Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Sashimi: Oh, I have an excavator! But actually, I said something earlier which I regret now. I was feeling defensive and made the statement about Kat sharing some of the responsibility for the situation. That was in poor taste and I retract it. I apologize for being insensitive. Believe it or not, I do really like Katia. Amk made some good points, and I can see why people see her in that way. I hold firm my resolve though because I still have a different perspective for those events, which I plan to post later. Just an alternative viewpoint.

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Sashimi: But in the overall scheme of things, I guess our arguing over fictional characters is silly. I know we get quite passionate about some of them, and lose sight of what we're doing. I know I can easily get carried away with this, as do others. Let's just agree that we have opposing viewpoints and leave it at that.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Taken from Katia:Weigh options,"With Rajirra out of the picture, you just earned 170 septims." So that sure sounds like she didn't collect. And when she eyes katia, It looks to me as thinking "Oh shit, you're on your own!" Something that's spontaneous.

Barring the door, whether she considered that Kat was locked in or if it was a blind reaction with that I can only speculate on what she was thinking, but that is where we agree that she did a terrible thing. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve punishment, but I don't think she deserves to die.

@CaptainLackwit: Sorry CL, But I'm stating it at a technical truth. If I talked someone into joining me in a scheme, and things went terribly wrong where they were endangered. No matter what the outcome was, I would always be forced to accept the fact that It was my idea to include them. And I was responsible for getting them in that situation. That is the truth as how I would feel in that case, even if they screwed me over in some way. That acknowledgement of culpability would be inescapable to me, and it would influence my reaction afterward.

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11:

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11: Um, how can it be good if it's horrible?

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Sashimi: I know it sounds like I'm trying to get her off the hook scott free, but that's not the case. I'm not defending her actions in locking Katia with the Imp, but trying to get people to consider a different point of view before determining her punishment.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Now please don't misunderstand me, Just because I support Raj doesn't mean I'm against Katia, but it's the truth when I say she does bear a small portion of responsibility in this. Raj was set to go home and mind her own business. Not take on some dangerous creature that would most likely result in her death.

Katia has a habit of getting into situations that she's overly ambitious and ill prepared for. I liken it to the annoying neighbor that you can barely tolerate, who talks you into helping in getting the squirrel out of his attic, only it turns out to be a rabid raccoon, and you get bit for your trouble.

My point is, yes I agree that Rajirra committed a terrible act, and I don't absolve her of it, but like I stated before, Raj is no fighter, and would not stand a chance against a magical being of that magnitude, so of course she's gonna be terrified. She wouldn't have put herself in that situation had not Katia convinced her to participate. So there should be consideration for that.

Rajirra was probably so out of her mind with fear that she didn't even think about the fact that she locked Katia in, it was pure survival instinct. Not malicious intent.

And I don't think she collected any reward, just hightailed it outta there..

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Sashimi: Those without sin shall cast the first stone!

Was Raj rude to Kat, yes. Was she contemptuous? Apparently, and we can only speculate as to what Rajirra's reasons were. But what is not speculation is the FACT that if not for Katia, Raj would not have even been there. Katia bears responsibility for getting Rajirra into a situation for which she was NOT suited for. Rajirra said it herself that she's not a fighter. She's a survivor, and a pragmatist. She knew getting involved with the Imp ordeal was a bad decision.

She tried to convince Katia of that. "A functional Khajiit runs away from danger, not headlong toward it" and. "Imps and such are dangerous magical creatures, jobs better left to the Fighter’s Guild" is what she said. Raj's failing was to follow a foolish khajiit on a fools errand, and in doing so, was herself endangered by that decision, and it was mortal danger! Combating a giant imp with lightning powers was not what she signed up for.

Without any magical abilities of her own, and not being a skilled fighter, what was she supposed to do? Be horribly maimed or killed for some stranger? I'm sorry but I'd never expect that of someone. I don't blame her for fleeing. Locking Katia in was a terrible act, and she should be accountable, but I think she deserves some leniency given the fact that it was Katia's idea, not Rajirra's to take on the job. If it had been Raj's idea, and she did the same thing, my opinion would be completely different, but sorry, Katia is culpable to an extent in this matter.

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11: True, one wouldn't forget, but hatred is poison to the soul, and holds you prisoner. Forgiveness can be truly liberating, and I'd like to believe Kat has the capacity for it.

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Sashimi: While I don't believe Raj is a bad, or wicked character at heart, she did make a poor choice which she is accountable for, But to me, this seems out of character for Katia, She doesn't strike me as the revenge type.

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Sashimi: Well to be fair, this is supposed to be Rajirra's descendant with the same name, isn't it?

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: But Lumin, they can still have a fight and then make up, perhaps even a kiss!

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11: That is the consensus. In my story, she's already lost three kids prior to this, and so she's deathly afraid of losing another.All the trauma of that experience comes rushing back when she's confronted by the imp, and she panics.

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Sashimi: So, just an idea that was posed to me which I incorporated into my fic. The possibility for Rajirra's actions were due in part to her discovering she was with child, and it was fear of losing that child which caused her to panic and act irrationally. It's just something to consider anyway.

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: I second that.

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Sashimi: Or maybe, Not snap the neck, and instead find some mud to wrestle in!

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Sashimi: I WILL FIGHT THIS! But I must admit, this is a really good pic!

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Sashimi: OH YES! More Raj!

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Sashimi: @Toxic: That is supurb news!

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Sashimi: OH, gimme,gimme,gimme! Yes, put it all on HOLLANDAISE!

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Sashimi: Awesome! So does this mean the big game project is back on track?

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Sashimi: Wunderbar Lapma!

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Sashimi: This is one damn fine piece of fanfiction if I do say so!

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Sashimi: @Sashimi: All the relevant pics are in this pool http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/pool/view/12 I don't have all of the pics posted to the booru yet, but most are.

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11: Yeah, this is from a fic I wrote about Raj's earlier days.

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Sashimi: Fantastic job with the fic Draggy!

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Sashimi: Really like your sketches!

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11:

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Sashimi: Here's a little somethin Toryu-May whipped up for me. It's Rajirra as the Egyptian goddess Bastet. Thank you for making this TM! I hope we see more!

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Sashimi: @SilentOrbweaver: Heh, no worries there. I've pretty much imposed my own headcanon where Raj is concerned.

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Sashimi: @CandyDragon: It's funny you mention that cause I was just thinking about the game where she chases down Stephane and how she would run like a regular cat.

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Sashimi: Hellz yeah I like! Nice to see a new Raydio pic!

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Sashimi: This deserves to be colored!

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Sashimi: Oh dang! This is very nice! Any pic with Kat or Raj in a lovely dress gets my approval!

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Sashimi: @SilentOrbweaver: But Kaz doesn't draw khajiit with digitigrade legs.

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Sashimi: Very noice Draggy! The only thing that would make this better would be a bucket! Lol!

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Sashimi: Hot damn! I asked Kaz for a Raj pic in a dress to commemorate the one year anniversary of my first pic I ever got, and this did NOT disappoint! Thanks a ton!

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Naw, I don't question this at all.

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Sashimi: @Sashimi: I must reiterate, that is a damn fine representation of a nekkid lizard!

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Sashimi: That is indeed a fine representation of a nekkid lizard!

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: There was that one time,well, multiple times at the bar.....We probably shouldn't go into details though.

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Sashimi: Sorry Kat, but that's an automatic response!

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Hmmm, I think I'd like to try that!

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Sashimi: Jay Leno Kat?

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Sashimi: Ooo, nice pineapple Kat!

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Sashimi: I actually don't mind pineapple on pizza. (Angry mob appears, chanting:"BURN HIM! HE'S A WITCH!")

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Hey, glad to see you're back! Sorry to hear about your ordeal, I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing something like what you went through.

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Sashimi: Hehe, that expression, love it!

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Sashimi: Noice!

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Sashimi: Hey, lookin good!
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