Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: Surely there has to be something in the contract that prevents delivery people opening the boxes, right? The idea of someone opening up your food before handing it over to you just feels weird to me.
In this case, I imagine Katia's just proud to have managed to deliver it in 1 (or more accurately, 8) pieces.

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AMKitsune: Christ, the creepy is absolutely overpowering any sense of adorable. Terrific stuff.

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AMKitsune: Damn cake elitists, trying to dictate how everyone else should enjoy their cake...

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AMKitsune: In space, no one can hear you meow.

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AMKitsune: @Teafail555Taken: Well now you've prompted me to see how well ruffle flash emulation would work on the site. For simpler submissions like this, surprisingly well it seems!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Can't argue with that. And look, here's another.

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AMKitsune: I can practically hear her saying "It's actually a clip-on"

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AMKitsune: Gaaah, this is too cute. It needs to be sealed away behind a panel with "Break in case of sadness" on it.
And really, who cares about some money when a sign of genuine appreciation can mean so much?

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AMKitsune: Damn, this is a good portrait. How you managed to take a fundamentally cartoony character and paint her in such a 'realistic' way, I can't say, but you certainly did a fantastic job of it.

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AMKitsune: Precious blep cat.

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AMKitsune: It certainly is not. Hope all's going well for you. And for a pineapple and yoyo alone, they're very well rendered.

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AMKitsune: I was about to say how adorable this is, then I noticed the bug musk. Is this actually an ugly picture that I'm simply being manipulated into perceiving as adorable?

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AMKitsune: Great job here. The coloured lighting and shadow work really help bring the whole image to another level.

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AMKitsune: Whenever I see this, I can't help but be reminded of that youtube video of the cat saying "Oh hi", and imagine her saying that. Lovely work.

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AMKitsune: Christ, those blood hand/tendril things are genuinely disturbing. The whole thing's just overwhelming in the best possible way. Fantastic job!

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AMKitsune: This is quite possibly one of the best 'on model' 3d renders of Katia that I've seen. The proportions are all spot on, the shading keeps the cartoony look, and you've somehow managed to make her ears look good in the third dimension. Fantastic job.

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AMKitsune: That's some 'dynamic camera angleage' right there!

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AMKitsune: Someone's been practicing their mastery of the flame. Great job NikolaC.

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AMKitsune: This looks like it belongs in one of those faded flashback/imagination panels, and she look adorable, in a rather derpy way

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AMKitsune: @Tejo: Updated the version here for you.

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AMKitsune: I just realised, one of my favourite outfits isn't here.

It's understandable though, as it only appears for a few pages before it's replaced with the mage robes.
Still, hoping 4ball doesn't mind, I conjured my own version into existence.

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AMKitsune: Katia be stylin'.

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AMKitsune: Awesome comparison. I can't help but think though: back in her earlier days, the fire was less in her hands, and more everywhere else.

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AMKitsune: This is extremely unrepresentative of the comic...
She looks so happy! I love it!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: She's clearly embarrassed at being called adorable (and other similar compliments).

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AMKitsune: The in-browser flash player may be dead, but the prequel animations and games aren't. (We've been preparing for this)

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AMKitsune: Absolutely precious.

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AMKitsune: @_Noxygen_: About an hour I think. He was really quite fast.

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AMKitsune: An adorable piece by Diorum, kindly drawn at request during a triple art-stream between himself, Cider and Kazerad.
The request was something along the lines of "Katia wrapped up in a puffy blanket, all warm and snug"

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AMKitsune: @freynk03: I've had an html version of it in the pipeline for months now. I've just been waiting for Kaz to give the questions in it a read over. I should prompt him to do that at some point...

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: That's a pretty good idea. I think I'll take it.

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AMKitsune: I have no idea what it says on her hood, but this is quite possibly one of the best realistic cat Katia's I've ever seen (in regards to being highly detailed, well composed, and on model).

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AMKitsune: That is some really nice pixel art, and the animation is just bouncy enough to give some good secondary motion without going overboard. Fantastic stuff!

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AMKitsune: The fact that Quill's a 'dragon in training' implies that she should know 'exactly' what that says, yet she couldn't seem to care less .

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AMKitsune: @Katia_super_cat: "No sweetie, we have magic at home."
The magic at home: A tattered old box of 'Amazing Andy's Magic-like Tricks for the Arcanely Challenged'.

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AMKitsune: I'd like to hope that everyone could put aside the age old 'pineapple on pizza' rivalry for a minute to all agree that feeding the cat can only be a good thing. Beggars can't be choosers, right?

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AMKitsune: Considering that we don't live in a world where you can cure any ailment by simply chugging a potion, this is very sound advice.

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Now that you've uploaded it, I'm even gladder that you were working on your own version. While it's simpler, it's also much brighter and more colourful than my version. I particularly like the highlights on the bubbles and how you removed the line work on the 'splash'. It's quite amazing how different the same picture can feel in two different styles, isn't it?

I'm also regretting not putting a thin strip of green on her tail now as well XD. I was struggling with finding ways to break up the brown monotony as it was, but that never occurred to me!

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Finish iiiiittttt!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Thanks! To me, it looks like Quill has those transparent, second eyelids that water dwelling lizards have, so I added a slight, translucent grey over her eyes to make them look slightly misted up.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: You can't be too hard on her. Quill-weaves body is naturally hydro-dynamic. Katia probably has the absorbency of a dry sponge! (and the grace to match. Being decked out in full mage attire won't be helping either...)

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: Images tend to be featured for a month (with a new one being chosen at the start of the month). Events like Halloween and Christmas can screw that up a bit, so we often feature images for them a few days ahead of the normal schedule and then replace them a little over a month later. We could just feature them for a day or 2, but that wouldn't give them their fair time in the spot light.

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AMKitsune: I'm not sure exactly what's going on here either, but it's badass, whatever it is!

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AMKitsune: This is nice, but she really needs to get some diversity in her diet. Chocolate cake is nice as an occasional treat, but she shouldn't neglect the other food groups: plants, dead animals, and living animal by-products. All important for a happy, healthy Katia.

Also, I'm just going to add that I greatly appreciate the little bit of glow coming from the window. It's subtle enough that I didn't notice it at first, but now that I have, I can see why the background feels as good to look at as it does. Really good job.

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AMKitsune: It's odd seeing a painted Katia in such an on-model style, but you've pulled it off exceedingly well. The shading a colour choices are just lovely.

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AMKitsune: Simulated jiggle physics aside, this is really well done. The whole scene, the animation, all spot on. The only thing that I think takes away from the animation is the way her sash seems to flick out to the side as she bounces up and down (I don't believe physics works quite like that). Beside that though... I LOVE IT!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: If you can get a group of 3 other friends to play with, it's a really good game. I've been part of a group that plays for an hour or so every once every couple of days (usually), and it's become the highlight of my evening! You can play it alone, but playing together just takes it to a whole other level.

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AMKitsune: Now this is a perfect example of why some images should remain static.

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AMKitsune: @damrok4321: Quentin has little arms and is a figment of Katia's imagination. Scleepy is an illustrated guide to help people learn restoration magic. That's about it really.

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy:

Now she has some motion and a shred of decency!
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