Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.

Dramatic Descriptions

- Reply
Sashimi: Hehe, that's great! "have some coin"!

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Sashimi: This is so sweet!

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Sashimi: Thank you again Boogeestro for doing this! She is glorious!

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Sashimi: Cute!

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Sashimi: The afterlife.

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails:

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Ooo, Katia Managan, expert Guar trainer?

- Reply
Sashimi: Excellent!

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Sashimi: @APayne1776: Indeed! And the painted nails are a nice touch on this version!

- Reply
Sashimi: Is is wonderful!

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Sashimi: Ooo! Katia found Sigrids exercise chamber!

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Sashimi: That guy got some mad skillz!

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Sashimi: AHHHH! This IS frightening!

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Sashimi: Yes, yes......what TM said! HERE!

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Sashimi: Oh wow! That looks intense! Awesome!

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Sashimi: @Zargothrax: You bet! I approve of Nightmare queen!

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Sashimi: Just wait til he gets a little closer, then your aim will be 'dead' on!

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Sashimi: OMG! That's awesome!

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Sashimi: Dang that's cool!

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Sashimi: Oh wow, looking good!

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Sashimi: Hehe, this reminds me of the time Asotil drew a smile on a guy!

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Sashimi: Heh, first painted underwear, now a painted costume!

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Sashimi: "PUNY MORTALS!" Quick! Offer a pineapple sacrifice!

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Sashimi: But she succeeds at being adorable! Great pic Ray!

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Sashimi: So many cute Kats!

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Sashimi: Hehe, the price on that painting!

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Sashimi: Indeed! Can't wait for the game!

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Sashimi: I love it when a plan comes together!

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Sashimi: @AMKitsune: Hey, nice!

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11: Thank you DG!

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: Stylish accessory!

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Sashimi: @Nicros_Man: Hehe, No one calls women 'females' more than quark does!

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Yes, instant cuteness attained!

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Sashimi: Hehe! Now this is adorable! Looks great with color too!

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Sashimi: I must admit, this made me laugh!

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: She is very nice indeed!

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: But it's only black and white!

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Sashimi: I only wish I could rid myself of the memory of that awful image that was posted earlier.

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Sashimi: Nightmare King is gonna get it now!

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Sashimi: @Zargothrax:

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Posted something on Discord.

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Sashimi: Of course, it could be this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Gy-EfM6FM

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Sorry, been preoccupied! I hope Kat is prepared for the surprise when that whale comes down!

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Sashimi: Both Katia and Nick's mothers have such kind, caring faces!

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Sashimi: Another great pic! Love the variety of characters and expressions!

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Sashimi: Kat looks good in blue!

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Sashimi: Since Halloween is approaching, this is appropriate.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hoThry5WsY

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: But....it's such a warm and inviting place to stay for a spell!

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: "Stars!"
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