Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Geravind: Сиси слишком большие на фоне люто худющего тела.
По росту заметно выше оригинала (или просто худее). Ширина плечей/бёдер все ещё не торт.

За тени/блики/мерцания -- отдельный зачёт!
Харечка тоже прикольная -- не читая, узнаётся твой стиль).

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OppoQuinn: This is really, really cool.

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Radian: @Geravind: Ну тут я с тобой немного поспорю.
Грудь немного больше чем в оригинале, но, на мой взгляд, смотрится нормально.
Тут у нее фигура более реалистичная поэтому выглядит худой. Бедра чуть шире и норм.

А мордаха приятная, да.

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Radian: Also, how about RSS for fanart page?

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POMA: You mean something like this? http://i.imgur.com/75QxR9R.png

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Geravind: @POMA: Сиси стали страшными (бесформенными) -- верни прошлые.
Остальное ок, не хватает только едва заметной округлости бёдер -- т.е. если робу ниже уровня таза каплю заузить, дальше оставить свободно ниспадающую -- будет то, что надо. Главное не перестараться, это не вечернее платье -- переход форм должен быть едва заметен.

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Man_Of_Mer: I know I've seen the comments filled with Russian dialects, but how do we have Russian fans?

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Geravind: "The Legend never dies." Original is always better.
Sometimes I physically can't explain my deepest feelings/emotions with English.

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POMA: @Man_Of_Mer: That's mostly my fault. About one year ago I started to translate this comics to Russian.

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: Why not? The prequel is truly a masterpiece, but I would not find it without @POMA's translate (and I thankful for it).

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Man_Of_Mer: @Radian: I also think it's cool we have Russian fans here, I simply wondered why. (Also, Russian accents are super cool.)

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POMA: Ei Ivan! Bring me botl of vodka end mai balalaika. Ai vil shou you hau mai biar kan duns!

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: Glad to see it. I visit here because here more art, more discussion and all news appeared here (and i can understand their, more or less).

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Radian: @POMA: I can't bring you vodka because my bear drink it. I send him to shop for new box of vodka while i find balalaika.

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Man_Of_Mer: So is Russia filled with vodka drinking bears that play the balalaika?

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Geravind: Я у Кати на booru
Лайки, смайлики дарю.
Пома остыл,
Над артом застыл.

(без обид :р)

And now you, english-speakers, go get the rhyme and fun in this! Mwoo-ha-ha-ha =^, ,^= [VENGEANCE!]

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: I thought everyone already know it.

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POMA: @Geravind: I'm kinda learning by doing and I still can't draw whatever I want. What I do now is redrawing every line hundred times until they look somewhat okay. That's the main reason I delete sources after 'completing' pictures cuz it's unlikely I'll ever gonna redo anything.

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Geravind: @POMA: =o_o=
*walks away still hungry*

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doodlemancer: some cats just wanna watch the world burn

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Fr3SHSw4GM0n3Y: omg XD (put this in on translate or whatever) Я у Кати на booru
Лайки, смайлики дарю.
Пома остыл,
Над артом застыл.

(без обид :р)
creds @Geravind

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Sasquatch_boote: @POMA youre not the only one. At least youve got a computer; im stuck with lined paper. Not even blank, computer paper (hence the lack of computer). It makes your work look 1000x better than anything i do.