Sashimi: uGH! That's supposed to say "can" not "ban". Friggin typo.

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Geravind: "Guar guards your back."

Няха такая! =^_^=

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DarthVader: I wouldn’t see that being safe

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Zargothrax: @Sashimi: For the record I thought you meant that you want to postpone the dinner because the grill equipment is currently occupied/inaccessable. Like we humans tend to postpone activities that would involve waking sleeping cats.