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Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: Oh no, it's contagious. Now I'm smiling as well!
Adorable work as always.

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AMKitsune: This is post 6666. That's not a coincidence... It's a sign!

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AMKitsune: Id say "relatable", but I've never lounged against a tree on a grassy hill with a bottle of milk, a sweetroll and a butterfly perched upon my finger.

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AMKitsune: @lapma: From the thumbnail, I thought she was showing QW the cat toy she found in the mage's guild money pile.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Fortify Self Perception 5 pts on Self

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AMKitsune: "You shove the ring onto one of your hideous, catlike fingers and confirm that it has no apparent magical properties."

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AMKitsune: This is the wholesome ending that last picture needed. Thank you for not leaving the lizard sad.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko:

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AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: Let's not be too hasty here. I never said anything about stopping...

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AMKitsune: KuroNeko has far too much emotional power. One minute you're melting in a pool of adorable kittens and smiles, the next, you're empathizing with a sad, crying lizard.
Let's just hope this receives a followup where sad Quill can at least get a comforting hug or something.

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AMKitsune: While pretty much everything about this is good, Kat and Quill happily singing away there melts my heart like butter over a lava field (even if Katia might not be doing the best job of it XD).

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AMKitsune: @OgTariq: All the more reason to stay wrapped up warm!

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AMKitsune: @OgTariq: The booru doesn't know how to display thumbnails for svg files, so Kazerad made a generic one to get the job done.

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AMKitsune: A little while ago when thinking up ideas for the Halloween theme thing, we considered putting the nightmare king in the background of the site before changing over to the soul cairn theme that we ended up using.
Lapma very kindly provided this vector of said king which was going to remain mostly invisible until the 'lightning' in the background flashed, revealing his ominous silhouette for a few seconds before fading away again.

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AMKitsune: What is this, issue 1 of Captain Cyrodiil? Wherein a regular man with a burning passion in his heart becomes the worlds greatest soldier because of drugs.

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AMKitsune: Hey look, it's Katia Hu-Managan.
Nice use of yellow shoes and gloves there.

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AMKitsune: Ok, small round of applause because this is a genuinely clever photo.

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AMKitsune: That's actually a really nice colour scheme You don't see light blues and yellows being used to accent white nearly enough in my opinion. Quill looks rather please with herself as well.

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: I know where I'd rather go on holiday then.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: I hadn't seen that animation series in absolutely ages. Takes me right back.
@KuroNeko: Your continued ability to draw and shade water never ceases to amaze me.

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AMKitsune: Impressed, she most certainly is not.

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AMKitsune: @semiafro007: I genuinely can't remember. I wish I could, but it was years ago, back when comments were posted on the old MSPA forums.

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AMKitsune: ... is this really ok to be here? I mean, I don't think we've ever had to deal with the subject of graphic cannibalism before, but here we are with a precious sweetroll eating a sweetroll.

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AMKitsune: It's usually something of a pet peeve when I see Katia with white eyes, but in this instance, it works well. The colours are so light and the style so simple, it all just feels 'happy'.

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AMKitsune: @Micropipi69: Not anymore it isn't.
Also, she's looking pretty badass!

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Congratulations, you've just spoiled your appetite for dinner, and none of the other children want to play with you any more.

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AMKitsune: It's... so pure. Thank you

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AMKitsune: ... and this is why Katia was kicked out of her position as a volunteer teacher's assistant and the local orphanage.

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AMKitsune: If it's any consolation Katia, your censor bars aren't exactly 100% effective. They're more like 'visual inconveniencing bars'.
Also, how fit does a scaled individual need to be to have defined abs? Whatever the case, it would be a crime to hide all that glorious muscle behind such a flimsy concept as 'public decency'.

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AMKitsune: I'm sorry, but after seeing the little Katia, I can't get the 'villager news' theme out of my head now.

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AMKitsune: I bet he's currently seeing
and wishes he wasn't stuck behind his bar all evening. Does he want to join in with the merriment, or is he just fed up of all the noise? Who can say...

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AMKitsune: "So let me get this straight. That shady, hooded figure over there with the brush and canvas is painting a picture of me right now and intends to share it for the world to see? For a start, that's pretty creepy, and secondly, who'd even want to see a painting of me?"

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AMKitsune: The moment when Katia learns that cake can be enjoyed with ice cream. Such decadence was too much for her Khajiiti brain to comprehend.

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AMKitsune: @DarthVader: Saving as a jpeg certainly did a number on the framerate of your animation.

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AMKitsune: No Katia, that's not what you're meant to do with lego. Now cough those bricks out and let that be a lesson for you to not put random things in your mouth.
Also, Quill looks like she's putting her imagination to good use there. Let's just hope no-one walks in on her in such a compromising state .

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: It's never too late to change it! Just report the image, include a link to a new version and a mod with too much time on their hands will replace the file for ya.

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AMKitsune: In her dreams, she's crushing buildings with her stony scaled feet and swiping entire armies away with broad swinging blows from her mighty tail.
In reality, her leg's twitching like a dog's and the tip of her tail's flicking back and forth across the floor.

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AMKitsune: @semiafro007: See the long 'edit' button beneath the picture? That'll let you edit the tags and source field (if the picture originally came from another website)

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AMKitsune: @damrok4321: You see the back button near the top left of your web browser? It's like that, but in your mind.

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AMKitsune: And here I thought the dark times were behind us...

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: In fairness though, it's well made, weird shit.

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AMKitsune: Drugs Alchemy: It'll take you place you've never imagined.
I really hope there's going to be substantially more of this to come, because it's as funny as it is well made (which is very, just to be clear)

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: As long as your not adding new tags that have never been used here before (except artist tags, series names and so on), and the ones you are adding are suitably appropriate, then please, by all means go ahead.
More comprehensive tagging makes life easier for everyone (who wants to search for/blacklist stuff)!
@lapma: From the thumbnail, I initially thought this was a reference to the time Katia jumped out of a window and dinged up her leg for a bit. The fact that she was seemingly hopping on it and looked happy about it admittedly caused some confusion XD.

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AMKitsune: And that, my dear miss Weave, is why you don't give in to peer pressure and do something just because someone else does so.
Unless of course, you really didn't care that much in the first place and just put on an act of hesitation to seem respectable. You sneaky, sneaky lizard you.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: The magic... of double sided sticky tape!

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AMKitsune: @APayne1776: Let's see here... The manual says that if your Katia becomes unresponsive, press her nose for 5 seconds to initiate a soft reboot.

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AMKitsune: Yep, that sounds about right.

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: Thanks, but nah. The comments are a good enough place for it. You managed to find it, right?
@KuroNeko: I'm glad you like it as much as you do, but as far as 'animation' goes, it's just a little squash and stretch to make the two of them bounce along a path somewhere. I was imagining how they'd move when I first saw your picture and jumped to the conclusion that they'd bounce along.

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AMKitsune: Between this and your other recent picture, I definitely prefer this level of spook.

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AMKitsune: @damrok4321: But it's no longer a precious scribble. It's not more of a precious drawing now. Even better!
One thing to point out though. I don't think the pads on Katia's fingers extend down their full lengths.
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