Dec 012013

GReaperOZ wrote:
Aggy: Give advice and aid, that is what guardians do right? Maybe if you help her get through this problem maybe she can get into the less boring adventures

Aaaaaw, guar patties. That apparently is something guardians do!

Welp. You don’t recall ever giving advice and stuff in the past, but if it’s a guardian thing then you must be good at it! And being a Dark Elf, it is customary to display your superiority whenever possible.

“Oh! Um, welcome back? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“Ut! Shut up, I’m about to guardian at you.”

Veru wrote:
Aggy: Try to pat the adventurer encouragingly, only to remember you’re not tangible.

“So I gather you have some kind of problem with things not turning out the way you expect.”

“Kind of. I mean, I get that the-”

“Don’t answer. That was a rhetorical question.”

“It wasn’t actually a ques… I’m sorry, go on.”

“You see… Khajiit person… sometimes life gives you lemons. And when that happens… you need to find some spell that makes lemons explode, because lemons are terrible. I only ate them once and I can say with certainty they are the worst fruit. If life gave me lemons, I would view it as nothing short of a declaration of war.

“In a way, this reminds me of an old children’s tale from my homeland called The Littlest Scrib. You see, once upon a time in Vvardenfell there was this unusually small scrib that wanted to get the fruit at the top of an unusually tall draggle-tail plant. She couldn’t reach the fruit, so her only option was to push the plant down. The little scrib pushed and pushed at the plant, and when that didn’t work she pushed some more.

“And then the warrior-poet-god Vivec stepped on the little scrib as he rushed off the island to stop an invading barbarian force from Cyrodiil. When he got there, he killed all the invaders, blew up their fortress, and burst from the flames driving a dwarven corvette he found inside. He made water solid, did powerslides all the way back to Vvardenfell, and jumped out of the car just as it went flying into a volcano. The end. See?”

“That story was terrible.”

“I guess that’s what I get for expecting a Khajiit to appreciate the depth and intricacy of Dunmer storytelling. Look, the point of the story is that all that stuff about the scrib is stupid, and the tale only gets good once Vivec comes and starts blowing things up.

“If he didn’t show up, then it would just be about the dumb scrib doing the same thing again and again until it either worked or she died – and that would be a terrible moral to teach kids. But because Vivec does cool and exciting things, the story has become a classic piece of folklore printed in children’s books for generations.”

“That’s… great, yeah. But what if someone actually relates to the little scrib in the story? Like, they keep trying to get what they want in life, but everything they do either fails or makes things worse?

“It’s just… what if I’m just not meant to succeed at anything? What if I really am just expendable? When I came to Cyrodiil I wanted to be someone special, or even just useful, but nothing ever works. I couldn’t fix a sign, I couldn’t catch some fish, I couldn’t even deliver a little package for my-”

“Woooooah woah woah woah woah, hold on, fleabag. You’re fixing signs, fishing, and delivering packages?”

“I… yes?”

You are an atronach, like I was! I saw you take a lightning bolt back in that ruin! The stars made you a spell-absorbing, magicka-hoarding, avatar of arcane chaos!

“Surely, you’ve considered being a witchhunter, like I was.”

“… a witchhunter?”

“You know: a mage who specializes in fighting evil mages. Or magical creatures, Daedra, that sort of thing. The weird shit normal people can’t handle. You’re built for it.”

“Look, as… as neat as that would be, it’s just dumb wishful thinking. I’m not some anti-wizard, or some born magical prodigy, or anything like that. I don’t want to disappoint you, but… I’m nothing special. I’m just a wet, homeless, jobless nobody out in the rain because she has nowhere else to go.”

“Well, I can fix that.”

Additional resource credits:
Cider – the usual

  • Kazerad

    I’m closing the command thread for the next update, since it is pretty much pre-decided at this point. Hopefully after the next update is out I will have the on-site command submitter thingy functional!

    And by “I” I mean “Ch’marr”. If I was coding it, it wouldn’t work.

    • Tormuse

      Aaaaaw, guar patties!

    • Lokion123

      next page 1st panel=awesome ghostly magicka spells!!!!(w/ no success

    • Bob

      So, Kaz is the katia for programming code?
      That’s not a good sign 😐

    • Anon

      Oh stop pretending. Your update frequency has dropped down to below once a month and the plot is going nowhere. You’ve already admitted you’re railroading the show by having decided on possible plot paths in advance and are just waiting for people to trip on them, yet you’re apparently unwilling to even take the plot there.

      It doesn’t take you more than a couple hours on a sunday afternoon to doodle up a few panels (unless you’re really incompetent with a poor workflow), so it’s clearly not a matter of too little time or too much workload – other people are doing work for you as well. It’s clear that you’re not really interested in this thing anymore and are just looking for excuses to put it off indefinitely.

      We and you all know it will be 2020 before the story actually goes anywhere at this rate. Show some commitment and start working – or drop it and stop wasting everyone’s time with empty promises.

      • Bob

        Brace yourself Anon, you stirred up the hornet’s nest.

        I gotta say though, you sure have balls to give Kaz such a harsh yet constructive piece of criticism on how he has handled the overall story process and work into the project. I commend you for the bold move.

        I just wonder how Kaz and many other (rabid) fans will take your statement. Of course with most things, there are people who see the thing they adore the most to be the most perfect thing and whoever disagrees with their view of the show as envious ignorant idiots. I just hope my other fellow readers don’t do the same when they too read your critic remark.

        • Shazbot

          I’m not sure how constructive any of that was, more than just saying, ‘we are emotionally invested to the point where we don’t care about the quality of the updates. Just update, and show us what you’ve done!’

          I really don’t think most of the other accusitions are true. Sure, Kazerad has a plan, but suggestions have moved the story and there have been jokes and updates based on them.. and I’d bet this is still true.

          • Rufus the Incoherent

            I’m new, maybe provocative posts like Anon’s are common here… but it’s already been hinted that the next update is likely to be more complex than usual, and this time of year is a busy time for many. I thought Bob’s reply was intended as sarcasm, maybe I misread that.

            Anon: Simply informing the artist/author (who has given up their time, talent and imagination, for free, to keep us entertained) that you believe they’re either lazy or incompetent for not churning out more stuff doesn’t sound very ‘constructive’ to me. It just seems really ungrateful, rude, and inaccurate. My apologies if that wasn’t your intent but that’s how it came across.

          • Anon

            Making empty promises is not giving up your time and talent for free. This is not charity – Kazerad has already used his readers for his own ends. If Kazerad stops the show here, he has actually taken more of other people’s time than he ever gave them in return, which is why the one who starts a project like this should also end it.

            So, as far as he’s never going to actually finish this thing, it’s better to cut the losses short.

          • Shazbot

            I’m just going to go look at the button I got from [s] Take control of the situation, while thinking about how silly an idea it is for there not to be more time spent on people enjoying a work than time spent making it.

          • Anon

            Think of the thousands of people who didn’t get the button. Where’s their reward?

            Imagine you’re in a library where all the books have their pages torn off after page number 100. Every novel you pick up, you’ll just get in through the character introductions and the beginnings of the plot, and then nothing. Would you enjoy reading such books? Would you even bother?

            Now, imagine that you entered the library not knowing that all the books are ruined – but wait. This is a special library where they only let you turn one page every two weeks, and you have to go there for four years to discover that the end of the story simply doesn’t exist.

            How about that then?

          • Shazbot

            I like those comparisons. Comparisons to novels, instead of comparing a work of serial art, a webcomic, to another work of serial art. Apples to oranges. At the very least compare it to a book series, say, or a television show. Many of them get cancelled before reaching completion. Even so, if you’ve ever done any work such as editing, you might begin to get the idea at the sheer number of unfinished works there are out there.. many of which are not bad at all.

            No matter how you put it, you can’t make it such that the current strip archive has never happened at all, and as such, cannot take away the experiences people have had with the show. I have enjoyed Prequel greatly.. even before it’s finished. I might chafe at the current delay, but I don’t see why cancellation is required simply because updates are not coming quickly enough. It is a work of serial art, and there is stuff to enjoy within each update.

            For a real example, take the current series of novels by Patrick Rothfuss. If he were hit by a bus tomorrow, and the series would never be finished, the two existing books would be worth reading as they are greatly enjoyable within themselves. If he were not hit by a bus, but was delaying interminably his work on the third book, the first two would still be greatly enjoyable within themselves, and would thus be worth reading. If it were finished, it would improve the value of the first two, but being unfinished does not guarantee it being bad.

          • Anon

            ” the two existing books would be worth reading as they are greatly enjoyable within themselves”

            Yes. Two complete books. This piece of “serial art” hasn’t even gone through one complete chapter. We are exactly at the point of character introductions and the beginning of a plot and no further.

            And that’s how far this will ever go. Stop fooling yourself.

          • Bob

            @Rufus the Incoherent: Actually I wasn’t being sarcastic. I was actually surprised that someone like him would get the courage to openly criticize how Kaz ran things and even for total control of the story, I at least give him that. Though, I already knew that it would cause total inevitable chaos. Kinda like the Greymarch.

            Now excuse me, I need to find my calming pants.

          • Nogha

            I agree, as long as there are updates, I don’t care how frequent they are.

          • Denial

            I’m late to this conversation cause I just found the comic, but I do have one thing to say to Anon and anyone else who thinks that Kaz is just wasting our time:

            Anon’s claim that Kaz is costing us more time than he puts in is literally impossible.
            here’s a little demonstration
            ask a friend to draw a simple comic. stick figures making a fart joke is fine. give them one minute to complete their masterpiece. then time yourself reading it. if it takes you more than five seconds to process the entire comic, there’s something wrong. unless you spend hours at a time hitting refresh on the main page of this site, the situation is the same with this comic. it simply takes longer to create than to consume.
            with this in mind, i would like to say that two months between updates is a bit much, but what do you want for free? put this in your favorites bar and read something else for a while, checking back here every couple weeks or months. works for me.
            also, your comments about the value of unfinished works seem… odd. stories are about enjoying the journey, not reaching the end. if the conclusion of a tale was all that mattered, all stories would be boring cause they just end with the good guys winning or some psychobabble about how there are no good guys to win. enjoy the moment, dude.

          • Anon

            A journey is pointless without an end, and an end is meaningless without a journey.

            And if one person spends 10 seconds every day checking whether there has been an update that day, ten thousand visitors collectively waste three hours of work or pleasure every day for a cumulative loss of 19 hours a week.

            And by the rate at which things are moving, Kaz spends less than three hours a month on the comic. It has probably taken me more time to type this message than how much work he has put on the actual comic in the last two months for the simple reason that he has done exactly f*** all.

          • Lilli

            It’s literally impossible to be unbiased, but try.

            Anon is right, and as harsh as his words were, he was…not necessarily constructive, but his comment did make sense.

            Kaz has been delaying for a very long time, and he has been committing a bit of perjury.
            However, this might not be his fault. He may have lost interest, but he lost interest in what I dub a “petty hobby”. Obviously it isn’t petty to many people, but it is a hobby which gives a thrill in the beginning as a new thing. Basically, as far as my experience tells, it is a hobby which follows this pattern:
            1. Begin hobby. Love it for the thrill/refreshment of a new activity, e.g. begins drawing/writing
            2. Continue for a while. Duration/productivity varies by person and their opinions
            3. Good opinion expires, activity gets boring. Productivity decreases, e.g. Kaz stops
            4. Quit.
            5. After getting bored of other hobbies, come back but not have as much thrill
            6. Pretty much repeat 2-6

            Now, I understand the feeling of getting bored; run a comic/story for two years and that happens. However, it would still be nice to inform the readers of a pause or retirement. There are many webcomics which have obviously long since died, but you will find old readers sometimes peeking back to see if it updated yet, since the people who make or run them never said they were stopping.

            Additionally, Anon does not mean that “statistics show that us readers are taking more time to read than it takes Kaz to make”. There…probably is something wrong with that, you might want to update your OS and switch out of IE6. I may be wrong, but I interpret that he means Kaz is telling us that he will update, but with no definite time. People have waited three months now, and will still be waiting indefinitely. It would be helpful to state some kind of time, such as “I will be taking a break from this so I don’t die of trying too hard to draw and write this story, but expect updates two months later” or something like that. I think he means that pretty much every day people are sitting down checking and hoping that he updated while they were sleeping, eating, working, or even refreshing (which some people do), only to be disappointed by a December 1, 2013 page. It should probably be expected by now (take the number of days, weeks, seconds, or whatever that has passed since the last update and put it under 1, for instance, 1/80 or however many days, that’s probably how human logic on this stuff works) that there will be little chance for an update, but people with still check hoping for a change.

            Of course, I don’t mean to discourage or rush Kaz, but the truth is the truth and there is fault on part of Kaz. There are people hoping to see more of the story because they like it, and basically Kaz is failing to deliver. This likely depresses the readers’ spirits. Then, he says he will update, and the readers look forward to the update as Katia looks forward to Kvatch, but end up in the same (metaphorical, emotional, probably-not-stripped-and-robbed-by-an-update-schedule) scenario as her when Kaz doesn’t do so. I will not tell Kaz he should come back to this — Kaz could quit making this story entirely and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it — but if Kaz does not plan on doing so, even if just for a while, Kaz should probably inform the readers. This way, even if the readers are extremely disappointed, at least they know they weren’t outright abandoned by someone they looked up to and trusted.

            After all, we are all imperfect, even if in a perfect way; everything has flaws. If Kaz suddenly hated doing all this, let him hate it; Kaz has rights to preference and shouldn’t be forced to do something just because he started it and stopped liking it. Kaz may be looking for a new hobby to stick to for now or forever, or he could be working on the next one. It doesn’t matter. A classical violin soloist at a concert could finish the piece and leave. The soloist could choose to play a few extra pieces. The soloist could pause for a break in the middle, and could even choose to just stop at the worst chord of a piece and just walk off the stage, never coming back. If the the soloist had played many times before, and the audience looked up to the soloist, trusted the soloist, respected the soloist, it could not — and probably would not if it could — stop the soloist from doing so. Maybe the soloist will play cello solos for a while and come back, maybe not.

            Kaz can make his own choice. Try not to peer pressure him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. Peer pressure is usually only good when used to persuade someone to do something the person wants to do, but doesn’t have the resolve to; at those times, it could be very helpful. If we are to respect, trust, and look up to Kaz, then we will do so by all means. (If not, then, well, do what commands those biological Intels are chugging out.) If Kaz makes the decision to stop, then obviously people will be disappointed, but Kaz made a decision which people who respect him should respect. Kaz wouldn’t be at fault for not liking this; Kaz imagined it and was kind enough to share put effort into it to share it. Kaz never needed to share it with anyone; it was a world which could have been honed down without external guidance. Although it may not have been the same, it definitely could have existed without the W3.

            ———-If you just want to skip to the conclusion———-

            Kaz put effort into sharing this with the W3. It was a little world which was introduced and will eventually make its parting. Kaz has the authority to decide when it will leave, and when it is made, the decision Kaz made must be acknowledged as the decision Kaz made, and nobody is directly entitled to change that decision without permission from Kaz.
            Please make any decision soon, and make the last decision when you feel it fit.

          • Kazerad

            I’m not bored or giving up the comic, guys D=. I’ve just been sick, then visiting family, then snowed in, then without power, then without internet, then more snow, then sick again. These three months have been weird.

            I mean, I feel bad about delaying it for so long, but I’m not really hiding any secret motivations or anything. I’ve just been having Katia-luck.

          • Lilli

            Hey, like I said, I don’t blame you. There are reasons, and I’ll wait if you say you’ll get back. Anyway, I was only proposing it as a possibility, since lots of comics have stopped and most people preferred being told instead of being left out to hang.

            Don’t worry about feeling bad about delaying it long; you (hopefully) don’t have Katia-time, so if you’re feeling bored, just put it off for a few days and do something else, it sometimes helps. It is your comic, and if you have some technical issues then you have some technical issues.

            Don’t get too stressed about it, it won’t help you recover from any sicknesses or anything.

            And eat some oranges? I used to eat way too many Vitamin-C tablets (they were yummy), and I haven’t eaten a single one in half a year but I think that according to the %DV I still have a month or so left before it expires.

            Assuming the effect lasts:

            833%DV(Vitamin-C)/tablet * 6 tablets/day * 20 days
            = 100000%DV(Vitamin-C)

            1000 days total – ~180 days

          • Yetanotheranon

            That was spot on, Lilli. I think no one here could have said it better. The decision of stopping or not to draw this comic is entirely Kaz’ and we should not rain down fire on him for it,

            Then again, I’ll take Kaz’ word about his Katia-luck. Just try to update from time to time, you know? Or things like this comment thread may start appearing. Get better soon.

          • Anon

            “I’m not bored or giving up the comic, guys D=”

            Yes you are.

            It’s been three months, about 90 days or 2100 hours, and you did not spend a single one of them, even while being “snowed in” to scribble one comic panel even if just to pass the time, yet you find the time to occasionally post notices that you’ll be updating the comic “next week” – only to make another notice two week later to say “Oops I did it again”, and then do it again.

            You’ve literally spent the time just making excuses, that you could have spent actually making a small update to the comic to keep things rolling. I don’t know why you even bother. It’s perfectly clear that you are not actually going to, and you should just stop wasting everyone’s time.

          • Jo

            You people who are checking back “every day” should really enter the 20th century and check out, a comics tracker that serves you a daily link to every comic that’s updated itself since you last looked. We’re not living in 4E any more, chaps.

        • A1Qicks

          I think you possibly made this comment about 20 updates too late.

          I’ve just come to Prequel in the last few days, I read it over the course of two, and there has been a significant amount of plot.

          The reason there doesn’t seem to be is because the actual story has only taken about 5/6 days to get to this point. You couldn’t get anywhere in game or life over that course of time. And she’s learnt magic, made some friends, started down the path of breaking her alcohol addiction… it’s all good stuff.

          Speaking for myself, I enjoy the fact that the author has a plot in mind but also allows us some interaction. It means that there’s a story to follow but we’re more invested than if we were just reading it.

          I just hope Kaz doesn’t abandon it entirely, it’s my new favourite webcomic.

          • Anon


            Now realize that it has taken nearly THREE YEARS to get to this point.

            At the beginning in 2011 Kaz made an update almost every day for four months. Then he slowed down to two updates per week, then to once per week. Then to once every two weeks, now twice a month.

            2011 – 137 updates – 13.7 per month
            2012 – 46 updates – 3.8 per month
            2013 – 28 updates – 2.3 per month

            Here’s a statistical look on how frequently the story updates:


            By the series trend, we can expect an average of 1.25 updates per month for the year 2014 for a total of 15 updates, which, assuming the pace of the plot keeps the same will advance the story by another 12 hours in the next 12 months.

            It’s simply going too slowly to make sense anymore. Even if Kazerad made bigger updates to compensate for the lack of them – to get the story going somewhere – he’d just have to drop the entire pretense of an interactive story because the points at which you can make new suggestions simply become too sparse. You need 4-8 updates per month to keep it relevant and up to speed.

            That means we will never see what happens to Sigrid, whether Katia succeeds in the dancing competition, or whether she gets her stuff back and returns to Anvil before Kazerad abandons the project out of boredom, since it is blatantly obvious that he isn’t going to keep updating it for more than another year or so. What would be the point if he isn’t going to pick up the pace? It’s just delay after delay, excuse after excuse.

            So best we wrap up the story in the next few updates and move on to do something else because this is really going nowhere.

          • Gren

            The guy may be a bit harsh but he surely has a point. It has been more than two years since we are in Kvatch and yet there’s still plenty of things unresolved.

          • Anon

            With Kazerad’s update rate asymptotically approaching zero due to these “inadvertent” delays, plenty of things will remain unresolved forever even if he did continue drawing it.

          • Anotheranon

            We are also forgetting that Kaz’s art style has improved significantly over these three years. We are seeing less of the copy-paste circle-headed cat and more of the detailed Katia at different angles and varied backgrounds.

            This stuff takes time as well.

          • Gren

            What about the “second Kazerad”? Isn’t Cider the one who makes the backgrounds lately? I thought Kaz was training him to help him out with the art process and speed up the pace of the updates. I remember he said he intended to bring one update per week and half.

          • Anon

            That’s not nearly fast enough. Besides, he hasn’t been able to keep up to a rate of 1½ weeks either. The current average rate over the past 6 months has been 2.17, or almost exactly once every 2 weeks.

            There’s just an illusion of progress when Kazerad decides to update 4 times in one single month and perhaps thinks he’s caught up with the schedule, but overall he’s slowing down consistently with ever-stretching delays and other “whoops I forgot” excuses. If he had kept up to his plan of 1½ weeks, we would have been where we are now around mid September.

            If Kazerad had continued to update four times a month through 2013 that would have been in July, or half a year ago.

          • Yetanotheranon

            Although I don’t agree with anon’s opinion about the suggestions, I think the points he/she raises about the updates are kinda valid. I don’t feel, personally, so attached that I can’t live on without this comic, so I’m okay with waiting. But I got attached enough so it would be extremely disappointing if it were cancelled, so I guess slow is better than nothing.

            But anon is right. If Kazerad is going to drop this comic, I’d prefer him to do so right now, which would still be really bad, but not as soul-crushing as dragging it on and on and dropping it later. Of course, a miraculous save and raising of the update ratio to twice every week would still be very welcome, just saying.

          • Kazerad

            Oh wow this comment thread got LONG. D=

            I’m still here, guys. I was just busy over the holidays. A few of you know I’m trying to get into the habit of writing more so I can (hopefully) produce updates faster. We’ll see how that goes.

          • Joce

            Anon, I know anything said won’t change your mind at this point so take a deep breath and deal a sec.

            Kaz; thank you. It doesnt matter how long something takes, if you, the creator, arent able to create, others can wait. Would we all rather see more updates? Yes, of course!! But allowing others to view your work is a free service offered at your discretion. Shit happens, I get it–we get it. Life gets in the way more often than not, and if it means illustrations for a webcomic get put on hold for the sake of school or family or career or health, thats ok.
            If updating as frequently as you would like isn’t possible, just announce an official schedule change. Perhaps there will be grumbling and distant rage from those who want to see more, but they are on the other end of a monitor or mobile device and pose no actual threat. That being said, yes, if you promise to follow through with a schedule, please do. But it’s alright to be slow. It’s within your rights entirely to take your time on the updates, just as its within anyone else’s rights to stop reading and find some comic that updates rigorously to satisfy them.
            And be encouraged! People want you to update more because they love what you do! Maybe you can use that as motivation to help get it done. But don’t let it keep you down.
            I got here 24 hours ago and I love what you do, and I would love to see more, but I also understand that YOUR webcomic is allowed to move at YOUR pace. Keep up the brilliant work.

          • Anon

            Oh Joce, we understand that you’ve only just gotten here, and you’re feeling dazed like you’re watching the end credits of a movie, thinking you just got to have a tiny bit more no matter what, but that’s not a reason to brown your nose.

            Bob: “I was actually surprised that someone like him would get the courage to openly criticize…”

            Who exactly am I?

          • Blah

            things might pick up again.
            There is another webcomic I am reading called MSF high that dropped off like this and stay at one update a month for the past 2 years and has very recently started running at once a week again with apologies from the author and has stayed consistent at the one update a week schedule ever since. so things may take time right now but that doesn’t mean it wont pick up again some time in the future.
            @Anon: if you want the webcomic to end so badly, then simply stop reading it yourself and stop being such a downer of a critic.

          • Neo za Buraddoejji

            Hey i am new here!!!!
            For me get to this point take me 3 days of full reading, the comic is osom 😀 but… i know how hard can be make a comic with gifs, games and interactivity with the readers.

            Only imagine how much time takes make a game… even a crap one. (I make games in C++ and GM) these thing take time.

            I read others comics, some make updates per week, others per month… everyone begin with basic drawings… then become in nice art work.

            So i wanna say that for to criticize someone… you need to put their shoes, i dont believe some one here can take the right pace to handle a web comic as prequel is (with games, gifs… interactive pannels and interaction with the public).

            Finally mention that I know of projects that end in cancellation as SMBZ, mostly because of time or difficulties to continue the project. If this guy “Kaz” thought abouth canceling the comic… is his decision, it would also mentioned that already.

            (sorry for my bad English)

          • Lutair

            Anon, you need to realize that when you choose to read something, you are giving NOTHING to the person who created it. As far as I can tell there are no ads on this page, or at least none I see. I am frankly baffled that this comic has gone for three years with hundreds of pages without ads. This comic is extremely funny and has moments of true sadness and the art has been consistently improving (even at the beginning it was no amateur stuff) and it’s also interactive?? With flash animations????? and games????????

            Kaz, you are awesome. I would definitely willing to buy some merch or support a kickstarter if you wanted to get one going. This comic is pure gold and you should be extremely proud of yourself for how awesome of a job you’ve done. Seriously, if more people would also be interested, a merch store would be great and maybe make you a decent amount of scratch. I hear topatoco is really nice for freelance webcomic artists.

            And as far as updates go, do what you can. It seems like you really care about this comic, so I don’t think you’d abandon it. Obviously more is better but if you have to slow down for something personal, don’t feel bad cuz you owe us nothing.

          • Kazerad

            Aw, he’s not giving nothing. He’s giving his love and readership, and I appreciate it <3. Or I will appreciate it if he's still around by the time I finally finish the next update.

          • OneMoreAnon

            Wow, Kaz, you are *awesome* (and no, that is not sarcasm!). Rarely is anyone able to take the sort of criticism leveled against you here in such a mature manner and be so incredibly polite in response. I really, really love seeing that.

            Also, I love your comic, and I quite frankly don’t care what pace you move at. If I really get frustrated waiting, I’ll go away for a few months and then come back and read a chunk at once. When a webcomic *does* hit a point at which I longer want to read it (like my once-beloved Sluggy Freelance, which I just totally lost interest in), I stop reading it. I don’t know why others don’t do the same. But, that’s just my two cents.

          • Gren

            OMG! This shitstorm has to stop! Seriously guys, I know you’re desperate for a new update as much as I am, but there is no point to keep repeating the same complaint over and over again. The same goes for the Kaz-lovers, I know you guys support Kazerad in everything he does but if you keep defending him so much you’re just feeding the trolls (and besides it’s too weird. Seems as if you have fantasies with him or something). ಠ_ಠ

            Also, Aggy is not his real name, he just can’t remember it because of the whole ghost all-consuming insanity thing. And don’t you dare to question him, he’s a Dark Elf, everything he does is perferct, and so is his name.

          • weevs

            (I may have joined the discussion a little late, but anyway) This drop in update rate isn’t unusual, it even happens to webcomics with a script already written and 3 to 5 people working on them, kaz may have help with the site from ch’mar and the art from cider but it’s still an interactive comic without a solid script to work on.

            Also compare the amount of stuff in the first year updates to the current updates, you saw maybe 1 or 2 animated panels per update, and those were mostly blinking or mouths moving, that sort of thing, when someone changes his stile and comes up with more complex stuff it will naturally take them a while till they get used to it and pick up the pace.

            In conclusion I think the update rate will grow to about 1update/2weeks or so eventually, the same thing happened to SDamned and a few more comics i’m not gonna name when the artists changed their art stiles abruptly or were buisy with other projects.

          • Restless Viewer

            This is absurd. We keep hearing so much about how Kaz is trying to get updates out faster, but the delays keep getting longer and longer. Can we at least know WHY it’s been more than two months since the last update? “Next few updates are still being worked on” doesn’t really cut it when we haven’t seen any evidence that this is the case.

            The longer this delay stretches out, the less likely the product will be worth the wait.

          • Namari

            well i want to see the next one too, but regretfully pestering him won’t make him go faster. now a whip on the other hand…. heh heh… i mean, um, hi there?

            ahem, anyway, my request is maybe can something be done about the ‘take control of the situation’ comic? since the contest ended the whole comic is all vanished again now. it’d be nice to be able to read it again, for giggles.

          • Kirone

            1. Ch’marr is a co creator now, read copyright at bottom of the page.
            2. Kaz, you are awesome. Do not let Anon (or any of the ANONymous legion) keep you from doing anything.
            3. Katia Managan has taught us all some very important things, and maybe some of these lessons learned are for YOU more than us right now.
            4. I have found the commands page, and the fanart one. I now listen to “Young Khajiit” every day. In coordination with the above (3.) message. Look at what your creation has inspired. See the things in your life that have brought you to make what you have made so far. We are a collective of individuals, brought together by YOU. Be proud, and kudos to those helping you with your “tree house” problem.
            5. I am actually running out of ideas to tell you Kaz. Keep up what you’re doing. I’d wait a long time for good old-fashioned plot and humor

            Katia’s Off Aim Fireball> Hit aggy and boost his power.

          • ecuador

            This is easily the best webcomic I’ve ever read. The story so far has been absolutely perfect. But anon is completely right in that Kaz has stopped updating seemingly out of nowhere. An honest answer from him about whatever has been keeping him from updates, be it a lack of time, a lack of devotion, studies, or whatever crazy thing would be great. And if it’s him just not caring about the comic, he needs to just either end it or try to find someone else to work on it or something, because him just putting out 1 update a month would be completely ridiculous.

          • Namari

            as much as i want to defend kaz at this point, im getting a smidgen irked that they continue to say repeatedly ‘oh i’ll resume this week’ about once a week. pretty sure at least 4 of the little notations at the top said something along those lines. it’s been exactly 7 days since their last ‘this week’ promise. so im not really holding much hope that it’ll happen anytime soon. i’ve been giving them the benefit of a doubt and continuing to check every few days, but this is getting a little drawn out. if it’s gonna end, just say so and be done with it. stringing us all along is not really cool. say you have no idea when the next update will be. and then when the next update comes along, then we’ll just be happy and surprised and not disappointed that yet again, it’s been delayed. i know it’s free, but it’s also not like kaz gains nothing from it. they get practice, constant encouragement from adoring fans, they also used us to win a large contest at least once, which im fairly certain they got monetary gain from.

          • Samskies

            Okay, but it makes sense that the updates have been taking longer. Go look at the first page again.
            It is enjoyable, but look at the lack of details. Someone with basic drawing/editing/and animation skills could make it in a a day or two if they had free time. It looks like 25 frames aaaaand, then a paragraph and that’s it for the first page. Even the third or fourth one where she confronts they lady in the elf’s bar has a total of around 19 frames for those 5 animated gifs and wow just look at the detail on that. A table AND a blank wall.

            Now updates are like 10-20 images, some of which are animated. This update has 18 images with 15 of them being animated rain with the once or twice lightening effect (and the one with a levitating book). Plus there are a variety of poses now, details on the wall, background, and stuff that takes time and skill.

            Yeah, updates aren’t as frequent, but they’re clearly better now. And better means more work and time put in to make each update. In two years people improve with their skills, but that doesn’t mean that this still doesn’t take a lot of time. Heck! There was a fricking flash game in one of the updates! And sometimes a little movie.

          • Namari

            it’s also been 3 months since the last update. i’d rather have slightly lower quality updates once a month than better ones once every 4-5 months. kaz has also been training someone else to help with the drawing, and they’ve already contributed to the updates. so 2 people… still would rather have even monthly updates rather than super duper high detail updates. at the current pace, we’d get about 4 updates a year. assuming we get an update right away and it doesn’t take another couple months anyway. im not going to hold my breath though.

        • Lilli

          Hornet’s nest? Reminds me of this. Try not to let everyone at your workspace hear, it involves some…strange analogies.

      • Moo?

        KAZ IS DOING THE BEST HE CAN! ‘cries in a corner”

        • DeeGee

          My daughter sent me the link for this yesterday. I have now read them all. Katia F. Managan is my new hero. I’m making a mural of her in my house.
          I know how it goes with the ebb and flow a a particular passion. Just know that when the “ebb” is over we are all waiting with baited breath for the next “flow”.

          • nerfgobbler

            Holy shit! Post it when it’s done.

        • Kirone

          Kaz is male?

          • Namari

            i have no idea what gender Kaz is. in my mind, i’ve always pictured them as male i suppose, but i really have no idea.

      • fisto

        man it must be really hard waiting for entertainment that’s free, huh???

        • weevs

          They should include a thumbs up system ’cause this guy↑ really deserves one.

      • NoriMori

        I kind of can’t believe how much of an asshole you are in just this one comment. If Prequel loses YOU as a reader, I would encourage Kaz to take it as a point of pride.

    • red_pharoah

      Oh no! Kazerad just went full Hussie!

    • Tammage

      Just found your comic a few days ago, have enjoyed it so far! People like you are awesome for donating your time and energy into making a free entertainment source. I’ll be putting Prequel into my comics bookmarks folder now, and look forward to seeing your next update 😀

      P.S. Seriously though, try not to feel pressured by your readers. You are perfectly entitled to have a life outside of comic making!
      P.P.S. Is it just me, or do some people actually sound like they’re yelling ‘DRAW MONKEY, DRAW!’?

      • Snickering Hollow

        Tammage you are perfectly right! I’m not sure how many people here actually read more than this and homestuck but this delay is the best of several things that can happen with demanded output most of which centered around the story actually dying like so many, for instance “A Story”, which funny enough is about a happy dog.

        I for one would like to say that I really enjoy this story and as long as the writer still loves it will happily spend a few moments a day checking the site for the chance to see more of our sad cat! And until Kaz pulls a wswfg and requests payment I wont make a fuss. If he does on the other hand, I will throw money at him for sad cats and then make mild encouraging fusses for cats 🙂

    • Arcane Arts

      AAWAWWWWWWW!!!!!!! i started reading this story about a week ago and now ive caught up to it. I KNEW I SHOULDENT HAVE READ SO MUCH ITS JUST TO GOOD!!!!! Y U HAVE TO DO SUCH AN AMAZING JOB AT IT!!!!!!!!! but seriously this is AWESOME. oh and one suggestion mabye try to put in like some kind of assassin like assassin’s creed style Khajiit teaches katia some sweet parkour stuff or possibly more things like it kind of like the old guy gave her fighting tips or Mr.integrity kept encouraging Katia to try doing magic before they left to go deliver QW’s letter. I think that would be a great way to increase Katia’s skills. THANKS FOR THE GREAT READ KEEP IT UP PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Guys, there is a major problem here!
        You all need to stop having hissy fits over this! (I’m looking at you, Anon!) He will update when he can, okay? I understand it’s been two months, but that doesn’t mean you need to toss Kaz off buildings! Holy sweet Jesus!

    • Arcane Arts

      also one other question Y HAVENT YOU BECOME AN AUTHOR YET YOU ARE SOSOOOOOOOO GOOOODDDD AT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      i give all of my support.

    • TheTurnipKing

      Beginning to think you might have closed the thread prematurely, to be honest.

    • Im batmn

      Im Kinda Suprised in you katia, I took you as somone who, even you screwed up, you would still try, and try, and try. But If you relly want to Moap, Fine, But IF I were you, I would have your kinda jerk goshtsy friend to help you.

  • Ukstriker

    Oh god, it’s happening!
    *Insert Ron Paul gif here*

    • Erik Farven

      you mean Stephen Colber?

      • Moose Guts

        *insert Gabe Newell gif here*

        Uhh.. No

  • No Name Given

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw shit

    • Dravus

      my sentiments excatly

      • AcridRogue

        Not sure if cat pun or bad typo.

        • Baby Blue Pajama Bottoms

          Cat’n you tell?

          • Lighting Flickers


          • Bob

            Something tells me that this site needs image support on the comment posts.

            All in favor…?

          • Kirone


            “AYE AYE CAP’N!!”

  • Ayakudere

    And now that atronach thingy will fail to work. Yep.

  • kome

    yeah update! i knew randomly refreshing would pay off! the thing Aggy does next will be amazing. i guarantee it.

  • tronn

    Oh no, he’s going get Katia fixed!

    • Tachyon

      That might be to her benefit, if the Witchhunter thing fails.

      • Moose Guts

        That’s not what I thought when he said ‘fixed’.

        • Bob

          A CAT IS FINE TOO >:3


        • Bob Barker

          Bob Barker reminding you: help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.

  • kome

    Also i like how the “camera” angle is in the last panel. very dramatic!

    • Zzzzzx

      He even froze the rain in midair.

      • Groggarioth

        Don’t you know, whenever you start catsing heavy magics, gravity fails for small things like water, or pebbles, or buildings.

        • Va

          Or Paintbrushes.

          • Volchek

            ESPECIALLY Paintbrushes.

  • Skianous

    Shit just got real !

    Go, Aggy !

  • Sean Ham

    Omg i love this comic so much.

  • Giona Hawkins

    No way this can possibly screw up. Not in the slightest!

    • Sigmund

      Of course not. He’s a dunmer. They do everything flawlessly.

  • Bompi
    • Ukstriker

      hahaha, oh my XD

    • for the lazy: “so cool” and “kaboom”

      • Moose Guts


  • A Dude

    Oh snap, things are kicking off!

  • kome

    the words are so cool and KABOOM

  • Jix

    I’m having trouble with the daedric writtings. Can’t make out the first word. “Soc???o??”. Second word is Kaboom.

    • Fortune

      I believe it says “so cool”

      • Galen

        It does.

        BTW, that is now one of my favorite panels ever.

  • someone

    I’m pretty sure Katia is already fixed. She has slept with just about everything in two provinces, and doesn’t have any offspring.

    Or maybe she just repeatedly failed at being a mother.

    • Contrast

      I think it’s incredibly unlikely (or maybe even impossible) for a Khajiit to bear children by any of the non-Khajiit races. She may have slept with other Khajiit before arriving in Cyrodiil, but we know almost nothing about her life before she stepped off that ship.

      • Gren

        But Landorumil has prophesied the bad luck spiral of doom caused by an impossible interspecies litter of black cats, and he is a High Elf, he cannot be wrong. XD

        • JJR

          Yes but we already saw the result of that bad luck spiral when it killed Dimitri and Landorumil. The fact that they were killed before any such spiral started only proves the point.
          Obviously what happened was the spiral monopolized all the bad luck in the world, meaning that most people could no longer have any bad luck; another way to phrase this is that all those people would have been lucky. But it would be contradictory for a bad luck spiral to cause good luck, so it sent some bad luck back in time to prevent itself.
          We can therefore conclude that there both have been and will never be impossible interspecies litters of black cats. This preserves Landorumil’s correctness without requiring us to see the proposed cats.

          • Unclever title

            This conclusion is beautiful. And you’re beautiful for having made it.

          • Gren

            Excuse me sir, but are you a fucking high elf? That explanation was one of the most smartest things I ever heard. However, I think rather than sending bad luck to the past it sent the lucky orc to finish the job. Therefore, it contradict itself.
            But seriously, I think somehow Dmitri evaded death (thus counteracting bad luck). Otherwise, what could explain what is doing the Welkind cat in Kvatch with the letter tied on him?

    • Weeellll, it IS possible, but there’s a very low chance of the offspring being Khajiit. Instead, the offspring will be a non-beastfolk with some Khajiit blood, in some cases being one cat’s eye instead of, say, two dark elf eyes, or just some pretty nasty defects. Now, what happens if the parents are Argonian and Khajiit? No idea, to be honest.

      • TC Ibisi

        From what I remember of the lore, inter-species children take after the race of the mother, but there’s no reference to a female Khajiit/male non-Khajiit pairing, let alone one that resulted in offspring.

        Then again, all of this brought to you by a few UESP archive binges a few years ago, so if anyone else has more nifty Khajiiti lore to share, I’d love to know 😀

        • Kirone

          I’m pretty sure if we follow the breeding rules set by TC Ibisi and Pokemon, the child will be of the mother’s species.

  • lautalocos

    dunmer storytelling is the best!

    • Dan

      More children’s books should follow it’s example. Everything is better when Vivec is blowing things up.

    • Story Mode

      Oh my gosh Kaz is dunmer?

  • Person formally known as Uknown

    Aggys mouth is missing in the 13th panelanel

    • Relth

      If there’s one thing useful that I’ve learned in graphics class is that less is more.

  • C0Mmander

    Well if this works she’ll at least be immune to any magic spells Singrid might use on her. She won’t be immune to getting charmed into jumping down a cliff of course. And she might also be unable to get any healing anymore. But I’m everything will turn out just fine.

  • Bob

    Suddenly a random RPG battle appeared!

    That’s what my guess is for the next update ‘~’

  • Gren

    OMG Kaz, you’ve read my fucking mind! And here I was thinking I was the only one seeing Katia as a Witchhunter. Now she only needs to learn to use a bow.
    Who’s next? Asotil the Warrior? Quill Weave the Agent? Dmitri the Sorcerer? Gharug the Bard? Sigrid the Mage? Stephane the Healer?

    • Bob

      Really? Katia, a witchhunter?

      I was think more in the lines of a Nightblade. She already has the increased attributes of stealth from being a kajhitt (inb4 racism). Also she looks like she’d do better with a sword than a bow.

      (Then again, in Oblivion I’m a Dunmer spellsword whose main spells are alteration, so looks can be deceiving…)

      • Gren

        She already has said (and we’ve been witnesses of that) that has no natural skills tipical of her species (well, except for her increased speed in all fours and her claws. Other than that, she’s a disgrace for her species, she fails to jump long distances and cannot even activate the eyes thingies without hurting herself). C’mon, she can’t even socialize properly with another Khajiits. Besides, I don’t think she fits with the profile of a Nightblade. A Nightblade is practically an Assassin with increased magical skills (they instead prefer to specialize in Alteration and Destruction rather than Security and Marksman).
        I suppose the one who fits better with that class is Dmitri. Since he is a Redguard you would think he should be a Battlemage if you consider his natural skills with melee weapons, strength and endurance but, like Katia, he seems to fail in that.

        • Shazbot

          The Khajiit that run on all fours don’t run on all twos, so there’s something wrong with her there, too.

        • TheTurnipKing

          Eye of Fear was downplayed because the players were trying to solve every problem with it.

          The old “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” truism at work.

      • Gren

        Plus, when it comes to Strength, female Khajiits are the weakest creatures from between all the species of Tamriel. So a blade or a blunt weapon will not suit her at all. As we’ve seen when she was training with Ilden, the old Redguard did not put any effort at all to block all her blows, he even stopped one with a finger.

        • Bob

          I amend you for going to much detail to show how she wouldn’t fit in as a nightblade, bravo.

          Though, even if archery does become her weapon of choice, doesn’t it still require a good amount of arm strength and accuracy? I still have some doubts that she could hit a target a few good yards away, even if she kept at it.

          • Gren

            Meh, there’s no need to take me so serious, I never said I was cent percent sure if this would be the best class for her. Besides, I think Kaz is not referring at it as a class but as career/occupation. Therefore, since this comic is not attached to the game mechanics perhaps there is no reason to think she must be an archer to be a witchhunter as long as she do her job (of course, keeping a safe distance). Not to mention she already has failed using a bow while trying to kill those slaugtherfish. (But who knows… maybe all what she need is a bit of training. She did it well back then when she tried to control her magical powers).

            Oh, and if I recall, she said she became a bit stronger having been hanging on a rope in that well for hours till the evening. Apparently, it didn’t change anything with blunt weapons like that branch shaped mace but could be just enough to handle a bow.

            And about Accuracy, well, if she plans to rely in Destruction as her main skill (i.e. her fireballs) then she’ll have to get better on that too.

          • Unclever title

            She couldn’t hit a slaughter fish at the bottom of a well. And that is probably quite literally like shooting fish in a barrel.

            I don’t think she has archery in her.

          • Gren

            If you have played the game, then try to shoot an arrow to whatever target underwater. It is not possible, specially slaughter fish, they are too fast and elusive.

          • Unclever title

            I have played the game, pretty much the only way to properly kill a slaughterfish is by getting in the water and letting it attack you while you hack it to pieces.

            Usually if I would be killing a slaughterfish it would be in a river or lake. But this is a well we’re talking about. It looks about 4 to 5 feet in diameter, and there were two slaughterfish down there.

            Regardless, (Redguardless?) if you look at the panels when Katia is shooting the angle makes it clear she hit the wall both times.

            Anyway my post above was mostly so I could use the phrase “like shooting fish in a barrel” in this context.

          • Serana

            1:) it’s very hard to shoot fish in a barrel, watch mythbusters
            2:) in oblivion, the arrow does not simply go through the water, it stops on contact
            3:) you can’t sprint in oblivion, and even on skyrim, khajiit don’t run on all fours
            4:) to kill a slaughterfish in oblivion, one must melee it to death

            Vampire logic. ;D

          • Gren

            Thank you, captain obvious.
            But seriously, this comic is not strictly bounded to the game mechanics so there’s no need to be so picky about that.

          • Serana

            Thank you for your sudden outburst of kindness… I’ll remember it next time im feeling hungry… ;D

          • Bob

            @Unclever: That pun was bad and you should feel bad.

            Also, it’s not very easy to shoot down at something that has almost no visibility at the bottom. Remember the bottom of the well (or any well) was almost completely dark so even shooting at something swimming in waist deep water would be a bit tricky for even a well trained archer.

            Also side note: Fuck slaughterfish. I see one, I personally dive in and punch them to death.

          • Ghetto monk

            You’re an experienced monk, I see…
            *attempt high five* don’t leave me hanging… 🙁

          • Xenny

            I think she could wield a Quarterstaff or Daggar quite nicely.

          • Snickering Hollow

            Dude do you even rpg? Bows are dex based and sometimes even then (such as in everything but Morrowind) are based only on sheer willpower and leveling. Core stats Katia fits bow well and you cant rule out natural weapon advantages because they are based on the fact that she is agile and would have an affinity for them. Kaz has alot of options here that would make sense.

            Oh and Bob, I too share your benign hatred for slaughterfish, however I will raise you one oldie.

            CLIFF RACER

  • Ransom

    Yes yes yes! Can’t wait for what this ghost has in store.

  • Panel 9: Mine. Called it.

    • Blue Dragon

      Ok, you can have Panel 9 this time – which admittedly is #1 in the cuteness factor – but I’ll happily take #13 as a second-choice with the flashy-lightning-thingy. How cool is that? I bet 1/2 the people just skimmed right over that not thinking about it since it just looks so.. right. But it is my 2nd choice. 9 is supreme.

  • 9goat

    tbh aggys story makes surprising amounts of sense when you think about it

    • Person formally known as Uknown

      Now that Ive reread it, it actually does.

  • Phantomspaceman

    I like where this is going. I also like that the ghost had to hold page down to levitate down to Katia’s level for a heart-to-heart.

  • Gammahoof

    This is either going to fail in an anticlimactic manner like everything else in Katia’s life…

    or be the greatest thing ever!

  • Aww damn she got the cutest pout ever kn tgis update

  • D. G.

    This is exactly as I remembered Vivec. Though, since when do Cyrodillian barbarians have Dwemer Corvettes?

    Also, weren’t peas the worst fruit just a minute ago?

    • Unclever title

      I’m fairly sure by ‘barbarians’ he’s referring to everyone not an elf. That still doesn’t really explain the car.

  • Desfareg

    Shit is about to get SO REAL

  • AngremboR

    it’s just me who is afraid in the next picture Aggy will actually kill Katia?

    • EViper

      Killing Katia would likely end the webcomic, and Kaz is working on a new “commands/suggestions” page… which would be kinda pointless if there was no more Prequel. Not worried. 🙂 Though I am not so confident about Katia’s over-all well-being by the end of the next update. :/

      This is an awesome update BTW. I literally bounced. Awesomesauce last panel.

  • Desfareg

    Shit is about to get SO REAL

  • Gren

    You know, it’s kind of funny to see how Aggy is unable to touch Katia but has no problem to hold physical objects such as a dictionary or a poison brew (or was that telekinesis?).

  • VC

    Wooo! Get it up, Katia, and kick some ASS!

  • cynicalDuelist

    “You see… Khajiit person… sometimes life gives you lemons. And when that happens… you need to find some spell that makes lemons explode, because lemons are terrible. I only ate them once and I can say with certainty they are the worst fruit. If life gave me lemons, I would view it as nothing short of a declaration of war.”

    Is it now canonly accepted that Aggy is the undead Dunmer equivalent of Cave Johnson?

    • Person formally known as Uknown


  • Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!

  • Man of Mer

    =D Wizard time! Katia’s search for meaning will be redeemed!

  • Prof. Hedgerrius

    love the apearance of the glorious golden magical warrior poet hermaphrodite of the almsilvi. needs more muatra tho

  • FoolishOwl

    Well, what do you know? Turns out the Dunmer guardian spirit actually has some useful advice.

    Also, that was pretty much the children’s version of the Sermons of Vivec. It all makes so much more sense now.

  • AwesomeFish

    Aaand then that picture of Vivec became my background.

  • Kyber

    Its like I said, the axe wielding badass Katia sometimes seen at the top of the page is coming!
    … Hopefully.

  • Mitchrock

    Dis’ gonna be good.

  • Just some person

    Why would she become a Witchhunter when she’s already mantling Rahjin?

  • Furnut

    hell yea! job change to Hyper Magical Absorbent Witch Hunter!

  • Contrast

    I love how uncomfortable Katia looks every time Aggy “touches” her. He’s probably really, REALLY cold. 😀

    • Story Mode

      its because his hand is literaly in her every time he touches her :3

      • Contrast

        That’s why I put “touches” in quotation marks. 🙂

        • Story Mode

          Yup overseen that 😀

  • Gren

    Next update: Aggy take over Katia, combine his knowledge in magic with her pyrokinetic powers and starts the fire of Kvatch.

  • varsaigen

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I did not see that ending coming. XD That last panel in particular makes Aggy look dramatic (and possibly a little sinister, if he has too much fun with this)

    This should be good……

  • varsaigen

    And how amusing that when Aggy is complete, they already have their first target at the Mages Guild…. >:3

  • Somebody

    Any chance there’s the panel with Vivec without Aggy floating around, Kaz? It’s just such a perfect representation of everyone’s favorite warrior-poet-god that I want it as a desktop background.

  • Canopus

    I hereby demand an artist rendition of the Dwemer Corvette!

  • hostergaard

    “Well, I can fix that.”


  • Paladin

    Maybe somethin’ will FINALLY go right for our favorite fuzzy failure.
    Knowing the story, it’s going to fail horribly and she’s going to end up a pile of fuzzy ashes.

  • Insane Randomness

    Aggy? If your able to fix THIS, you’ll be the greatest guardian ever. Of all time.

  • Kat Helbudd


  • Tallbrain123

    Anyone else thinking that this is where the game “Oblivion” starts? I call Aggy making an Oblivion Gate, to help Katia…practice her witch hunting. And that can’t possibly end well. Heck, if she goes to prison in the resulting chaos and gets thrown in a particular dungeon…one with a secret passage…

    I think I’m getting ahead of myself. I mean, this can’t possibly end badly. Right?

    • Gren

      No, he can’t possibly do that. Besides, that’s the reason why the Mythic Dawn gang is waiting outside the walls.

      • Shazbot

        On the other hand, that leaves her perfectly free to burn down parts of the town early..

        • Gren

          Yup, I already made that theory. Just look up nine posts above this one.
          It’s likely that she’s going to set the whole place on fire and Mehrunes Dagon’s army will take all the blame.

          • Shazbot

            Doesn’t fit.. the army isn’t there yet. I have no idea what’s going to happen next, but with this heavy rainstorm going on, I don’t think she’s going to burn down the entire town. One building, on the other hand..

  • NoriMori

    OH GOD. XD

  • kool kitty89

    I get the uncanny feeling that this guardian and Cave Johnson are kindred spirits. 😉

  • Nopon

    That Vehkvette is pretty much the best thing. Thanks for aggrandizing the best magical hermaphrodite in TES lore. Great update too.

  • Joe Costas

    Re: The Vivec Story:

    Yeah, sounds like something Vivec would’ve done. Though, the kid-unfriendly one would’ve had something involving Vivec’s dick as well. Cause he stabs things a lot with it. He is a warrior-poet, after all…

  • Sindri

    This may be my favorite update yet.
    It’s true, Dunmer are better at everything!

  • sometimes when I’m bored i like to lie in bed and pretend that I’m a carrot

    uh oh. it’s happening. she’s the future champ of cyrodill. called it.

    and I’m a carrot

  • dumpsterrat

    “If life gave me lemons, I would view it as nothing short of a declaration of war”

    Hot damn, something I can live by.

    Even though I actually like lemons. ;9

  • panoz

    good job to whoever made sure the Dwemer Vette had a transaxle … Is there a copy of the Vette somewhere that isnt cut off by borders?

    • Kazerad

      Thank you! There’s no full version, though; after the initial blocky sketch I only rendered the stuff that would be in the frame.

      • RaZharr

        There needs to be a mod for this.

  • Mizana

    Oh come on people, have some faith in the superior dunmer guardian ghost!

  • Alex

    I don’t know if this is the right place to include suggestions… or even where it is if not here, but I have one:
    Aggy: hug her you dimwit, she looks like she really needs it (yes, even if you are a ghost still give it a try!)

    • andwhyisit

      That’s kinda OOC.

  • Moo?

    Yea aggy will save the day

    • Moo?

      I hope she get super magical Awsome super powers!

      • Super flashy sparkly awesomely epic magical powers!

        • Crazed Raccoon7

          Using very bright purrty colors disrupts dragon Travel airlines, it is very dangerous

  • Shazbot

    I forsee no reason why increasing her two out-of-control spells that she’s had accidents with, along with increasing the two attributes she actually has, (INT, increasing her already ridiculously giant magicka pool and AGI, which she has quite a lot of already), could possibly backfire.

  • Mikhos

    Whoa, that last panel! (Gazes upon it, gazes upon it with his special eyes!) I guess dark elves truly are the superior brand.

  • Relth

    I was starting to hate that ghost until he said “Well, I can fix that”.

    Then I was like “Crap, he’s going to ruin everything. FOR Katia. So she doesn’t have to… f@#k… up…”

    Actually, this might, JUST might, turn out okay…

  • MSB


  • Dan

    Is likely to has already been discussed, but I have to ask: How does spell absorption work in this comic?
    Is the mechanic like in the game, were it either absolve the entire spell or fail completely? I don’t know if I trust Khaz to determine Katia’s luck.

    • Contrast

      I haven’t played Oblivion in a while, so I might not be 100% correct on this, but if I recall correctly, those born under the sign of the Atronach cannot regenerate magicka on their own, but have a 50% chance of absorbing any spells cast at them. If the absorption is successful, the spell will be completely nullified and the magicka cost of the spell will be added to the Atronach’s magicka pool. If the absorption fails, then the spell will work normally (i.e. burning, freezing, healing, etc).

      But since this is a story, and not a game with rigid rules and laws, there is quite a bit of wiggle room. Spells have worked on Katia before (such as the healing spells), so I think it’s safe to assume that sometimes spells take effect, and sometimes they get absorbed completely. A good example is the imp’s lightning bolt. Katia flashed purple when she absorbed it in the video.

      • Shazbot

        Spells targetting the player character have a N% chance of being converted to magicka. (touch or target). Spells cast targetting ‘self’ are exempt from this effect. For Atronarchs, base spell absorption is 50%. This has been shown in the comic with a purple flash.

      • Dan

        The comic is consistent with the game mechanic, but is there some indication that she isn’t taking half damage or half healing every time she is hit by a spell?
        The purple flash may be indicating the effect of the bolt spell instead of the absorption. The imp’s lightning isn’t particularly strong, so is likely that even Katia would survive mostly intact to half charge.

        Kind of related: If she uses some kind of spell absorption enhancer (spell, enchantment and/or potion) would the effect add to the percentage, like in the game, or would it’s percentage affect the remaining 50%? (For example: a 50% spell absorption potion resulting in 75% absorption total instead of 100% as it would be in the game.)

        • Shazbot

          It’s not half damage, it’s all or nothing. 50-50 shot at absorbing the spell. Some spells flash purple, some do not.

          I can’t say about the other one, if it’s consistant with game mechanics or not, as she hasn’t encountered any spell absorbtion effects.

          • Dan

            I know how the game work. My question is whether or not the comic’s mechanic is equal the game’s mechanic.

          • Shazbot

            Seems to be. Can’t tell about the second case.. no examples of it being tested. Purple flash on some spells, but not others.

  • nerfwarrior


  • Neloth


  • Runcible

    “Just a wet,homeless,jobless nobody out in the rain with nowhere else to go”

    Which part is he going to fix? bet he just makes the rain stop,and goes from there…

  • Frangitus

    If he were a Witch hunter, he could teach Katia some summon atronach spells and fireballs stuffs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Anonymuos

    I had no idea that paragraphs of pep talk counted as “commands.”

    • Unclever title

      Practically anything does.

  • Nickelangelo

    I like Aggy. He’s genuinely trying to help her, even if out of his own misdirection and pride.

  • Veru

    Aggy is definitely my favorite character.

    • Gren

      Then he certainly will be killed. 😉

      • ScienceGuy


        • Gren

          or soul trapped.

          • Lokion123

            or katia’d…

          • Gren

            or Gharuged

            … or Kvatch-mages-guilded lol

          • Story Mode

            Or terminated

  • SylaMorase

    Um, duh? Of course Aggy is going to do something incredibly amazing that will instantly turn Katia’s life around and make her into the biggest witch hunting badass on Nirn! It’s like everyone forgot he’s a dunmer, seriously.

  • Person formally known as Uknown

    Kaz, have you ever considered making an animated Prequel series on YouTube?

    • Story Mode

      OMG thats Awesome idea!You should work with that guy who made dovahbear!

      • Shazbot

        … Please, no. I don’t want it to take five minutes to read an update, with bad voiceacting over it. You’ve done some masterful work on the website, and replacing that with trivial video isn’t an improvment.

        Plus, you can have animations.. on the webpage.

        • Story Mode

          Yea when you said it it look much more like bad idea

  • andwhyisit

    I find it hilarious that I can still use “dumbass mcwelldiver” in the spam test.

    • Lokion123


      • Lokion123

        IT WORKS!? HOW!?

        • andwhyisit

          Due to this discussion back in mid-2012:

          xKiv says: Also, the spam test still doesn’t accept the literally correct answer!

          Kazerad says: Alright I expanded it some. The current list of possibilities:

          katia, katia managan, slutcat, managan, kat, Ja’khajiit, Jakhajiit, Ja’khajit, Jakhajit, Ja khajiit, khajiit, khajit, jo’khajiit, jokhajiit, katia managan, managan, katia fucking managan, katia fuckin managan, dumbass, mcwelldiver, dumbassmcwelldiver, dumbass mcwelldiver, “katia”, “katia” here., Type “katia” here., the literally correct answer, i don’t know, where am i, help

  • Chaplain Kenchi

    “… nothing short of a declaraction of war.” – That’s jazzy right there. 😉
    And the thought of Dessert Cat being a Heroic Witchhunter is most appealing. :3

    • Bob

      Meh, to be honest, most red guards already hated anything magic related and would gladly burn it and everyone associated with it down to the ground. So a hammerfell kajhitt witch hunter isn’t really that original. (Looks good for katia but just saying)

      • Gren

        I’m surprised how Dmitri could have managed to get out of Hammerfell alive when Conjuration and Necromancy are the schools of magic most hated by Redguards. His family surely hated him.

        And by the way, Kahjiits don’t tend to be magicians in nowhere, specially in Hammerfell, so if you consider it a bit, a Kahjiit witchhunter is already pretty unusual to see (thus, original).

  • Skullshot

    I hate cliffhanger endings… 🙁

    • Lokion123

      me too T_T

  • Akcbama

    Loving the webcomic, man!

    I’m really digging the angle the last panel is at~

  • Dustin

    Please please please please PLEASE team up to solve mysteries together.

  • Person formally known as Uknown

    When is the next update gonna happen?

  • Das Übermensch

    I wonder if Katia will ever learn how to shoot magic bullets…

  • Deodesu

    I really have no idea what is going to happen next…

  • NK

    In some ways, I feel like this is the most accurate and relatable “hero’s journey” kinda tale I’ve seen. Maybe it’s just me, and maybe I’m seeing things that aren’t there or missing things in other works, but it seems that in other fictions the prospective hero is suddenly used to adventure and heroism, and that’s not really the case. Being a protagonist is hard.

    (Might be related to “death of the mentor”, too, cause when the mentor dies the protagonist suddenly has to grow the fuck up. But Katia never really had one??? tangential comment)

    • Rufus the Introspective

      I agree – one of the things I found impressive about the storytelling here is that it isn’t a simple linear ‘zero to hero’ character progression which would’ve been much more conventional (and probably caused less gringing in the comments section). Instead there are the (copious) setbacks but over time we see that Katia is slowly progressing, even if she lacks the perspective to appreciate this for herself.

      But maybe she’s about to get a mentor – and as a bonus, he’s already dead!

      • Gren

        But he can always be more than dead…or soul-trapped.
        Not to be pessimistic, but everytime she got some help, she ended robbed (by Gharug/Sigrid), totally distrusted (by Gaius), blood-sucked (by Nah), dissapoint her employers (Quill Weave/Lelles) or in a premature death of the one who wanted to help her (Dmitri and now possibly Stephane and Aggy).

        • NK

          @Gren , you’re right about that. I think that’s why some people have problems with this comic, though I can’t guess at their thoughts for sure. So many people have ulterior motives. To those objectors, the world isn’t full of bad people, and this comic’s imbalanced in that regard.

          Yes, poor Katia’s run into a lot of selfish people. I don’t think Aggy here is selfish, though; he only seems bored and unfulfilled and his goal would come personally and not at anyone’s expense. My opinion is that it’s full of self-interested people, like Lelles and Stephane (and even Quill-Weave to an extent), who would use Katia as part of their plans. Of course Quill and Lelles would be disappointed, because their interests weren’t carried out. But the world doesn’t have quite as many selfish people, who actively obstruct others’ happiness–Gharug and Sigrid, for example. The self-interested aren’t standing in Katia’s way, and Quill’s actually helping her along.

          (Concerning the everybody who wanted to help her is dead thing, uh. Well, Dmitri is dead, but that was coincidence. He wasn’t killed directly because he wanted to help Katia, and some enemy wants to kill Katia and all her allies; he was killed because he had riches on him. It just so happens those riches were intended for Katia.)

          Of course, I could be wrong. I’m no philosopher, and I’m not a careful reader.

          • Gren

            Oh, I get that pretty well, I know that not everyone are bad persons and actually most of them would try to help Katia at the same time they try to achieve their own goals, but the thing is that it doesn’t seems like she is going to succeed in life if she continues to rely on other people. Her whole life fully proves it. Look at her now, she’s just waiting for Asotil to escort her back to Anvil because she fears that she cannot make it alone and will screw up everything again.
            She fails at everything because she always depends on other people. She has no own goals, just want others to be proud of her. She ignored completely what Asotil told her. But whatever, I’m not trying to change her.

            And about Dmitri’s death (assuming he is dead), actually I think it was due to the “Kvatch Mages Guild” joke that didn’t come out as funny as Kazerad probably thought. It didn’t seemed that Gharug had planned to kill him, they were getting along pretty well.
            And Katia is partially responsable of his death because if she hadn’t been drinking that wine and fucked him they would never have met and Dmitri would never have written that letter nor distract Landorumil from watching the entrance when the orc arrived.

  • ptlans

    I actually have a question about the forum. I’ve forgotten my username/password and when I go to recover it I can’t. All because it requires an image verification thing but no image ever shows up. So when I type in my email and hit “Request Username / Password Now” I get a message saying that I didn’t fill it out properly. 🙁

    • Kazerad

      You actually caught me right as I am trying to move away from the forum and set up an on-site commands thing. I’ll take those old links off as soon as I’m home; I probably should have done it a week ago.

  • Sunjva

    What if Katia is a super powerful wizard that can force her imagination into the plane of Mundus?
    Back at the ruins she imagined the scenario of the ghost coming to help her right?

    • Lokion123

      if that was it,then she would be the richest in mundus and sigrid would be dead….

  • Gren

    Hey, I have a question: I was just playing the game and found out that there’s actually a wizard named Argoth but you never get to see him because he was killed before you can possibly start the quest. He was supposed to contract the Fighters guild to retrieve an artifact but they failed and the Blackwood Company did the job instead, then he was mysteriously murdered shortly after, most likely by Azani Blackheart. You can see the full story here –> (in Azani Blackheart Quest, coincidentally another Redguard)

    So, is this guy related to Dmitri? It can’t be him since this guy is most likely from the Mages guild but there’s the chance that he is a relative of him.

  • tobi2500

    Guar Patties; anyone? What does this mean?

    • tronn


      • tobi2500

        So basically “oh, shit” ?

        I’m using dumbass mcwelldiver for the spam test

  • JessesanMan

    It’s time for knowledge transferring. Queue the Magic Learning Montage.

  • AlexKitsune

    Guys… Aggy is telling Katia that when life gives you lemons, make them explode. I.E. Make them combustible. I.E. Make Combustible Lemons.

    Aggy is Cave Johnson.

    • Ransom

      Amusing to read it in his voice, I’ll admit.

  • FelexBlake

    random funny junker here. saw this thread mr.kaz katia has reached reaction picture/meme status

    • Nommers

      Found Katia this way. Read every comic that Kaz made for prequel.

  • Moo?

    I think kaz might be secretly dieing…

    • Blue Dragon

      Oh,, DYING! You scared me for a minute. I first read “Dating”. Dying I can handle – all my favorite authors seem to die before my favorite stories are completed. But DATING. That WOULD spell the end for Katia! ^_^

      • Kazerad

        Nah don’t worry, we’re good there.

      • Moo?

        Me? Misspelling? I have brought great dishonour to my family… (took me this long to look back at that comment)

  • Adventure-Ruiner

    ASOTIL: Burst onto the scene and kill aggy for the heinous crime of being a ghost. As a bonus you will be protecting Katia.

  • R0k0ut500

    Katia’s life can still be summarized by a sandwich, which is simultaneously cool and depressing.

  • Nommers

    Oh no. I’ve caught up with the story. I don’t wanna have to wait with the rest of you!!!!!

    • Gren

      That’s what it hurts the most.

    • Skianous

      Don’t forget to check out the fanarts and side-stories, that’ll make your waiting easier 😉

    • xKiv

      Then go wait in the corner.

      • Gren

        And cry alone as Katia does.

  • Jericoshost

    Just found this comic evening before yesterday, and I couldn’t put it down (Mostly figuratively, excepting the ‘incident’) and now I am compelled to join in on the adventure.
    You have also rekindled my addiction to Oblivion.

    Congratulations, I now have something to do while I hold my bated breath for the next issue.
    Can’t wait, go Katia, yay god(s)

    • Gren

      We all go through that, I’m still on that phase too. XD

  • Arg

    Just a question,

    Am I allowed to freely use the soundtracks in the flash games in the previous posts?
    Of course, I will credit the person who composed it.

    • Kazerad

      Probably, but I’d send a message to the composer if you can and ask them. Of you can’t find their contact info I’ll try to dig it up for you.

      • Arg

        I’m wanting to use Myusernamesmud’s soundtrack that he/she made for the “Excelsior!” flash.
        I sent him/her a message via tindeck a few days ago. But there hasn’t been a response.
        Could you help me out with that?


        • Kazerad

          I just looked all around but I can’t find an email address from him, nor any accounts he has visited/uploaded to recently =/. I’m sorry, not sure where to look from here. You could try messaging him on Tumblr or the MSPAForums I guess, but it looks like both of those have been untouched for months.

          • Arg

            Oh well, guess Im going to have to use some other soundtrack or something.
            Thanks for trying anyway.

  • Lobster

    Hi guys!Story Mode here!My life was changed!I found out lobsters are immortal!

    • Deodesu

      Not completely.

    • Bluedragon

      If that’s true, I must have a dozen still squirming around somewhere in my belly. Or at least their tails. Immortality is a terrible fate.

      • Lobster


        • Santa Claus

          Ho ho ho?

        • Crazed Raccoon7

          Plot twist?

  • Jericoshost

    By the way, something I have to ask.
    When does all this take place?

    Before the Oblivion crisis, or after?
    Just a nagging question I’ve been having.

    (Though it is probably left ambiguous on purpose)

    • Gren

      It is a PREQUEL. (Though all of this take place shortly before the events of the game and that’s easy to realize when you see Katia talking with the cultist in red robes at the entrance of Kvatch during the minigame, obviously a member of the Mythic Dawn, making evident that the invasion is very near).

      • Jericoshost

        My mistake, I just looked it up.
        I confused the invasion by camoran for the one by the deadra.

  • Bob

    Pretty sure i’m the last person to notice, but the altmer at panel 3 is also Hirtel, the guy that you meet while upon entering the kvatch refugee camp and runs away, screaming, to the next town over like a little bitch.

    (or I could be wrong. 🙁 )

    • Gren

      Yes, it’s him. After the battle for Kvatch he can be seen in one of the inns of the Anvil’s docks.

    • Gren

      Actually, as I said before, most of the characters were taken from the game. Quill Weave, Millona Umbranox, The Stranger (who is actually the Gray Fox and the count of Anvil), Sigrid, Tierra (the redguard guard from Kvatch, funny name hehe), Merandil (the high elf guard), Menien Goneld(another guard), Tavia, Weedum-Ja, Hannibal Traven, Carahil, Baeralorn, Orrin, Dairihill, Lelles, and well, I’m sure there are more (like those servants in the castle or that old redguard in the tavern or the gay bosmers in the docks’ inn).

      • Omicron

        Does the grouchy Khajiit bartender also exist ingame, or is he made up?

        Because if he exists I kind of want to go visit and troll him… 😀

        • Gren

          As far as I know he and Rajirra are both OC so you can’t find them in the game. Same goes with Gaius, Stephane and Nah. Besides, all of them were most likely killed during the invasion so it’s a bit pointless to even try to look for them. (TT_TT)

          • Bob

            Huh, I always thought gaius was the same gaius that stood guard at the shivering isles gate since they’re both overly cautious when it came to dealing with anything unnatural.

            Though sadly yes, most OC NPCs katia come across during this time will most likely be either killed or terribly injured and/or mentally scarred for life. But for Hirtel, I’m glad to know how he’ll handle that situation.

          • Gren

            Unfortunately no, that guy is “Gaius Prentus” and he has shaved his beard. ;P
            But perhaps he’s his lost twin brother (who loves cultists). XD

            Good thing Hirtel did make it, he will have a lot more chances to insult his argonian friend in that sort of game they are playing which means more work for Katia. X3

  • Raving Argonian

    What if Aggy just puts Katia into a hallucinatory state where she thinks everything is better, and when she wakes up she gets so pissed that she goes on a rampage burning everything in sight, and the guard/civilians are so embarrassed that one person destroyed their town that they convinced some Mythic Dawn cultists to open a portal outside the gate in order to cover up their blunder?!

  • James

    Note: Katia needs to find an amulet that can help regenerate magic or something.

    • Shazbot

      cly she needs more magicka, as the last time she was full up she almost burned herself to death along with setting everything around her on fire, all while tossing pews around a room.

    • Gren

      That thing does not exist in the game, especially since there is no cure for her problem since it’s not a disease but a power/liability granted by the stars.
      However she can always resort to Welkynd stones to restore her magicka and I think there’s a certain kitty with one tied on him over there. Though I think somehow Katia will fail to absorb the magicka from the stone but instead she’ll make it blow up with more cat puns turning it in a bomb that will cause the fire of Kvatch. 8P
      There’s also the doomstone of the Atronach very close to Kvatch, northeast of the city which can allow her to increase her magicka absorption to an 80% two hours a day.

      • Gren

        The doomstone also increases intelligence, thus increase her magicka pool.

  • Bobucles

    Atronachs should know this trick. You conjure up something that CAN cast spells, and have it attack you to regenerate. Ancestral guardian is very useful for this, because it’s a daily power and can be used without magicka.

    Don’t cry anymore, Katia. Your tears will be frozen soon.

    • Gren

      I think Ancestor Guardian can be summoned only by Dunmers.

    • Bobucles

      It was. The Dunmer died in an ancient ruin “stealing a lightbulb” a few days ago (or 57 years in real time). The family line is now extinct, leaving us with a bored half-insane ghost with no ancestors left to guardian.

      • Gren

        Hehe that was hilarious 😆
        I get that, but still she doesn’t know the appropiate spell to invoke him, hell I don’t even think he can be summoned again since he is already in this plane, not to mention she doesn’t know anything about Conjuration (but maybe that can be fixed with some classes with a certain necromancer) and has lost all control over her magical skills.

  • Skianous

    Damn, I dreamed about a Prequel update last night ! D8

  • Person formally known as Uknown

    Next update=?(hopefully soon)

  • Gren

    So next update will be a minigame, right? It won’t be a normal update I guess. At least that what I get when you said you’re “working on resources”.

  • RunicFigment

    The bartender’s name is Alao Kajirra, apparently.

    • Gren

      Nope, the sign says “…except me. Also Rajirra”
      Rajirra must be the other female Khajiit in town.

      • Rufus the Inaccurate

        The bartender/innkeeper’s name appears to be S’Thengir, according to the chap Katia encounters in ‘Excelsior’ in the tower directly behind the tavern. But to me he shall remain known forevermore as ‘that surly bar-steward’ or similar.

        Rajirra, the other Khajiit, is female? *goes off to check*… blimey, you’re right, I completely missed that! Love that mangled speech; “It means to… knock over a bank?”

        And got Katia chucked out of the tavern again just for old time’s sake.

  • Bewarethecarpenter

    As much as Katia has to be upset about; she has far more to be grateful for. Comparing herself to just 4 days ago, wealth wise she is roughly the same but on accomplishments:

    She has learned she has magic potential, is qualified to join a mage guild and is somewhat proficient with fireballs.
    She was able to have dinner with a Countess, without having a breakdown
    She was able to say to to alcohol, at a time when she was at her lowest.
    She has attained 3 leads on her dreams; one in the change that they’re now trying to communicate, two that they started for at least one other person at approximately the same time and three that they’re not from the primary nightmare demon.
    She has gained one lesson in basic combat experience
    She has one opportunity which she may or may not take; that if she succeeded could become very very rich
    and now she has a night elf ghost follower/ helper/ sidekick.

    Despite her setbacks; that is a pretty impressive set of achievements for just four days

    Besides; she told Quill Weave she’d be back in about 4 days, so that still leaves her 3 days left doesn’t it?

  • zortharg

    Oh come on, I’ve been at the edge of my seat for almost 3 weeks now! Does the ghost think she’s competent because he is a senile degrading old ghost and grossly misjudged her and is about to trundle off in disappointment because she’s nothing but an ex-prostitute with an early set on midlife crisis with all this adventuring nonsense, or did he think that because he can observe on higher planes or somethingorother and knows her far better than she knows herself, that he actually saw something that no one else could, that no one else would even have guessed at, and is about to unlock her true potential and unravel her mental barriers or whatever and make her a demi-god right here and now. Drumroll…..

  • Dragox

    Ma’Khajiit all of this pain
    Has turned out not to be in vain
    Ma’Khajiit, now rest your soul
    You’re home…

    Your suffering is now done
    Obstacles you’ll overcome
    Now is time, unleash your rage

  • Zorpike

    Aggy may be my favorite character in Prequel so far. He is the first person to just sit down and give Katia some advice. He understands her, or at least thinks he does because he is a Dark Elf so therefore he understands everything. Either way, he’s just the person Katia needs. Someone who wants to actually help her for a change. This could be the start of a beautiful partnership.

    • Shazbot

      Or a horrific orgy of destruction, powered by the insane ghost-mage and a cat-thing with severe competency issues.

    • Sklobington

      Don’t forget, it was Asotil that helped her to throw fireballs in the first place. He gave her the time of the day, and advice. Aggy’s still awesome though. An epic story-teller and dramatic pose-maker if there ever was one.

      • Skianous

        Any story is epic when it involves Vivec riding a Dwemer corvette.

  • tronn

    Prequel update for Christmas, could it happen?

  • Skianous

    Kaz, shall we get the update for Christmas ?

    That would be a very nice gift ! :3

  • CrazedRaccoon

    Went to the MSPA forums to enter the stuff for the story, found a bunch of crazies yet couldn’t find the thread for the story T_T I’m as lost as Katia

    • Kazerad

      I’m moving some stuff around. Pretty soon I’ll have an on-site commands thing. I think I’ve gotten rid of all the old MSPAForums links for now? Lemme double check that.

      • Bob

        “I think I’ve gotten rid of all the old MSPAForums links for now? Lemme double check that.”

        Have you finished those errands? 🙂

        (I kid, I kid Kaz)

  • milest3hr4t

    I only just figured out the obvious plot. I had never played oblivion, only skyrim, and I just decided to look up the kvatch mage guild, no dice because kvatch is explode. So then I by chance looked up Sigrid…. Sigrid is a completely mundane and boring NPC *from* kvatch… and now everything has clicked into place and I understand why this is called prequel. I can not wait for more. also this just got me to buy oblivion. hooray steam sales.

    • feck to steam and the need to be online to play go buy the discs or dl it then get the OOO overhaul addon and play it in hard mode:) much more satisfying

      (really hate steam and i’ve used it from the start)

  • Jix



  • Gren

    *Read the notice at top page*
    Aaaaaw, guar patties. :/

  • demand a xmas/newyears drunk katia filler image to make us all go awwwwww ^^

    • Expresate

      The only present you get this year is a poorly drawn cat head.

  • Bob

    Better than none at all!

    (trust me, I never got Christmas presents since I was 10

    Bah fucking hum bug.)

  • Skianous

    kaz, y u do dis ?

    • You better watch out
      You better not cry
      Better not pout
      I’m telling you why
      Kazerad is updating soon (Maybe)

  • Lobster

    Merry christmas Kazerad.Merry christmas and happy new year everyone :3

    • Merry merry Christmas! 😀

      • Sr Lupinotuum

        And happy new year 😀

  • Diocletithik Nagnaresh

    Merry Christmas all :V

  • Sr Lupinotuum

    Prepare yourself, Images of Katia managan in Christmas are coming.

  • Sninjo

    Merry Christmas to one and all!

    I would say let’s have a massive get together and celebrate
    but I’d personally just give Katia a well deserved Hug.

    Save us from boredom with an update Kaze
    we will love you forever..
    Oh wait we already do.

    • Sr Lupinotuum


  • Marmbo

    The Only Present I Got This Year Was A Poorly Drawn Cat Head.gif

  • Crazed Raccoon7

    How do you have a pic next to your name? Magic?

    • Sr Lupinotuum

      or Black magic!

      • Lobster

        I told Spanish inquisition about this guys.

        • Sr Lupinotuum

          we need an inquisition faster, the cultists are coming!!!

      • Crazed Raccoon7

        O gosh not black magic, I’d be worse if it was dark magic. I need an adult

    • tronn

      It’s just a gravatar.

      • Lobster


        • Sr Lupinotuum

          We must Burn him now, we must protect our goats from the damn cultist!.

          • tronn

            But I am a friend to goats! See how I pet them with these cold steel hooks I have for hands!


          • Sr Lupinotuum

            *pointing with a crossbow* Stop punching that goat or… *the goat die by the brutal daedric ritual of agony, in the most painful dead* *throwing the crossbow to the bloody floor, holding the dismember goat corpse* Why you do this, WHY!!! (crying)

          • Crazed Raccoon7

            What happened to answering the question about having a profile pic?

          • I have no ide- oh hey! I have a picture next to my name too!

  • Dooper

    Woohoo 1 single update for the ENTIRE month of december. Things sure seem to have picked up in speed since last I frequented.



      • Sr Lupinotuum

        Lord, please, Protect our goats from the unholy cultist robot!!!

  • Gren

    So much trolling lately.
    Clearly people has become desperate for any new update.

    • Lobster

      its much more like just killing time…..Aaaand heretics

      • Sr Lupinotuum

        Kill the cultist robot called Tronn… he kill a goat, A CUTE, SMART AND YOUNG GOAT!!!

        • Lobster

          OMG they killed Goat!

          • Ghost of Goat

            Yes, the cultist kill me and use my soul to enchant the ring of fire protection in the story…

          • Lobster

            Well it was South Park reference.Anyway lets go kill your killer!

        • tronn

          Noo, I’m innocent! I must have been cursed by a Daedric lord so that everything I love dies!
          (these deaths tend to happen right after I try to hug them with my hook hands)

          • Sr Lupinotuum

            relation whit daedrics Lords, eh… YOU ARE A CULTIST… probably a necromancer

          • Sr Lupinotuum


          • Lobster

            Thats hearth-tearing story.

          • Sr Lupinotuum

            well, CULTIST, what you have to say in your defence? *preparing execution*

    • Crazed Raccoon7

      From the looks of things, I guess so

  • kome

    niiiice new style!

  • Crazed Raccoon7

    Will aggy be able to turn this sad cats fate in the right direction?
    Will Katia get the books?
    Will my question about profile pics be answered?
    Will pigs fly?
    Will you have the patience to stay tuned for the next update?

    • Rufus the Inept

      Yes (maybe…)
      Yes (hopefully!)
      It’s a Gravatar (look it up)
      Not without the use of a trebuchet

      • Sr Lupinotuum

        hummm… Oh Lord Rufus, Tronn is a Cultist?
        We must murder him?
        When will be the next update?
        And… Aggie is a Cultist?

        • Rufus the Magic 8 Ball

          “Ask again later”
          “Ask again later”
          “Ask again later”
          “Ask again later”

          Damn… this thing is broken already.

          “Please retain all packaging in case you need to return your Magic 8 Ball”

          Awww, guar patties.

          • Sr Lupinotuum

            Well, that’s enough for me, tronn come here and bring me that axe please.

          • tronn

            Oh no, I just wanted to help Crazed Raccoon not to be executed! Why must cruel fate treat me so? Who will now look after my robo children and robo wife?

          • Sr Lupinotuum

            Wait, you have a family?

          • tronn

            Of course, running a petting zoo is a family business.

          • Sr Lupinotuum

            Well…I not sure if ask you “is your family cultist to?”, or just feel emotional and let you go free…
            so I will let you free, If you tell me a non-cultist form to have a picture in my comments.
            Oh, and because was christmas, you gonna earn a little present… A nice metal lime, for eliminate the sharp part of those hooks. Merry Christmas Tronn 😀

          • tronn

            Sure! Just go to and create an account (it’s free). After that sites that have gravatar service enabled will recognize your e-mail address and fetch your profile picture from there.

          • Yes, finally *using intercommunicator spell*, stage 1 completed, waiting for package.

      • Crazed Raccoon7

        Aggy is an odd guardian
        Books are overrated
        Idk what a Gravatar is
        Jet packs could work too
        In time

  • Mizana

    So we’re going to get a new-year’s present, right?

    • Crazed Raccoon7

      Christmas already passed, expect New Years updates in the new year

      • Bob

        Its New Year’s and still no update.

        Let’s just hope this mob is still patient enough to wait a few more days for a new update before we have a internet riot on our hands. :\

        • Lobster

          You got to FIGHT for your RIGHT to read Prequel!

          • Bob

            Oh, OH GOD!

            They’re throwing molotov pineapples now!

  • Nighthawke

    Happy New Year!!!

    • Sr Lupinotuum

      Happy new year of patient!!!

  • Sninjo

    Happy New Year!
    hope everyone is having a good time.

    Now we shall wait ever more patiently.

  • Crazed Raccoon7

    What’s a Gravatar???

    • Go to for earn a website and awesome IMAGES IN YOURS COMMENTS, (is not something cultist).

      • Lobster

        Dont belive him a single word!He is CULTIST!

        • O RLY?

        • WTF I just killed a lot of cultists, and my new friend Tronn tell me that he wasn’t a cultist.

      • Bob

        Serious note though, if you really do want one here’s the URL and instructions to do so:


        (Note: You must register with WordPress in order to use the service.)

        1. Click “Create Your Own Gravatar”

        2. If you already have a WordPress account, click “I already have a WordPress Account”. If not, fill in the fields for one.

        3.After logging in, Select your email and click “Add a new image”
        (Any size will do, the site will automatically resize it to a compatible size to fit the comment page)

        4. Select Upload Method
        (via Hard Drive, Online, etc)

        5. Crop If desired and click “Finish” It will then redirect you to a rating page for the image. (As long it has no dicks or boobies, just click G)

        6. After redirected back to the account page, Click on your image and click confirm.

        All Done. Now when you write a new comment on the site here your image will show next to your name as long as you put your WordPress email in the “Email” field of the comment page.

        You’re welcome and don’t ask that question again.

        • So, we still must kill the damn cultist?

          • Bob


            Oh no, Sacrificing them is more appropriate, Preferably by fire.

            Totally justifiable.

  • Slambaux

    Hmm.. Well, no update this week i guess. Hope Kaz is having lots of fun in Hawaii.

  • Skianous

    I hope Kaz’s interest in making Prequel hasn’t vanished, it’s be too bad if the webcomic was to remain unachieved :c

    It’s one of the best ones I’ve read, along with Asperchu.

    • hikaslap

      Bit early to be saying that. And I’ve never been worried anyway – though updates aren’t extremely consistent, the story has always continued to unfold and delight, even if it takes a while.

      • Skianous

        Well, Prequel is 2 years old and given its quality, it must be quite demanding.

        I hope I’m wrong too :/

  • Aroree

    This is my first visit here, and this is the first page I’ve seen, so if I say something stupid……*shrugs* So….if that…ghost is intangible so he can touch that cat girl, how can he hold that book? Rule of funny?

    • tronn


    • Gren


    • m

      The book is also a ghost.

      • 0_o A cultist magic book of telekinesis with nanobots.

  • Zeprfinkmphtol the Unprenouncable

    A Witchhunter, huh? Would never have guessed. Time to learn to use a bow. Or just cop out and use a crossbow. Or an M60. I’m being told that doesn’t exist yet. Well… that’s netch-shit we have fucking magic, but you can’t manage a gun? Whatever.
    Wow, we need an update; I’m going nuts over here.

  • Lobster

    Good thing you are straight

  • rogueSnail


    • Oh, you are a Great Imperial Soldier like ASOTIL, right?

      • Bob

        Speaking of Astoil, I always hoped for a side story referencing “The Dark Knight” by having astoil claiming to be a witness and knew who killed the high emperor but the imperial legion never bothered to heed or listen to him or his suggestions for action and rather suggested that they’ll take it to consideration and nothing more. Thus, after hearing that his own fellow men won’t take any action and wanting vengeance, he pursues in hunt for the Mythic dawn as a vigilante.

        Of course, I just wish that side story would actually grab the writer’s attention and consider publishing it. 😐

  • That guy

    why not just wait for an update ? and if he scraps it move on °~°

    • Huffington

      This comment makes a whole lot of sense. I read 9 different web-comics. the way i do it is that i check about every other day to see if there was an up-date. if there wasn’t, then I move on with my life. if there was, i read it, get a laugh, and move on. its not hard to easily get enjoyment if you just diversify.

    • Rufus the Incoherent


      I’ve been waiting for an update for one of the comics on my read list since the middle of June. I’m conceding that maybe that one isn’t coming back. If I had a pound for every webcomic I followed over the years that just kind of petered out I’d have enough moolah to buy a pack of beer to help kick back and wait patiently while trusting that the naysayers are wrong and the ‘heat death of the Katiaverse’ is still a long way off 🙂

      • Lobster


        • andwhyisit

          It’s actually a slang term for “money” (in the sense that the words “moolah” and “money” are interchangeable in a sentence). The Oddworld games adopted the slang word as a name for its currency, hence your confusion. Though I find it strange that you’ve never come across the word outside of its intentional misuse in the Oddworld games.

          • Lobster

            actualy i am from diferent country.found out its slang term today.THX

  • Bewarethecarpenter

    Prediction: Katia is going to break into the mage guild and steal the remaining supply of charisma potion; making everyone suddenly like her; Sigrid falls from her position and comes after katia, trying to get the potions back and Katia lets all the attention go to her head.

  • Asoyna

    When I was writing a story of twenty two chapters, I wrote half of them in six months, then I had a six months’ break and then I finished the story in two months. It wasn’t the only story that gave me trouble, but it was the time when nobody believed I would continue. And I wanted to continue, I just couldn’t because of many inexplicable reasons.
    Sometimes this happens, don’t give up. At least I’m patient 😉

  • Blue

    Regular updates? So, one every month or two, with tons of ‘sorry for the wait’ in between? Because that’s what the update schedule is now.

  • BaronvonSomething

    Hey Kaaaazzzzz.

    It’s after the holidays now. How about that update?

    • That guy

      dude just be patient it’s like waiting for a pie to cool down if you don’t wait and become impatient you’ll burn yourself. so just let that pie finish cooling.

      • Red

        You wait for food to cool it’s much better when it burns your mouth.

        • Yeah, but the story is set in Oblivion times and there is sunny and hot, if is in Skyrim where is cold as… Russia?, will be great but katia live (before) in Oblivion.

  • Sentient Bowtie

    Katia: Get fixed (whatever that means) by the guardian spirit and go get your shit back.

  • Genie

    Katia: Should we be trusting the sanity of this ghost? I’m sorry, but the fact that a ghost seems hellbent on making you an adventurer is rather… Complimentary yes, a little too convenient? Most likely. SO LET’S EXPLOIT THIS NEW LUCK WE FOUND TO THE ULTIMATE LIMITS BEFORE IT DIES, CHEESE AND RICE.

    • Gren

      You guys know that this is not the so called suggestion box, right?

      • Kazerad

        Well I’m still getting the new suggestion box coded, so there isn’t really one at the moment.

        • Mylers


  • Lesair

    I miss the good ol’ days when this updated. Gave me a reason to be happy each week.

    • Kazerad

      Aww. Working on it! >: Inadvertent breaks have a bad habit of occurring concurrently with complicated updates.

      • Lesair

        I understand Kaze. I’m not that upset :3 It’s just this is the only thing i had entertaining me for a while.

      • Skianous

        At least, we know you are alive and well :’3

        What if you were to be abducted by some evil Daedra who’d want to keep you locked away in Oblivion so they can keep Prequel all for themselves ? Watch out for dem cultists, Kaz !

        • Asoyna


  • Thrime

    A bit off topic, but the second Quill-Weave side story has deleted itself or something, says there are 0 of 3500 votes.

    • Kazerad

      Try following the link from the sidebar; I rehosted QW: Take Control at a new address without the vote-grabbing code. I thought I got rid of all the links to the old page, but apparently I missed one? How did you get there?

      • Thrime

        Took me a bit of looking, actually, but after checking everything else but the steam page, I found it on the Fan Steam Page under the topic Sprays.

        Also, a more noticeable side story tab thing would be nice, like a nice little mini-logo on the bottom left corner of where the main logo is.

        Friend of main character.

        But that’s where I found it, steam page, inside of the Sprays discussion thread.

  • NK

    Two things, not sure if anyone’s pointed them out yet.
    1) Where’d the ghostrobe go?
    2) That’s a nice touch, when Katia gives an askance ogle at Aggy’s arm clipping through her.

    • tronn

      Considering that the ghost shirt was made of Aggy’s ectoplasm, I guess that it dissipated into nothingness shortly after being detached from his body?

  • Naime

    Complicated updates are nice and all, but people really do just want the story to keep going. There are so many sidestories and unsolved mysteries

    • Gren

      Side stories? Aside of Quill Weave’s two mini-stories? I don’t think so.
      I guess you mean that there are also some minor plots in Katia’s story aside of the main plot of the nightmares and the current plot about the courier job (well, sort of). And yes, there are a lot:
      -Welkynd cat.
      -Sigrid’s plans for all that money.
      -Kvatch mages guild basement (probably full of necromancy stuff)
      -What’s the supposed deal between Sigrid and Nah.
      -ASOTIL hunting down Green Scourge (aka Gharug).
      -Quill’s friend in Chorrol.
      -Joining Mages Guild.
      -Find out what’s the problem with Katia’s magic and her amulet of silence.
      -Investigate more about Thieves guild.
      -Mythic Dawn’s preparations for the invasion.
      -Dance competition in the Arena.
      -Will we ever see Jiub again? *tears*
      And so on…

      And yeah, that was what I suggested some time ago. Shorter but more frequent updates. At least this way will keep a dynamic pace and the people would feel more participative in the story development and more attached to it too.

  • Sve

    Oh my glob I just started reading this yesterday I cant wait until it updates 0w0

  • nonymus

    Um, what do I put for the “What is the author of MSPA’s first name?” I’m trying to register so I can give the suggestion things now that I’ve caught up with the story.

    • That MSPA’s thing is closed, Kaz (Kazerad the autor of prequel) is making a new, beter and Real suggestion box. So we all must wait for the new uptade.

    • rogueSnail

      It’s Andrew. Andrew Hussie is his full name.

    • tronn

      Originally Kaz hosted Prequel on MSPA forums, but now he’s migrating the suggestion box to his own site. Currently you can’t leave suggestions (well, except on these comments), but that should change by the next update?

    • nonymus

      Ah, I see. Thanks for the help ^ ^

      • tronn

        Why not register to the forums anyway, there’s several awesome fanadventures going on in there?

  • Shiloh

    NNG! Can’t WAIT for the next Update! 😀

  • woah I caught up to the most recent update within the 5 days I’ve known and read prequel.

  • Derpy Fan


    • Kazerad

      Oh noooo, the rest of the story isn’t done yet D=.

      Don’t panic. J… just follow the “Side Stories” link on the sidebar, and read those. Read them very, very slowly. >:

      • Thank you kaz, for think in every problem we have. It’s like a God power… or a Daedric power.
        Wow this give me a new religion idea!!!

  • rogueSnail’s clone

    A haiku about Prequel:
    Five different names
    How to change my profile pic?
    Please make an update

    • Rufus the Incoherent

      A haiku about your haiku:
      The site you need to visit
      To change your picture

      • rogueSnail’s clone

        A haiku about Rufus’ haiku about my haiku:
        Can you take a joke?
        I already knew how to,
        It seems to be a
        Hot topic


        • Rufus the Incoherent

          A haiku about your haiku about my haiku about your haiku:

          I’m sorry I missed
          The joke in your first haiku
          Forgive me, I’m thick 🙂

          (Er… emoticons contain no syllables, right?)

    • tronn

      Needs an allusion to seasons.

      Suddenly cat’s cry
      Is now suspended in time
      Winter blows over

      • Rufus the Incoherent

        All hope is not lost
        Kazerad is on the case
        Cat will cry again

  • Articat

    Okay, I just read the entire comic thus far in two days and holy crap, it is by far one of the best I have ever read. Plus, I could possible influence. If I’m dreaming nobody pinch me. Anyways,

    Aggy: Deck Katia out with some badass magic mojo

    • Dragomok

      Commands aren’t taken from comments.

      The proper place to submit them used to be a thread on MSPA forums (which used to be linked on the sidebar), but the Great XHTML Wizard Ch’marr is now working on a on-site one, which should be available after the next update.

  • Slambox

    Aww man kaz i really miss you. Hopefully we’ll get an update before valentine’s day? This is my life!

    • Uzi_Man

      “This is my life”

      This. Obsessions are very dangerous. Try to not get addicted to anything, or you will lose control of your actions,

      • Shut up and give me more!!!, I needed… please…. *crying*

  • Dream

    Plagorath is a hero. KATIA WILL LIVE ON!

  • Boxofwoe

    Merry (late) Christmas and a happy new year! Just found this comic today and I am very much looking forward to the next update!

  • Dreadmaster231

    I have succesfully completed everything to date!

    Now to wait agonizingly for the next age… Awesome

    • Lokion

      off topic question,where IS that pic u have from?

  • Smoopy

    It has been a pretty long time after the holidays.. It has been a month and ten days since this has been updated.. I don’t think you ever intend to update again. Are you going to claim you need time to do Valentines Day things too because that is a holiday too? Are you going to keep pulling holiday excuses out of your bum until people entirely forget about this web comic and stop bothering you?

    • ScienceGuy

      CONGRATULATIONS! You won the moron of the month award.
      Please, press ctrl+F4 to claim your prize.

    • Rufus the Incoherent

      +1 for the use of the word ‘bum’.

      -55 for everything else.

    • HERETIC, oh Great Kazerad, Kaz or God of Gods creator of Gods (and Daedras), please forgive him and spill your wisdom to take out his cultist darkness!!!

      Save Kazerad!!!

    • SephiXarados

      To be fair, that’s how people felt about JonTron. Maybe Kaz is stock-piling pages to be distributed every 3-7 days.

      • tronn

        (he’s not actually stockpiling pages)

        • SephiXarados

          I did say *maybe*

          • tronn

            Turns out that I was wrong! Kaz said that he’s stockpiling resources to have the next three or four updates in rapid succession.

  • Ster

    I’m excited to see where this will go. Hopefully the train will get back on the tracks and regular updates will start up again. No rush here, Kaz, just take your time and lead this adventure to whatever horrible or wondrous end it may encounter.

  • Lobster

    I want DIMITRI BACK!

    • Skianous

      We all do ;(

      Who will feed the kittens now ? ._.

      • Kat Helbudd

        Hungry, wild, starving wolves will raise and feed the kittens. Either that or the kittens will raise and feed the wolves.

        • Maybe the kittens become into demmons by all the daedras heart they eat… or become kajjits… or just die in agony.

    • Gren

      He’s way too cool to be dead.
      This guy was the reason why I stopped hating necromancers. Same happened with ASOTIL and the imperial legion (those guys are retards!). Come on, Kaz, we need more necro-jokes, and of course there’s never enough racist jokes in this sort-of-comic thing and with him we’d be easily doubling that amount. Landorumil must be turning over in his grave right now.

    • Dragox

      Well, he was necromancer after all, so… There’s always a way to bring him back, one way or another 😛 He was/is so awesome he could as well get his own series, fanmade or not 😛

    • tronn

      But you know we won’t have Dmitri back. He was too nice for Katia, and nice things cannot happen to her.

      • Gren

        Well then I guess we should expect the same tragic fate for Quill Weave since anything good could ever happen to Katia and she is the only friend she’s ever had so…

        • tronn

          Quill-Weave is alive and well in Oblivion so she cannot die in Prequel. Of course Katia can get her so riled up that they stop being friends, and frankly I’m curious how she manages to do that. It shouldn’t be hard for her.

          • Gren

            Quill Weave is a minor character in the game and takes no role in the main plot. Her only function is to be part of a quest of the fighters guild but beyond that she’s just another trashy killable NPC.
            Besides, Katia’s story is (maybe) just a day away to catch up with the main plot of the game when the Hero come and close the gate to Oblivion so that means he/she could have had plenty of time to finish that supposed quest and leaving Quill with no more relevance in the story except for being the one who helps Katia to rise up every time she falls back.
            Not to mention this is just a spin-off, nothing that’s going on here is canon in the game actually.

          • Gren

            Same goes for ASOTIL who’s probably whatever random soldier in the game but even if he is part of the game still can be killed. He could be one of the imperial soldiers who join to the battle of Kvatch after they catch sight of the fire during their patrol.

          • tronn

            Ah, it’s actually other way round – Prequel follows the game’s canon. People on the forums calculated that the events of the comic are about a week away from the start of Oblivion, when the portals open and Kvatch is destroyed. That’s why some NPCs, like Sigrid and Quill-Weave, cannot die before that.

          • only a week for katia to become the greatest mage of destruccion… Challenge accepted!!!

          • Gren

            People on the forums can say whatever they want, they are not the writers of this story. For what we have seen some updates ago, there were three suspicious shadows standing outside of the walls of the city implying that the invasion could possibly begin at this very night.
            Oh, and yes, I know that Prequel actually follows the line of the game but not in a strictly way. Not everything in this story is rightfully loyal to the game canons, such as Quill being a lesbian, some characters’ personalities (such as the Stranger being so nice when he is an ass, or Hirtel being so freaking snarky when he’s just a crazy freak who poops himself when the Oblivion’s gates are opened) and even the Ayleid ruins where Katia went to explore in her first trip to Kvatch doesn’t exist in the game.

        • tronn

          Why are you so keen to have Quill-Weave die? She’s a lovely old lady who never hurt anyone, and the only friend-resembling person in Katia’s life.

          • Gren

            I DON’T want Quill Weave to die, I was just proving a point, a point that it seems you didn’t get at all but whatever…

          • tronn

            Nah, I’m just messing with you 😀
            Let’s just say that I’m not exactly trembling in fear that Quill-Weave will die, for the aforementioned reasons, and leave it at that.

      • hey, you are a cultits, you must now how to bring back a mortal soul… maybe Dmitri put his soul in a soul gem.

        • Gren

          In a black soul gem.

  • a.m.

    as far as professionalism goes, this long wait is pretty sloppy. granted, because it’s interactive he doesn’t have the means to build a buffer and it’s possible he’s waiting for his command submission code to be finished before he posts the next update, and nothing sucks worse than relying on someone for something important only to get excuses and not have anything to show your audience until that gets squared away.

    • Sorcedude

      I sense an oncoming shitstorm.

      • a.m.

        don’t see why. i dunno if anyone else here is familiar with the Jadusable/BEN DROWNED alternate reality game, but iirc Jad was waiting on a developer to produce the video game for the last arc, and the developer never responded beyond vague “i’m working on it” messages, and after awhile, total silence. eventually Jad and decided to “hiatus” the entire thing. i mean, there was nothing he could do about it since he couldn’t code games, and it technically wasn’t his fault, but it was still unprofessional because people had been waiting for an entire year before we heard anything from him.

        • Sorcedude

          Well I guess was wrong. I was expecting a more negative reaction to calling Kazerad’s professionalism sloppy, where people would be so blind with fanboy rage they would gloss over the rest of your post without even reading it, and post angry negative responses…Is it wrong that I’m this pessimistic?

  • Carrnage

    Gharug: realise having a horseshoe points down causes good luck top drain away.

    • Kazerad

      But this way it drizzles all over his chiseled pecs.

      • Obviousguy

        Ah, the Lord speaks again! Please, O’ Mighty One, when will you send the good word?

        • Skianous

          I wanna know too ! <:3

          On a scale from 1 to 10, where's the completion at ?

        • Bob

          When Elder Scrolls Online comes out. 😛


    The 69th panel is an image of naked Katia in front of Quill-Weave.

    Well, they’re lesbian lovers now; it’s canon. Totally. Yes.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this infallible evidence, which is most definitely not a coincidence.

  • Z̺̖A͖̻͎̠̘L̨̟̹͕͎̻͕G̶̗̼Ơ

    I̸̖̻͇͉̺̬ ̠j̬u̞̪̮̪̲̳̮s̜͈͙̣͞t͇̮͘ ͘s̜̺̤̱̥t̤̭̗̞͠ą̥̣̤͓͚͎͚r̘͎̭͎̲͖͢ͅt̛͙͉͔̪̞ȩd͇͔͈ ̱̗͍̗̥̫̪ŗ͉͙̪̪ḛ̰̹ạd̜͇̗i͇̼͉̠ng̷̖͉ ͉̩̝͜t̺͜h҉̪̪̦̱͔̹̘í͚̙ͅs̶̜͕̱ ҉̣w̹ẹ̟̕b̖c̝̖͍̫o͈̞̩̘̘ͅm̰̦̣̖̖̦̝i̡̼̦̦̠c̺, ̦̳̜͖̱a̲̱̥̘̗n҉̮̣d͡ ̜͚̗͇͔̤͝I̱ ͍͎̠͍͍͇ͅm̜͎̞̜̮̀ͅͅu͢s̭̳̣̣t̢͙̗ ̵͓̥̬̲̪̠s̭͕̫͙̦̮̮͡a̹̝̠y̕ ̝̭̜̺̭I̠̮̜̟ ͔̖͉͚̭͞l̢͍̠͉̝̹ͅo͍̺̖͠v͕͉͓̻ͅe ̥̤̟̝i̪̙͔̩͕͚ț̳̙ ̹͟ş̘͙̩o͚͞ ͎̻͘f̜̦̠̫͜a̠̲̯̰̼r̰͖̠͟.̖̝ ̯͕͡ͅT̯h͖̭͓͚̰e͘r̳̗͙ḙ͚̖̤̫̻ ̲͚̪̙͟i͏̦̲̺s̵̟͉̥͔̩ ͚̬͍ͅj̨ùs͚̙̭̝̞ţ s̸̼͍̖̤o̢͍̟̪ ̜͙͎m̗uc̵̪̤h̘̼̙ ̨̳̣̮̗̯͕̰c̛̰̤͚̠h̥̕a̝̫̦o̱͈s͚̼̺̬̩͡ ̭̯a̭n̶d͕ ̺̫̥̯͙r͎̬͖̰a̰͈̞̟̩n̫̹̻̣̟̝̼ḍ̯̘́o̗̫m͉̦n̸͖͔e̜̻s͍͓̭͈͉͘s̫ͅ.̦̭̭̖̠̫̦͘.͔͎̹͕̣.͉͝ͅ

    • Ha, i think that nobody except the ones who actually know
      Who zalgo is, know why your post was like that

      • Bob

        To be honest, Zalgo is such an forced meme and probably was just made as a way for /b/tards try to act scary.

        You don’t need a meme to try to be scary. Just write a shitty creepypasta.

  • Dooper

    If we can get Kazerad to wait about 2 more weeks we’ll have gone nearly a full 2 months without an update.

  • )= mean faker

    It’s over, I am finished.

    Hey not nice, only Kazerad can be Kazerad – the Moderation

    • Rufus the Concerned


      • Rufus the Intumescent

        ~Consider myself trolled. It was late, I was tired, that’s my excuse.

    • … 😀

    • tronn

      Please be telling that the wait is over, you’ve finished the work needed for it?

    • Not Kazerad

      This is Wounded Knee Cap, testing if one can post a comment with Kazerad’s name.

      You’re not really doing anything wrong, but I’d feel bad berating the other guy for calling himself Kazerad if I didn’t do it here too. -The Moderation

      • Obviousguy


      • woundedkneecap

        I don’t mind, I was just proving a point to Pepsidude. Have a nice day, ‘Moderation’, keep up the good work 🙂

      • Bob

        To be honest, it would be easier to deal with the possibility of someone impersonating an site official if the actual official got some genuine indication like a colored border around their post, their username being bolded in the comment box or something that is unique from common posters.

  • Dirk Diggler

    I hate to be an ass here, but I’m going to end up supremely disappointed with the next update unless it’s another flash. Before the inadvertent Christmas break, the notice said “working on resources for the next update”, which would have to be a .swf unless ‘resources’ was just a BS way of saying “i’m drawing really slowly”. Just be honest if you intend to take a bit longer for the next update, Kaz, I’ll understand. I don’t expect the world from you, I just like to tune in every once and a while to see what’s new.

    It’s been a month and a half. The last time an update took this long was in May of last year and that was the awesome dream sequence so my hopes are fittingly raised for the next update.

    • JJ

      Seeing as Aggy is seemingly casting some spell, possibly incredibly badass. The next update should hopefully have some badass flash work or something.

      Plus, from personal experience I can honestly say updating a webcomic can suck, I once ran a webcomic but eventually I gave it up because drawing for a whole day without anything in return isn’t fun, especially when you have 100s if not thousands waiting for you to give the next installment of a story.

      • so… we must pay her?, i can give some…. some…. psychological hug for Katia?

        • tronn

          I can hug her too! I can even put on my hugging clamps just for her!

          • wWhat please don’t kill katia!!! *pointing with a corrosive weapon*

          • tronn

            Kill her? Haha, what a silly idea, I want to make her happy! These hugging clamps are extra delicate and they have been designed to deliver an optimized hug far below pain threshold! They are almost always perfectly safe!

          • Sorry tronn but almost isn’t enough for me… any error will come in a catastrophe…
            *shooting to the clamps* Now, without clamps must be safe to hug.

          • tronn


          • Ahh-a-AHh, I can fix it *shooting to the arms* ar-are you feel b-better?!

  • Acidicfriend

    couldn’t we do something to help you post these faster? I sincerely doubt anyone here wouldn’t pay to see what you’re doing. why not start a fundraiser, to make things easier on yourself?
    maybe do donations. you’ve got something here that is incredibly special and you should try to continue it. the longer you wait on things the harder it is going to be, I am not saying for you to rush, but I do believe if you continued posting as much as you did in 2011, then you’d find triple the amount of success you have already, people will be talking about your webcomic. but if you keep people waiting, it’s going to slow down the growth of this site. no pressure. nor do I want you to do this as some sort of job or obligation, but as a hobby. you are truly talented at this. it’s not something just anyone can do.
    btw, just finished reading it all and this is easily one of my favorite things in general. it blew homestuck out of the water for sure.

    but I Would be willing to pay to help you out and I am one hundred percent sure others would be too, you should seriously consider something like that.

    • KAZ, Shut Up and take my Money!!!

      • Acidicfriend

        we should really discuss this so we can get more prequel!

  • Bandit

    Kaz, no pressure (at least not from me), but you’re approaching 500 comments. That should be all the indication you need to say “You’re running a tad late.” I swear, I’m more hype for this than the dragons from GoT that are coming, but not really, actually having any sort of development. That’s how awesome this is. But we can save commendations until after this epic plot maneuver of badassery is masterfully played out. Some action in a comic about an insanely bloody video game is (or may not) be quickly approaching!!

    • BeenWaiting

      I second this(or agree with it?),I hope these updates come quickly and at a consistent daily basis and some sort of badass flash

      • Acidicfriend

        WE NEED TO MAKE DONATIONS PEOPLE! this way he can use the money to improve the comic, hire ppl, and have more time to do this. make it his living!!!!

        • KAZ, TAKE THE MONEY, JUST TAKE IT *pointing with a shotgun* I said TAKE the @#¬€$%& MONEY!!!

  • Take your time.

  • Naima

    How long does Katia have to sit there in the rain, all cold and soaked?

    • Skianous

      I don’t mind looking at a wet pussy every once in a while.

      • Lobster

        Not cool bro!

      • tronn


  • Elmur J FAPP

    You know what, I’m gonna fap to Katia while i wait. Take that Kaz.

    • 0_O

      • kaz, please, make him stop

        • Skianous

          maek it stahp plz ! ;;;_;;;

          Elmar, y u do dis ?

          • Obviousguy

            Elmar. What are you doing. Elmar. Stahp.

            (Picture of a very concerned man slowly zooming in after every pause until only his face is visible)

  • BlahBlah

    Hey, Kaz,
    Maybe it would be a good idea to set some goals for yourself, as a writer. Like, trya updating bi-monthly or one a week if you feel you have enough time. I know finding time to draw can be tough and I understand that you were sick but with the way you’re updating, it may be quite a long time until you get this story/arc finished. I’m worried that, like most web comics I have been following, you may get bored of the story or drop it all together. :/

    • tronn

      This, and also setting a fixed update day would be pretty good ideas. For example the guy who draws Pandemonium updates on the second Friday of the month, and it gives a nice feeling of continuance to know beforehand when the next episode will come.

  • Dusty

    “the tale only gets good once Vivec comes and starts blowing things up.”

    All Dunmer lore ever

  • thicke

    Looks like this comic is over. -.-

    I really hope the next update is an awesome flash or something, because it’s been seven years.

    • Kazerad

      It’s been a month and a half!! >:

      • of agony…

        • Moo?

          HE IS DOING THE BEST HE CAN! *Cries in corner…again*

      • Ikearat

        A month and a half in which Christmas, New Years and crap-knows what else a normal person does these days. We -will- wait and we will wait again next time. It’s how this works. Take whatever time you need/want to live a happy life and we will wait! 🙂
        Thanks again Kazerad

  • No you guys dont understand

    Guys stop saying this comic is over, I’m not even going to begin why.


    Notice that the top banner changed from Asotil to a Khajiit in a cape or something

    • Bandit

      I’m not sure if that just automatically changes… but yeah. Maybe that’s part of the prep for the cool stuff that’ about to happen.

      • Moo?

        Its auto

    • Obviousguy

      I’m pretty sure that’s automatic. I’d hate to have to go on every few minutes and change the banner. I’d have to kill myself.

    • Bob

      To be honest, I would consider something “over” when the last update is almost half a year.

      its been 5 weeks, the updates have gone longer and slower than this before. Besides, kaz hasn’t made this his full time job.

      Patience is a virtue.

      • Gren

        Actually, it’s been seven weeks and half since last update (almost eight).
        Sorry, I just wanted to troll you. 😛

  • Big Redguard Rick

    It’s gonna update any second now.

    Aaaannnyyy second.

    • Shazbot

      Been there, like so much.

      • Ster

        But this update feeels sooooo close.

        Aaaaaaanyyy day now, or year. Close enough.

      • Irrevenant

        Me too. I check this site at least three times every day.

        Probably excessive.

        • Mizana

          Well, when you have nothing else to do…

  • Acidicfriend

    HOLD ON PEOPLE! I doubt anyone would be cruel enough to stop something so many people love. not to mention he’s spent over three years of his life making this comic, I bet it’s just as special to him as it is to us.

    • tronn

      It would be a fitting end to his story about making a cat cry…

      • Acidicfriend

        nothing has been resolved.

        • tronn


  • Mizana

    Maybe if we check enough times, an update will magicaly appear 😮

  • Uzi_Man

    He’s being working on this comic for 3 years. Perhaps he is getting bored of it. I don’t blame him, it’s hard to be a fan of a game’s universe for so much time.

  • Haha, typical, you come here to read the comments
    When boredom strikes, and you take more time
    Reading the comments than you take reading the
    History itself so far from the begining to the end, LOL
    ( i think i’ll have to wait another Month until a new update
    Comes and save the dat, but nah, i dont care about waiting
    Only if there is actually a thing to wait for)

  • SolitariusLupus

    Katia: Ask what’s in it for you.

  • Lurker no more

    I never post in the comments, but I have to, I am compelled.

    So I’m a flash developer, have been for years. And I can say that if the next bit IS a flash then you guys realize you’re being really aggressive asking for it to happen overnight. Do you have any idea how long it can take to make an interactive flash project? I usually spend 2 years per game I work on, granted I don’t make small simple flash games, and I work solo but still. Even simple can take time to perfect. The pressure thats being put down on kazerad may be in turn being put on the flash developer, whom has a life and since he or she is a flash developer they very well may be working on their own projects as well and may not be able to objectively halt all production to do something for kazerad as the story fits. Especially if hes not an independent flash developer but makes flash for a company.

    If the next bit isn’t flash, dude. C’mon. Hes worked on it for years? Has he ever taken a hiatus? ever? Sure hes taken “breaks” but I don’t recall (I’m sure someone will correct me) seeing him EVER say hes going on a hiatus for a bit and not working on it at all for a time. Which is what hiatus means btw.
    Do you watch television shows? south park, supernatural, adventure time, revolution come to mind. These shows TAKE a break every year. South park takes a crazy long break since they work NON STOP the entire time episodes are being churned out. Which they deserve. Isn’t that what kazerad does? Sure he takes “breaks”. But does he really? Shouldn’t kazerad deserve a time out here and there?

    I have a feeling a lot of the more impatient lot of you are a bunch of after school 12 year olds that don’t understand how anything works.

    • Obviousguy

      This guy ^

      He’s got it right. Thank you random guy.

    • Lurker no more

      He took a break over the holidays but thats hardly a hiatus. Its not like he took a nice summer vacation to hawaii. No. He continues to promise that hes working on it, because he is. He never stops promising that hes still got it under control.
      Thats almost unhealthy at this point. He updates and we’re happy for a little bit and then break out the torches and pitchforks, damning him. How do you think that feels?

      Regardless. I fucking love this comic, I love kazerad and katia. I love this community as much as it can sometimes hurt my brain. Each and every single last one of you I wish the best day of your life, right now, today. Enjoy it.

      • Notch

        What’s wrong with a godd, relaxing, vacation?

        • Lurker no more

          Nothing! I encourage kaz to take a vacation if he feels inclined to do so.


    • Bob

      For those that still can’t grasp it, here’s a one sentence summary written in your own comprehension level:

      One does not simply create art in mere minutes.

      Whether its flash or illustrations, Quality takes time even when it’s something like drawing 6 panels. It needs time and effort since most of that time is spent on shaving off and fixing up the flaws that stick out from the creation. It’s like 2 people making a vase from clay. You can have one person just mash the clay up and then try to make it imitate a vase shape or another that takes their time shaping the clay to make sure its even and smooth all around.

      I know it’s been nearly a month since Kaz made a new update with an even slower update rate, but another thing is, he has things on the side that he needs to do too. Personal or whatever, he has his own issues to deal with too while trying to squeeze in enough spare time for him to relax and focus on the new panels. Granted, if he was lucky enough to get his own secratary that would speed things up even more, preferably a fan of his, but that’s not the point.

      Point is: Nothing of high quality can ever come out from someone who puts no effort and in at an instant. *cough* Justin Beiber, Miley cyrus *cough*

  • Lobster

    Hey Kaz pls Tell us at least how are you doing….Or post some new comment on top of the page :3

    • Lobster

      Or both

      • Lobster

        Sh*t.I just noticed long comment from Lurker no more and FUCK this guy is right.Taking back shit i wrote above.Kaz you have right to take break.You have right even to end comic right there.You are one making it.And i dont know if anybody pointed that out but you are doing it for free.I never seen ads here or shit.

        So what i am trying to say.Thanks man.

        Also.You have right to dont give single fuck.

    • Kazerad

      I’m doing alright! Though I’m not finished with the update yet.

      I don’t want to touch the text at the top because then it will ping everyone’s RSS feeds and make them think there is an update. It is apparently National Hat Day, though, so if you’d like you can pretend the Santa hat drawing is a reference to that, thus letting you appreciate the current comment on a new level.

  • Quakers


    I’m impatient… and bored.. Reading more of Katia’s misadventures would solve both problems.

  • Wangarath

    It would be nice to have an idea about when the next update is coming. I mean, if it’s coming in april, then so be it, I understand. Just to know when to expect it, even if it’s just the month.

    • Obviousguy

      Even if it’s just vague. Anything. Please. Kaz. What’re doing. Kaz. Why? You’re killing us. Is this what you wanted? To control the minds of average everyday individuals? If so, good job. It’s working. :3

  • Gren

    Man, what a stupidly vast amount of comments from haters and ass-lickers has been agglomerated here lately. I fear Kaz’s head could have had exploded with all this shit. Can’t you just stop babbling and wait patiently as any normal people? It won’t get any faster by posting more useless shit so why not change the subject instead?

    • Bandit

      So how’s the weather?

      • Lobster

        Fuck wheather lets talk about how Martin Freeman is badass.

        • Chuck Norris is more badass

          • Lobster

            same person

  • No you guys dont understand

    Hey guys

    everytime you complain its taking too long for the next update, Kazerad delays HL3 adds a day to the delay

  • passivemonk

    hello I am kind of new to this posting thing and I would like to ask someone on advice for oblivion? I wonder if I should buy it or should I get the skyrim? or both? and how is the story of both?

    • Random person of the internet

      From what I’ve heard, the story of both are pretty great. I’ve only played Skyrim, personally, and that was my first Elder Scrolls game. You don’t need to have one to understand the story of the other, if that’s what you’re worried about. The stories are independant, and they’re pretty good about giving you lore to understand the world.

      If I were you, I’d choose one to play, to try it out, then if you’re feeling engaged in the Elder Scrolls world, then go buy the other game.

      As far as I know, the stories are equally great.

      • passivemonk

        thanks for the feedback =)

    • Kazerad

      I think Oblivion had better writing, but Skyrim is probably the more approachable game by modern standards. The writing in Morrowind is leaps and bounds above both of them (and probably the only one of the three I would recommend for its story), but its gameplay and graphics are pretty dated by now.

      If you’re the sort of person who has trouble enjoying older games, I’d go for Skyrim. If you care a lot about story and worldbuilding, I’d go for Oblivion. If you REALLY like old, complex games that have lots of reading, meet me in a dark alley where I will hand you a mysterious CD labeled “Morrowind”.

      • passivemonk

        thanks and I like old games I still play golden eye and legend of Zelda ocarana of time (even though it was passed down to my by my brother).

        • Nopon

          If you love wondrous worlds that just set you out into the wide open I’d heartily recommend Morrowind. The hardest thing is understanding the basic systems that run it. The world also feels more harsh yet rewarding than the other two games. Quest wise… Morrowind tends to feel a bit more immersive while Oblivion and Skyrim are focused somewhat more on spectacle. In fact before I blather further I know of a video that tends to explain my views on the series well enough. (Other things too technically)
          Here is the linky:

          • passivemonk

            thanks for the link : )

          • Nopon

            NP :). If you have any other questions about a series I’ve invested more than my fair share of time into I’d be glad to ramble on endlessly. Each of them are in reality great in their own way.

            And the modding communities are fantastic as well.

    • a.m.

      i started on Oblivion, and while the game can be a little hectic, there’s never a shortage of things to do. if you like a dash of crazy to your sandbox RPGs, Oblivion is a good choice. Skyrim is much more open (the beginning character creation is much simpler and streamlined) and you can essentially become a God-like character even without cheating, if you’re dedicated to leveling up all your skills enough. i personally really liked the assassin questline from Oblivion more than the questline in Skyrim, but the thieve’s guild quest in Skyrim is more enjoyable than its predecessor. so if either of those things matter to you, take that into consideration. pricewise, it doesn’t hurt to get Oblivion anyway because it’s a basketful of fun and still really good (except the Speech thing… i never got the hang of that).

      • Nopon

        The key to becoming a god like character in Oblivion (sans mods to fix the silly Oblivion leveled list system) was to never ever ever go to sleep and level up. You could essentially have maxed out stats and roleplay the Mad God with no problem whatsoever.

      • Shazbot

        All you need to be a god-like character are the shouts you are granted for nothing during the main quest. One word in Ice, for instance, can defeat virtually all enemies with no issue.

        It’s more open for character development, except you can’t do anything interesting, and there is no functional difference between a level one character and a maxed one.

        • Nopon

          I was basically commenting on the series system eccentricities. In each and every ES games, even all the way back to Daggerfall (though not necessarily Redguard/Battlespire, havent played Arena) There were ways that you could in effect reduce all challenge to 0, regardless of difficulty settings.

          In Morrowind and Skyrim for instance the enchanting systems are wildly abusable, wherein Oblivion sans mods, the leveled list system (which denoted which enemies would spawn with what gear and stats and was relative to the level of the player character) was also hilariously broken. It basically allowed a character to ignore the natural progression system in the game, while also abusing the skill leveling system and static enemies placed in the game in order to obtain gear that would relegate any challenge the game could have posed a lvl1 character null.

          The series in reality is hilariously exploitable and it is definitely a large part of the reason that I love it so. The crazy lore too… especially stuff related to chim/amaranth/convention. That definitely helps.

          • Shazbot

            Aye, you can gamebreak any of them. Skyrim, however, for the first time does the game-breaking for you, with NPCs forcing the key abilities upon you at gunpoint while demanding that you use them for sake of the plot. It’s a bit of a difference between letting you build a super-powerful character, if you wish, and forcing you to use a broken character, or else you might possibly encounter difficulty. I spent about sixty hours running a zero-skill no-shout character, and was very angry when the priests demanded that I get shouts and use them on them. I’d much rather have in-game challenges than demands from useless NPCs who are only there as plot coupon dispensers. The in-game challenges could generally be bypassed.

      • Bob

        “i started on Oblivion, and while the game can be a little hectic, there’s never a shortage of things to do. if you like a dash of crazy to your sandbox RPGs, Oblivion is a good choice. ”

        You got that right. Shivering isles was a hoot for me since some of the weird stuff that happens while playing that quest. I mean, super quick juggernaut giants, a ruler who rules half the area that also hinted that he made love with a insect, and don’t forget the calming pants. Also the daedric prince himself, Jygal-.. I mean Sheogorath 🙂

  • Xenny

    I told myself I’m not going to fall in love with the Elder Scrolls series

    Yet here I am

    Reading the comic that made me love it.


    • Shazbot

      Don’t worry, it isn’t like any further games in it will be boring MMOs with no significant open world elements!

  • neroTechnician

    I read all the way up to this point over the coarse of one day. I can’t believe I’m gettin’ so may feels from a cat internet comic…

  • rogueSnail’s evil twin on his thumb

    Is it just me or is most of this fan base a little bit annoying- not like in a bad way, but the fact that we (and even I) can’t wait a month’s time for an update? Like really?

    • rogueSnail

      Shut up evil twin u know nothing of our struggles and pain!!!!

  • A sea creature

    This is my first comment on this website and I just want to say that I am enjoying where this story is going and I like the artwork. I don’t care how long it takes for this story to be told as long as it is told.

    Aggy is looking badass in that final panel.

  • Worried Patron

    You may wish to consider moving back toward more concise segments. It:
    1) More easily maintains the illusion of choice (they haven’t made a choice yet)
    2) Is quicker to implement (long/random delays hurt a comic’s following more than anything. If this single segment were divided into five and posted over the last 5 weeks, that’s 5 weeks to work on the next segment. Same amount of work put in, but people don’t feel like it’s dead or dying)
    3) Is easier to reconsider actions before a story is complete.

    Either that, or consider defining a more laid-back schedule. Creating deadlines helps you delegate as well as gives followers a cue of when to return. I’d like to follow this series, but I know I would have it removed within a month or two for instability. Regardless, I enjoy the art style enough to give it a temporary stay. Perhaps it shall become dependable in this period.

  • Captain Sero

    Guys the longer we wait the better it will be when it comes out <3

    • Shut up!!!

      • tronn

        Come on, you know Kaz wouldn’t let us down. The next update simply must be mind-blowingly impressive after such a long wait.

        • Dragomok

          Hopefully that doesn’t heaps even more pressure on Kazerad.

          • tronn

            All joking aside, now that Kaz has built up a sizable following the fandom is self sustaining. It doesn’t really matter what he does at this point – he could not update for half a year, or put up crudely drawn scribbles of cat farts, and people would still come.

    • JJR

      So if the quality increases with the amount of time waited, then no matter when the next comic comes out it would have been better if it had come out the next day. Therefore, we should hope that there are no more ‘could have been better’ updates so that we can look forward to the Best of all Possible Updates at the end of eternity.

      • Well, then we’ve only a couple months to go before we get the Katia Managan feature film. I only hope they get the casting right.

        • Casting Ideas

          Jennifer Love Hewitt is: Not a Cat, Damn It!

          • doubting

            PROVE IT

  • Lurker no more


    • IIII…IIII…IIIiiiiiiiii.IIII…….IIII

      ……….III III…IIIiiiiiiii….IIIII…..IIII IIII
      …………..IIII……IIIiiiiiiiii..IIII IIII…IIII IIII

    • Bob

      Double post?

      Scratch that. Cheese for no one. Still as good if you don’t like cheese.

  • Im commander shepard, and this is my favorite comic on the citadel!

    • Obviousguy

      I didn’t realize it was 2185 CE. I keep thinking it’s around 2014. Anyway, how’s the Normandy?

  • Asoyna

    Two last comment chains (or lines, my english) look epic!

  • Telvanni Pride

    Alright, so I just found this comic yesterday when I was milling around 1d4chan. It’s under the ‘approved’ webcomic section they have there, which says something already. I love it. Had a blast reading up to this point. Just get a kick out of the storyline, the art, the characters … and seriously? I have to ask … how many comics have their own friggin mini games? I mean the awesome flash stuff aside, this thing has MINIGAMES … it’s … seriously … just win. I really can’t wait for the next update. Albeit I get the feeling this is going to be a sort of good/bad thing. I mean a Dunmer witch hunter? Why do I see some extreme training methods that Katia’s going to have no clue how to deal with? “Oh. Yes. Good! You’re in melee now! Wonderful! Jam the dagger into her eye socket, and twist hard, and to the left. Hard, and to the left. Hard, and to the left.” I mean fragging a person is a lot different than offing a mudcrab. Though after what’s happened so far? I really want to see Sigrid get shut down, and a certain orc see how well he can fit a storm atronarch between his glutes.

  • Peazo vacaciones que se ha cogido el gitano este

  • Noc

    This is a ridiculous wait, but I will say I love the comic so far, and I’m really looking forward to a more regular update schedule.

    • Bob

      Yeah, But even with the christmas hiatus, at least Kaz is known to deliver when its done, so usually best way to wait is to distract yourself with something just as interesting.

      For example, Heard that Elder scrolls online is gonna be awesome shit, that’s one good way to wait right?

  • Matt

    I remember reading Prequel about 1-3 years ago, I loved it as far as I was, but now the more this has progressed…Well..I’ve read all of it to this last update in now 2 days! Thanks Kaz, for such an amazing webcomic about a Khajiit in the world of Oblivion.(Where everything goes wrong for her.) Oh and, “obvious assassin”?

  • DK3

    Ever considered to make a print book for selling of this and t-shirts? The simple animations could be put into comic strips. Rubber keychain would be also cool to make your hard work more rewarding. You got the fans who would love that 😀

    • Kazerad

      I don’t think I could legally do a book thanks to all the names from The Elder Scrolls used, but I could probably do tees or keychains or something if I wanted. I’d like to start updating it faster first, though.

      • Acidicfriend

        what are your plans on doing so? if there were any way I could help, I’d be happy too, though I cannot think of anything you’d really need help with. I would make you music for free but, that’s all I know with what you have going on here :C

        • Maybe put some publicity in the webpage can be a good idea.

      • andwhyisit

        Why not ask Bethesda Softworks for permission?

        • PhantomSpaceman

          We’re talking about the company that sued an indie developer for trying to use the word “scrolls” in a game title, directly lifting intellectual properties from a trademark and then asking if it’s ok will result in a tactical hellfire missile strike on Kazerad’s house.

          • Sir Anon O’Myss III

            To be fair, Bethesda actually didn’t start that – their lawyers jumped the gun.

      • DK3

        Stickers would be also cool and probably the cheapest to offer. You can always change the names to be similar without directly using the same words. (silly ex.: the elder scrolls > the old mans messages… I know, bad but you get the point ) As for the Elder scrolls incident, it was a big concern over the title that the game was marketed with. Pretty stupid case I gotta say over a common word like “scrolls” but that’s what title trademarks do… Good luck with the story, im loving it sofar 😀

  • Hey Kaz, your “RSS feed of the Twitter feed” is broken.
    Please fix it. And then advise me on how you did it.

    • Kazerad

      Ooh, thanks, I didn’t even notice.

      Sounds like you’re having the same problem. As best as I can tell, Twitter discontinued their RSS support since it’s used pretty infrequently today; most services like that out there are designed to post stuff TO Twitter. I used to generate a feed; lemme know if it works okay for you.

  • Cyadox

    I hate that feeling when the page doesn’t load in proper order and I think there’s a new update.

    Oh well, I’ve come to expect it after reading this comic for almost a year now.

  • Bored Thing from sea

    Today is a day
    I can feel it
    I can feel it
    Today is a day
    I can feel it
    I can feel it
    Today is a day
    We are gonna have update
    Today is a day
    We are gonna be up to the date
    Today is a day
    No more waiting
    I can feel it YEAH

    Prequel will be up to the date
    We will see open Oblivion Gate


    Maybe tonight
    We will see Fight

    Today is a day
    We can feel it
    We can feel it
    Today is a day
    We can feel it
    We can feel it
    Today is a day
    Tonight is a night
    We will see story about cat
    Go totaly RAD!!!


    I can feel it
    You can feel it
    We can feel it

    Today is a day
    Tonight is a NIGHT

    I hope i am right…

    (Also i hope its without gramatical errors..My english is not best soo feel free to correct this shit)

    • Captain Sero

      I hope your right two <3

      • Dolan

        The internet is only for Americans, you grammer deficient commies.

        • Captain Sero

          Shut the fuck up you nazi imbecile! Who really care about grammar on the internet! AND YOUR ALSO GRAMMAR DEFICIENT! its spelled grammar!

          • Captain Sero

            Have a nice day <3

          • Lobster

            Hey Dolan y u do tis?I tught we wer frinds.U brok me Hert u stuped dik!Fuk u Dolan!

          • Dolan

            Troll successful

          • Dolan use mental power in us!!! 0_O

          • Lobster

            Dolan pls
            (counter troll successful)

    • Gren

      Welp, nothing happened. Prepare your anus.

      • Bob

        Fak u guren.

        (Well I tried… 😐 )

  • reader

    Awesome comic, but almost two months since a last update? Has this been abandoned?

    • bel

      Nope, Kaz apparently doesn’t want to change anything until he’s done with the update because it’ll ping people’s RSS feeds to make them thing there’s an update. If you read through the comments here too, you can notice his recent replies as well.

      • KibaKiba

        Eh, that’s not all that right to be honest. He really should at least update the notification since 12/22 that he’s still updating the comic, even if it updates people’s rss feeds. It’ll let people know that it hasn’t been abandoned without having to fish through the comments sections and keeps people’s spirits up regarding this, even if the wait has been egregious. I get people here like to support Kaz and say “we’ll wait however long it takes, it’ll be worth it in the end”, but update waits like this are a deathknell for webcomics. Go to any webcomic panel at any convention and they’ll tell everyone the same thing. A lot of comics have up and died because the author put himself into a guilt spiral of failing to update so he won’t update today as well as support just puttering out after people had enough. Just some kind of “Hey guys, still here” would probably go a much longer way than another month of nothing and then boom a flash or something.

        • Kazerad

          I guess you’re right. I updated the message!

  • Moo?

    Wow it seems like it was just yesterday that I was starting to read this comic… it was summer and I was up till fucking 5am because I just like reading it… I catched up that very same day… that was like 3 or 2 years now… those where the days…

  • Moo?


    • Lurker no more

      looks like stephane took care of it when they talked at the bar.

  • Sandvich

    Well, quality beats quantity every time.
    If the next update is good, then surely it will be worth the wait.

    • gaben

      after 9 years of development, hopefully.

  • Gren

    Wait, so that means there will not be taken any commands for the next several updates as well?

    • Lobster

      I hope it will be gorgerous fight.I hope it will be BLOODSHED

  • rogueSnail the Third

    Don’t mind me, I’m just a simple snail passing through.

    • Bored thing from sea


      • Bob

        He’ll be at his destination by the time the new update arrives.

        BA-DUM TSH.

  • Dolan

    This comic needs more zombies (only one cat so far). Therefore I believe that there should be zombies in the secret passage from the crypt to the mages guild. Face it, in what Elder Scrolls game weren’t there zombies in every crypt?

    • Gren

      Actually, there tend to be ghosts and skeletons but since this cave probably connects with the necromancers’ basement in the mages guild, there are pretty good chances that she could find some zombies in there. Maybe even vampires, if we consider the sort of deal Sigrid has with Nah and the fact that Sigrid seems pretty much one of them too.

  • Gregarity

    I just picked up this comic today thanks to a lucky Tumblr post I stumbled on.

    I love it, personally. A little disheartened by the update rate, but it’s still great. Katia is surprisingly relatable and realistic. Her previously boundless optimism was rather refreshing, but goddammit why does she keep getting shit on by the plot? I mean, shit, it’s worse than Homestuck because of her character. I wanted to cry once or twice because wow, nobody needs that sort of continual downfall.

    I look forward to further updates, Kazerad.

    • Bob

      I love it, personally. A little disheartened by the update rate, but it’s still great. Katia is surprisingly relatable and realistic. Her previously boundless optimism was rather refreshing, but goddammit why does she keep getting shit on by the plot? I mean, shit, it’s worse than Homestuck because of her character. I wanted to cry once or twice because wow, nobody needs that sort of continual downfall.

      *Points at the subtitle*

      “Making a cat cry: The Adventure”

      It’s cause the writer has a sadistic delight for torturing the protagonist with the worst outcome for the sake of a tragic outcome.

      Though I will say, the one thing that most people of the audience that can relate to katia is that she doesn’t know what positives that she have. (Granted, aggy is great at giving an optimistic outlook) Some attributes may sound great to the character, but doesn’t feel those aspects could have great beneficial attributes to build on top of.

      Also, some in the audience feel the same way since they’re those who don’t know what to do with life or don’t have any talents or abilities that makes them unique and so, they’re just, lost; just like katia.

      Though personally, I enjoy it since it blends deep into the elder scrolls environment and lore so well, with people who would act like an actual human being, unlike those in the games. I mean, someone who can’t remove a bucket being placed on their heads while they’re being robbed blind shouldn’t exist…

      • Shazbot

        The bucket-head trick is overrated. For real fun, steal something while standing behind the person you’re stealing it from. Or just drag it out of their sight before adding it to their inventory. 😉

      • Irrevenant

        I love it for the same reasons as you. Kaz really does his homework.

        Wasn’t the subtitle something the fans came up with near the start and then Kaz just kinda rolled with it?

        I hate the subtitle, personally.

      • tronn

        I love the subtitle, personally, but I agree that following it slavishly would pinpoint Prequel into a very narrow box. Luckily, Kaz has shown that he does pretty much whatever he wants with his comic/adventure/multimedia experience regardless what people expect.

        Which brings me to my point: saying that the writer has a sadistic delight for torturing the protagonist isn’t quite right. If Kaz just wanted to torture cartoon cats he could write much simpler stories, but you know this isn’t true. Instead, Prequel is about making the reader cry. He makes you care about the main character and want to see her smile, yet at the same time he makes it clear that she will be denied happiness and dignity over and over again. And you keep reading, hoping against the odds that this time she will succeed because ultimately you, the reader, want to feel the feels.

        • Gren

          Okay, I just lol’d with this. XD

        • Ol’ Tor

          Three steps forward, two steps back…

    • andwhyisit

      Lets be honest here, what has been years for us was only days for Katia. Katia is progressing rather quickly. That moment in the church, when Katia refused to drink, was a serious turning point in the evolution of her character, she finally started to face her problems rather than run away from them. Plus the fact that she ultimately chose to not be suckered in by her own unrealistic expectations (which is the root of most of her problems) when Stephane left that key is commendable.

      To me Prequel is measured not by plot progression, but by character progression.

  • meshpet

    i have to say that with all these comments about the updates taking too long, it only goes to show how much people love this series. Kaz should take every one’s bitching as a compliment. I don’t mind waiting at all. In-fact i left this comic for half a year, came back and was delighted to see the story progression, and now I’m biting the bit to know what happens next. This series is about the ride, not the start or the finish. And i dunno were people get that these are scribbles that take no time to do. As a pretty decent artist myself i know these things take time even if they look effortless.

    Bottom line, don’t care about the length for updates, keep em comin’. Life comes first. Thank you for creating this awesome story~

    • Gren

      Kaz should take every one’s bitching as a compliment.

      Actually, I think it rather has the opposite effect. I am not saying he gets offended by all of our comments but he surely would feel a bit guilty and thinks he’s disappointing everyone (and that’s partially true since everyone is upset about the pace but he can’t help it, he has a life to live, you know?). No matter if you’re complaining or supporting him religiously, it cause the same effect. That’s why I said we just should shut our mouth and wait because if we keep saying the same bullshit we are not helping and this is not going to get faster by doing it over and over again.

  • Quakers

    You put your right paw in, you take your right paw out..

    You put the pineapple in, you take the pineapple out
    You put the pineapple in, then jiggle all about
    You incorporate a yo-yo and impress the massive crowd
    And that’s what it’s all about.

    Perhaps my offering of a Katia themed parody song snippet will appease the author into updating by my birthday next Thursday.

    • Obviousguy

      I was going to mention that most of the people who post here are unusually above average in their intelligence. It made me proud to be human. Then, I read this…

      • Ol' Tor

        And then you re-read it and decided that you, after all, don’t care that much.

    • Moo?


  • Matt

    Y’know, I love this comic, it’s great, really! I’d give it a 10/10. Now, if you don’t mind me, I’ve got some Elder Scrolls games to play.

    • That’s the attitude!

      • Matt

        Huh. I JUST found my comment after, like, 30 minutes. Oh and, I’m surprised you commented on my comment. (Inception occuring) You were the least expected person to comment on it. I mean seriously. (Also, Kaz, I’ve drawn Katia, like, twice? And the first time was horrible. XD But your style in drawing her actually has taught me a few things about drawing that kind of character for stuff. When she gets her mage robe and is standing in front of a mirror is an example.) …I have nothing else to say. *Achievement Earned: Post Comment About Stuff*

  • Corey

    So I read through the comic (the first time) a week or two ago and I recently started trying to figure out how much time Katia had to get out of Kvatch before the Oblivion Crisis started. I looked around some before posting and I haven’t seen anyplace better to do so, and well, it’s not like there’s much going on here while we’re waiting. Anyway, I think I figured it out. It’s sometime before 3E 432 8th of Sun’s Dusk. You can follow my logic below (This whole fact list assumes that Kaz won’t divert from the Oblivion lore in anyway. There’s no reason the gates couldn’t open tomorrow in the story).

    Katia was born on the 8th of Sun’s Dusk in 3E 413.

    Katia has said before that she’s 19, almost 20.
    (Don’t have a link, but it’s mentioned often enough)

    413 + 19 = 432

    Oblivion Crisis takes place in 3E 433.

    Since Katia isn’t 20 yet, so we know it’s not past the 8th of Sun’s Dusk yet.

    So we actually have at least a month until the oblivion gates open, rather than a week like was previously thought.

    That’s assuming that the Oblivion Crisis begins when the new year does and not slightly before or after. (If anyone want’s to start up a new game in Oblivion and check the date you’re welcome to)

    Plus these bonus facts about dates and stuff!
    Mage’s guild has required recommendations from all the Guild leaders before acceptance since 3E 431, so she’d have to do that to get in. (Once again, assuming Kaz doesn’t divert from the lore)

    The 8th of Sun’s Dusk is a Breton holiday called the “Moon Festival” celebrated in Glenumbra Moors in honor of the moon goddess Secunda.

    • Gren

      You wasn’t paying much attention when reading the story, right? In the first minigame it was said by the Mythic Dawn cultist himself (the high elf with red robes at the begining of the game) that he arrived to the city a week earlier for the invasion. At least that’s what he thought. But as we could see in one of the recent updates, it seems the he already has met with his colleagues (one of them is obviously the Crazy Poison Lady, while the other possibly could be that Crazy Redguard old woman with the knife at the begining of the story) meaning that the invasion is imminent (I’d say this very night is the more plausible of options, specially if we consider what Katia is about to do now).

      • Corey

        No, I saw those things. But my facts still check out as far as I can tell. And once again, I don’t actually know the exact date of when Kvatch was attack, I just know the events in Oblivion take place in 4E 433, and it can’t be 433 yet unless Katia is at least 20 years and 53 days old… which she isn’t.

        • xKiv

          And by “at least 20 years and 53 days old” you mean “at least 19 years and 53 days old”. “20y 53d” would mean that it’s at least 53 days past 8th sun’s dusk 413+20, and therefore at least 434.

          I can’t find mention of her age in my reference file, which goes to “nobles nobles nobles”. I think it might have been somewhere in Excelsior?

          Googling, here we have a canonical age reference: “Realized you’re a fucking Khajiit who can’t even make magicka, almost twenty years old and can barely start fires”.

          Or comments on this, where Kazerad says: Actually, the “one year” thing just came from when Katia said her birthday and later mentioned she was 19 years old, which let people calculate it down to “within 9 months of Oblivion”.

          • Corey

            No, I meant 20 years and 53 days for 433. She turns 20 on the 8th of Sun’s Dusk 432, but there’s still another 53 days in the year. Your comment did make me realize that it could still be late 431 (in that 53 day window), but that’d just makes the presence of the Mythic Dawn cultist more confusing.

            And speaking of that cultist, he said, “I meant to show up a LITTLE early, but I’m begining to think I may’ve written it down on the wrong week.” (btw, spell check is yelling at me about the missing “n” in “beginning,” don’t know if it’s too late to fix that in the game)

            He only said it was the wrong week, not a week earlier. That means he could’ve gotten there much earlier than what was originally believed.

            Finally, I had done some searching around before I posted, but I’d never found any resolved conversations on the issue of the date in the story. I did find several people curious to it though, so I guess I thought, “better late than never.”

            I mostly only made the original post to try and start a conversation that wasn’t filled with either incessant boot-licking or excessive criticism, so I guess I managed that at least. Love the story by the way! …shit.

          • Kazerad

            I think you are losing a number somewhere, Corey, though I can’t quite tell where. Katia was born 11/13/13 and the Oblivion Crisis happens 8/27/33. Since she was born toward the end of 413, she’ll still be 19 when the Oblivion Crisis starts. Here’s the difference if you’d like to see it calculated out to the day:

            As for the date in the story, Nah’s vampire magazine had a date on it. It’s presumably near the beginning of the month, since Kvatch is still there. Also, because she hasn’t finished the crossword puzzle yet.

            (and thanks! Glad you love the story)

          • Corey

            I think I figured it out, I didn’t use a program to calculate the amount of time between the dates. I just kinda added 19 years onto Katia’s birth year, which means I included the year 413 itself into the calculation. So basically, I counted the time between 1/1/13 and 1/1/33. Whoops.

  • Gren

    Also, the whole Mages Guild recommendation thing is just to access to the Arcane University. You can be a member of the guild without needing to do all that shit and Katia wants to join mainly because that means food, bed and books for free.

  • So many words!!.. my brain can’t… just… need magica potio… ahhhhHHH!!! *mental collapse*

    • JJR

      Too many words? Just relax for a while; you will be fine as long as nobody replies to your comment…


  • I bet we can make the comment count get to 700 before the update comes!

    Come on, we can do this!

    • Shaddy

      except he will probably post JUST then to make us fail ha
      kaz and his perfect timing skills

      • Auslander

        were probably gonna hit 700

        • tronn

          I, for one, have always been against hitting 700 posts and think it is a very bad idea.


            “Seriously” though, why would reaching 700 comments be a bad idea?

          • Pepsidude

            What’s the worst that could happen?

        • Thrime

          No doubt, 671…

          But that fucking thing calculating the time before the oblivion gate opens was awesome.

          • tronn

            Now that we are at 695 comments I hope we all can agree to stop posting so we won’t break the 700. I think that in the long run it will make everyone happier.

          • Corey

            Thanks I guess. If you’re ever in need of an over-thought and ultimately false Wall of Text in the future, you can summon me by sprouting the wings of bat and stomping like a zombie while whistling “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” through a carwash.

  • Erik

    Take your time, i rather have 1 good update than 3 hasty ones ^^

    • Whoever

      “Don’t half-ass two things,whole-ass one thing”

      • Ol’ Tor

        Had a sergeant say this to us in a briefing the other day. Almost fell out of my seat but that’s just me.

  • I found this comic before, but I didn’t have time to read it. I forgot about it until like the end of december when I found it again. I read through the whole thing that day and I just wanted to say that this is an AMAZING comic. I just… jsdfhvdfh
    the Elder Scrolls are my favorite games ever and, so far, I’d have to say Oblivion is the very best of the bunch. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to actually just live there and, since I can’t, this fan-freakin-tastic comic is the best compromise I’ve seen yet. While I might not make as many mistakes as Katia (or at least, of the one’s she’s making), this is still (at least to me) what just about everyone would be like if they ended up there.

    I’ve always had something of a softspot for the Kajhiits (though by far I prefer argonians) and Katia is only making it bigger and softer.

    This is an amazing comic, with adorable art and, while I know the cool animationy things are (the ones I looked for the credit at least) were credited to someone else, they still are just… wow (especially the one with the dark staircase) and just… this is fabulous and it’s worth the wait. I’ve had longer waits for less than this comic provides. Keep it up! You’re doing an awesome job!

    Almost forgot to say, this is also hilarious aaaaaaaaaand had me rolling around laughing at several points.

  • Guys, I think I noticed something.

    I think Sigrid’s godly Bug-musky charm is over. You see, when she bathed in the Bug Musk, she didn’t do anything special. She didn’t use the broken alchemy system for a stupidly long extremely powerful charm effect.

    All she did was use a shitload of Bug Musk at once. You can see proof of this the fact that Katia wasn’t insta-mesmerized by Sigrid like most of Kvatch, and she had to use a bottle of Bug Musk to get Katia’s things. That shows she still has some Bug Musk left, but doesn’t want to waste it so much.

    Now where does that leave us? I don’t know. But at least we know she won’t have charismatic omnipotence for that much long.

    • hmmm… what will happen if Sigrid “accidentally” gets covered in something fragrant like pineapple juice or excrement?

  • shovelwielder

    I want to see datpepsidude eat a shoe

    • mr.ojo27

      Me too 😀

      • Guys I don’t think it’s going to hit 1000 comments.

        (Oh crap I’m adding to the numbers)

        • Shaddy

          To infinity and beyond!

          • Hater

            This comic sucks!

          • Lobster

            That guy tried to start flamewar!But community is just too lazy to give fuck 😀

          • Comment

            A generic sentence.

          • Zion

            I’m not even going to dignify that with a proper response.

  • Mizana

    You know, if he gives her magical power again, we knead to claw up some more cat puns that aren’t leoparded 😛

    • RampantSeaTurtles

      Seriously. Most of the cat puns people come up with are very repetitive. Cat we think of new ones?

      • Mizana

        I’m sorry, I tried coming up with more, but my time just felidae. I hoped to come up with serval, but i ended up just lion around. I don’t even know where my pantherat.

  • So when do the next updates will come, ?
    Because they are coming… Right ? Right ?

    • Zion

      I’ve been waiting for the larger part of 2 months to no avail, as of such we can expect an average of 1.25 updates per month for the year 2014 for a total of 15 updates. So don’t get your hopes up.

    • Mizana

      Yes I’m sure the update will probably come soon. Have faith in Kaz :3

  • Thatoneguy

    Dude take as long as you need, just got in to this web comic, I find the writing hilarious, characters loveable, and the story interesting. No need to rush it.

  • Dooper

    If we can get Kaz to wait for 1 more month before he updates, that will be a full quarter of a year without an update. I mean Feb isn’t that long anyway….

  • Derpy Fan

    awww… you’re ending the comic? ;A; why does I everything I discover get cancelled just after I discover it?! Please don’t end this; I know so many people on who love your work. In fact, your comic inspired me to repurchase the Oblivion game and play as a female Khajiit Witch Hunter under the Atronach Constellation.

    • Pepsidude

      Kazerad isn’t ending this. It’s just that sometimes there’s a huge wait between updates. This will be rolling again soon. I hope.

  • do we pay for this? no
    stop apologising for making even more awesome and new and exciting adventurs of this useless cat

    • 15inchessoft

      Kaz did use his fans for personal gain, to win the shirt design contest.

      So, yeah, there’s that.

      • Shaddy

        Atleast he DID give us something in return,
        although therefore using us more so yeah. He used us.
        But look at this cool bonus material!

      • Moo?

        I own that shirt AND badges so im super duper coowel

    • Moo?

      Wait if we don’t pay for this then… WHAT THE HELL AM I FUNDING?



  • A Poorly Drawn Cat Head

    The only present we get this year is me.

    • Worst



      • tronn

        No, Katia has been sitting in the rain for almost two months now. Her fur has turned into sponge-like consistency and she has started smelling funny, that is the worst present ever.

        • Lurker no more

          I figured she would already smell funny cause shes a kitty cat.
          Do khajiit take baths? or… do they take “baths”.

          • JJR

            They take showers. Or, if their jobless nobodies, they sit out in the rain until their shame washes away.

      • JJR

        Could be worse, could be r….

        Well, it could be worse.

      • Xenny
    • JJR

      Hopefully we will get a better future.

  • JJR

    Spring was never waiting for us here.
    It went one step ahead, as we followed in the dance.

    Kvatch’s park is soaking in the dark.
    All the bitter green tears flowing down.
    Someone left the cat out in the rain.
    I don’t think that I can take it.
    ‘Cause it lasts so long the ache it,
    and it will never give a respite again.
    OH NO…….

    I recall the yellow fuzzy fur.
    Rippling like a wave.
    On the skin beneath your cloths.

    Fireballs, like angry birds, in your hands.
    And the ‘human’ playing ‘stay in the shade’ by the tree.

    Kvatch’s park is soaking in the dark.
    All the bitter green tears flowing down.
    Someone left the cat out in the rain.
    I don’t think that I can take it.
    ‘Cause it lasts so long the ache it,
    and it will never give a respite again.
    OH NO…….

    Kvatch’s park is soaking in the dark.
    All the bitter green tears flowing down.
    Someone left My cat out in the rain.
    I don’t think that I can take it.
    ‘Cause it lasts so long the ache it,
    and it will never give a respite again.
    OH NO…….

    • Lurker no more

      *sniff* beautiful (`:

    • Deodesu

      I’d say if that didn’t take you 3 hours to come up with that you are quite talented :p

  • Matt

    “I’m about to guardian at you” I just love that part. Go guardian at someone else, Katia’s not wor- Uh, nevermind, just guardian at her… (*Cough cough cultist cough cough*)

  • Bobby Fabulous

    I do not mind waiting a small month or two for a webcomic update, me being used to waiting years at a time for book to release from a series I like. Writers do have a life beyond their work, and occasionally come down with a case of writer’s block. Even with slow updating, I can retain stuff like this very well, (once again, years between books) and will stick with it, no problem. As I say, Patience is a virtue, common in those who read much. So, y’all just quit complaining.

  • Matt

    Kaz, I’m suspecting you’re working on the next update to make it good as you can, so, good luck with making that update. And I hope you finish it sometime soon…This comic really pulls you in.

  • Gren

    Well… at least I hope there is something new for february… I guess?

    • Matt

      I’ll be damned if Kaz finishes the next update in Feb.

    • J.J. Eldritch

      Yeah, updates are always a pain, not that I’m complaining, but we need magic to be real. Screw the laws of physics!

  • Dolan

    Anyone know a good webcomic with a similar sense of humor in the meantime?

    • Dolan pls

      But seriously, Prequel is the only webcomic I’ve ever read, so I can’t recommend you any other ones.

      • Dragomok (has bit of a webcomic problem)

        Aside from Prequel (*), I read 35+ webcomics simultaneously (…gosh. That many?!) and used to read 10 more – 2 reached actual conclusion, 3 ran their course, one got cancelled at the first chapter, with one I got out of touch, site of other one got nuked and as for the remaining 2 – I realised their BadWebcomicsWiki entries are actually accurate.

        And not a single one of them has evidently similar type of humour, nor has that much humour interwined with such deeply emotional, personal story.

        So, just to back up Mr. Katia’s-most-visible-fan here, I can’t recommend any neither.

        (*) Even Kazerad mentions on his/her tumblr that Prequel is not really a webcomic, but he/she keeps calling it that pretty much because many people viewed it as such and that label stuck.
        Personally, I would categorise it as a Homestuck-descended semi-interactive multimedia story than a webcomic, but
        a) it’s a fledgeling genre that can’t be older than 4 years,
        b) the only other example of that genre I know of is Moonstuck/Woonastuck,
        c) hdsims doesn’t sound catchy unless you’re an EA executive.

        • tronn


          • Bob

            Shhhh, it’s better to keep the mysterious aspect of who/what Kazerad is since it makes things more fun.

        • andwhyisit

          Homestuck-descended? Really? How could you all forget about Problem Sleuth.

          • Dragomok (has bit of a webcomic problem)

            I did not forget, I am just under an impression that Homestuck is the one that got popular enough to give birth to a genre.

  • LP

    Has the thread of prophecy been severed? Are we to persist in this doomed world we’ve created?

    • JJR

      It’s ok, there’s a super secret back path that will let us save the world.
      The downside is that the first thing we have to do is kill a god.

      • LP

        It’s okay. Nobody liked Vivec much.

  • Ster

    Guys. 800 comments is rapidly approaching. Will we hit it before Kaz updates?

    • Gren

      This is not a competition, you know? Besides, it’s more likely that people will gradually stop commenting. It’s not like there’s anything else to say, though. Everything has been said. All we can do for now is sit and wait.

      • Bob

        Honestly, I’d lose all hope once the comment count finally hits 1000.

        Says something right there.

        • Pepsidude

          It better not hit 1000. I said I’d eat a shoe if it did. I’m regretting that now.

          • Auslander

            be ready with that shoe pepsidude its probably gonna hit 1000

          • JJR

            Really, with an avatar of Katia, you should have realized how that bet would go.

          • Matt

            That shoe’s gonna have a stench to it while you eat it! I just know it.

  • Bob

    For New Readers:

    If you noticed, some of the commenters have miniature avatars attached to their names and you’re probably wondering how to obtain one of your own. Well here’s instructions on how:

    Avatar images require using gravatar, which is like an WordPress image uploader for users.


    (Note: You must register with WordPress in order to use the service.)

    1. Click “Create Your Own Gravatar”

    2. If you already have a WordPress account, click “I already have a WordPress Account”. If not, fill in the fields for one.

    3.After logging in, Select your email and click “Add a new image”
    (Any size will do, the site will automatically resize it to a compatible size to fit the comment page)

    4. Select Upload Method
    (via Hard Drive, Online, etc)

    5. Crop If desired and click “Finish” It will then redirect you to a rating page for the image. (As long it has no dicks or boobies, just click G)

    6. After redirected back to the account page, Click on your image and click confirm.

    All Done. Now when you write a new comment on the site here your image will show next to your name as long as you put your WordPress email in the “Email” field of the comment page.

    You’re welcome and don’t ask the same question again.

  • A1Qicks

    One day my princess will come.

  • Mizana

    I feel it getting close. Any day now.

  • Nulla_Metus

    While the waits are frustrating, I do quite enjoy this story. I understand Mr. Kazerad’s difficulty with keeping up on his posts, but I hope that he continues to mold this story into an epic tale of arcane annihilation.

    • Nulla_Metus

      I’m still not certain how this website works, I’ve seen a few very helpful comments, but I would like to know how one could post a suggestion to Katia. Unless there is a specific group of people allowed to give her suggestions, in which case I will simply continue to lurk.

      • tronn

        Prequel started as a MSPaint fan adventure, and initially suggestions were given on that forum. With the most recent update that thread has been closed since Kaz wants to move the suggestion box here on his website. It should be online by the next update?

        Oh pshaw, who I’m kidding. You have to belong to the super secret Kaz “Kaz” Kazerad Fan Club, and have the official Kaz “Kaz” Kazerad Fan Club Pin to give orders to the slutcat. Only one hundred of them were ever created, and they are highly coveted by fans all over the world. Once a month the pin holders gather to a secret location to discuss and decide what will happen in Prequel – the recent lack of updates happened because some of usthem had trouble getting visas to Russia.

        • Nulla_Metus

          Thank you for the humorous yet informative answer.

          I will be searching the “Deep Web” for information on their next meeting place in order to intercept one of the legendary Pin Holders. There can be only 100.

          • Shazbot

            108. Kaz is really into Japanese mythology, y’know.

        • Nopon

          As a pin holder myself I can easily deny each of these accusations of secrecy. I won’t, however, as that would lessen the mystery surrounding them :).
          (I’m assuming these were the pins from the game rewardmabob)

          • Bob


            Pin Masons?

            Trying to think of a witty name for the so called cat pog bearing sooper sekret society.

  • bob

    I bet the pin Kaz sent me that the next update won’t hit until we have over 850 comments. Any takers?

    • Lurker no more

      Yeah lets get to 850!

      Just gotta mention SuperWhoLock.

      Whos your patron troll? I’m a gamzee.

      Katia should be involved in an epic rap battle next update and fail so Dave becomes her yoda and puts her through the brolympics.

    • Kazerad

      Is it ethical for me to take that bet?

      • Shazbot

        If we don’t cheat, it’ll be about Feb 5-6 to get there. I’d love it if you took it.

      • bob

        I’d say it’s ethical. It’s good to set goals for yourself, y’know?

        Another thing: I used to be really angry about the whole more-than-two-months-without-an-update thing, but going back a few updates makes me realize that you put more than enough time, care, and effort into the story that makes me safely able to say that Prequel is my favourite webcomic. I just hope that the next update is another flash (which would explain the very long wait, it’s okay if it isn’t at this point though) because those are the absolute best parts of Prequel. Keep up the good work!

        • Bob

          Dammit who let the secret clone from my closet use the computer?

    • Gren

      Another person named Bob? THAT’S MADNESS!

  • a dicks

    You guys. We should totally start a new adventure in the comments.

    • Lurker no more

      I’ll be a half orc.
      roll for initiative. (20)
      it was a 6. I feel just as lethargic.

      • JJR

        Wait, are you half orc half not-orc? Or is your other half also orc? (

        • tronn

          I think he’s half orc but all man!

          • Lobster


          • Bob

            I believe gro-up already taken that spot

          • Kirone

            why not be a half-orc,half-human, and half-dark elf? (Chainmail Bikini reference.)

    • Yeah, lets play CoC ( corrumption of champions) in the comments or maybe not….

  • lacklusterpelican

    And then Kazerad died

    • Kazerad

      I hope not! >:

      • No you guys dont understand

        Look I can understand taking a break or even just taking a while to have some family time

        I don’t mind waiting

        Just give us a time estimate on when you think you’re going to post the next one so we have something to mark on our calendars :c

        • andwhyisit

          Don’t ask for a measurement of progress. That’s unfair on Kaz. While you may be only asking for when he’ll be finished the issue seems to be that he obviously doesn’t know. Now I’m sure that any commitment to a date that he wasn’t sure about will only make a lier out of Kaz and create false hopes for the rest of us that Kaz will feel guilty about dashing.

          You want to know when it updates? Just use the RSS feed or check in every few days or so like the rest of us.

      • Gren

        You were warned, Kaz. You talked too much about the Kvatch Mages Guild, and you know what happens to those who talk about that.

        • Bob

          They go sleeping with the slaughterfish?

  • So, first time here, started reading last night, and WOW if this isn’t completely absorbing. And it also made me wanna play Skyrim again. Thanks.

    Take your time, dudes! I’ll keep up on this.

    And thank Tumblr for pointing me here with a set of adorable Katia stuff.

    • Gren

      But this is about Oblivion…
      You’d probably won’t get half of the references if you don’t play the game in advance.

      • Sadly, I have no money or time for Oblivion. (And I’m pretty oblivious enough as-is ;D )

  • Skianous

    Happy 2 months anniversary, everyone !

    • Relzyrx

      WHOO! Who’s got the wine, my glass is EMPTY!

      • xKiv

        Mine has a suspicious red X on it.

    • Gren

      “Yeah! Party time! Let’s get crunk!”


      “Oh sheesh, who the hell let the slutcat in?”

    • Yey Party time! Lets have some fun!
      So… Who brougth the pinnaple and the yoyo?

  • Brian Reid

    plz don’t backfire i really want her to be happy again

  • Brian Reid

    having just finished read every up until now all i want to do is help Katia if any of my heroes were there they would not only help her but they would protect her from anyone or anything Tave more than anyone a mage/thief who more like to have fun then get rich

    • Gren

      Yeah… but that’s not the point of this story.
      *go back to the title*
      “Prequel or Making A Cat Cry: The Adventure

  • Wich month? December, January or February?

  • Mizana



    …C’mon. ._. It’s February.

    • Casserahd

      What is this? Stop being so entitled! Kazerad owes you nothing! This is free! You should be happy with what you already have.

      If you don’t like it, go make your own comic-interactivestory-game-thing! So what if I-I mean, Kaz, wants to relax a bit?

      Leave him be!

      • Mizana

        And over-reaction of the month award goes to…!

      • ummm

        Free or paid it’s been 60 days, and for you to reply like that is absolutely childish.

        • Just Pointing It Out

          The Person You Are Responding To Is Obviously Not Actually Kaz. Also, I Would Like To Raise The Point That Kaz Is Probably Too Busy To Make Stupid Comments, Considering He Is Moving To Mainly Animated Panels. And From My Experience, That Sh!t Takes Hours To Get To Work Correctly.

          • lORD lOWERCASE

            sO wE mEET aGAIN cAPTAIN cAPITAL.

          • Also Capital Kid (JJR)

            Consider, The Capital City of Saint Lucia, a Country in the Caribbean, is Castries.

        • Kazerad

          I didn’t think anyone would confuse the name Casserahd for Kazerad, but maybe I was being inconsiderate to sight-impaired readers who are using text-to-speech software?

          • Here-To-Help

            I honestly don’t think he ever thought “Casserahd” was Kazerad. He was just continuing the argument.

          • ummm

            For the record, I didn’t think Casserahd was you… I way just saying if someone wants to playfully call out your name, they should be free to do so without someone telling them to go make their own ‘comic-interactivestory-game-thing’.

  • that guy who likes to make really long usernames for no reason

    Whilst we wait for the new update, keep in mind that Andrew hussie’s fans have been waiting on a new homestuck for over 4 months now.

    But I do have a few great webcomics to keep you company until kat comes back.
    Read “a beginners guide to the end of the universe” on mspaintfanadventures. That story is just perfect.

    And gunnerkrigg court.
    And if you haven’t heard of it, CUCUMBER QUEST. That is the boss. Those should keep you guys busy for a while.

    • Fiver26

      but if your in both fandoms thats waiting a bunch for both Homestuck (its final update) and this….

    • Shazbot

      There’s always Digger. Best webcomic ever written.

    • Aydenator

      And let us not forget Paranatural! Witty writing and silly faces? What’s not to like!

    • tronn

      Poppy O’Possum and Beyond the Western Deep are also excellent and have talking animals in them.

      • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

        There is also, now finished, Dominic Deegan Oracle for Hire.

        • tronn

          You’re supposed to recommend quality webcomics here.

          • xKiv

            It has the quality of being finished.

    • Kieri

      What about Slightly Damned?

  • Lobster

    Hey moderation!What things we can/cant say here?

    • Bob

      I can say these for sure:

      1. Don’t ask/complain about when’s the next update, it’ll cause a shitstorm
      2. Don’t criticize Kaz (constructive or in any way), it’ll cause a shitstorm
      3. Don’t blatantly post commands on the comment page, it’ll cause a shitstorm.
      4. Don’t spam. It probably will or will not cause a shitstorm.


      5. Only say nice things about kaz because of #2. Or else it’ll cause a shitstorm.

      Of course the actual moderation (if any) is free to correct any statements.

      Point being, don’t post something that’ll cause a flood of rage posts.

    • Kazerad

      Pretty much anything though I’ve deleted a few posts because people have kind of started using the comment section like Twitter. Like, I know they really want to try to hit 1000 comments before the next update, but we probably don’t need people a year from now looking through these comments and reading stuff like “I had a nice day today”.

    • JJR

      Not moderation, but I think I can answer to an extent.

      first the standard not using rude words such as ███, ███, or █████████████████████.

      Second not doing things to start a flame war like

      Lastly you must never

      I hope that helps.

      • Okie, I think I understand what you’re trying to say.

  • A wild derp

    Considering how long this delay has been, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kaz is also working on Pokebank.

  • Sir Anon O’Myss III

    Something I was thinking about some months ago but I don’t remember if I ever posted it or not, is the current list of spells Katia has. Currently she’s got “Flare” and *maybe* telekinesis. Assuming her character is a player character (which is fairly reasonable to assume, if Kaz is basing Prequel off of a modded version of Oblivion. I’ve seen a mod which changes the start from jail cell to getting off the boat after immigrating to Cyrodil, complete with an immigration form) then that means she automatically has one other spell right off the bat : the basic healing spell.

    Now, I know things haven’t kept *perfectly* to game mechanics, but there are things that imply this story still if only loosely conforms to them. For instance, Katia can’t use Eye of Fear more than once per day (in game it just doesn’t let you, in Prequel it’s because it makes her eye bleed) and her attempted conversation with Sigrid used the old “Conversation Wheel,” and she got nothing out of it due to having a lousy speech-craft skill (mostly because Sigrid turned it around on her almost instantly being so significantly better at speech-craft than our sad cat).

    TLDR, assuming I’m right, the revelation that she has that extra spell might be a part of what Aggy does for/to Katia in the next page.

    • Shazbot

      The hypothesis that she is, or is not, the Champion of Cyrodiil, is a rampant field of speculation. That said, you want to be careful about allowing your feelings to override the evidence; Sure, there is a mod that features the main character starting from Anvil. Even in that mod, though, Katia seems to be making things into the situation where they would be found by the main character.. Lelle’s sign, and the re-arrangement of the Kvatch temple’s furniture into the situation it will be when the main character runs through it later. That would seem to imply this is before he has arrived.

      ..What I do think, however, is that there is no proof of katia being the hero, or conversely, not being the hero. Holding the presence of one spell, fireball, as proving she is the hero is.. well.. not enough. A fireball is just a fireball, and many people can cast it. Same if there was a healing spell.. and, in fairness, you could not ignore the presence of a different spell, telekinesis, as being meaningless, while claiming that her other magic must validate your opinion.

      There are also many, many open questions about Katia that remain unanswered. Why do you get drunk the way you do? Why do you light fires automatically around you? How did magic occur while you were wearing an amulet of silence? Why did you turn red when you jumped on Steve? Why do you dream of kings.. and that cannot be because she is the hero.. as she has met someone else suffering from very similar dreams earlier today.

      There have been a few interesting hints in the story so far, but nothing that constitutes proof either way. My personal opinion is that there is something wrong with Katia, and it will be revealed as time passes.

  • Vladimir

    Dear author,
    I have some ideas to share if you are willing to hear. If so please e-mail me at [email protected]

    • Kazerad

      My email is available at the bottom of the page! It’s [email protected], if you would like to access it without scrolling down.

      Sorry I deleted your other posts, but they were the word “battles” and “testing” respectively, and I don’t think that was really worth new comment threads.

      • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

        Hi kaz, nothing really to add. Just new to posting here and felt like saying hi to you. All glory to the mighty squids.

        • Screw Dah Squidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IM AWAKE,im awake

          all glory to killing squids

          • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

            As it is told by the prophet Cephalopod, And lo the mighty Jesus fish swam atop the mountain and from on high declared who among you is without fin to cast the first harpoon?

          • Screw Dah Squidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IM AWAKE,im awake

            oh hell yea,im gonna cast the first explosive harpoon CRATE

        • JJR

          Heretic! All glory belongs to the mighty Hypnotoad.

          • tronn


          • Rly GUYS?

            Rly GUYS?

          • Bob


          • Obviousguy

            |Stares off into the distance, wondering what could have been. Admires the beautiful view of the mountains as they reach up and scrape the sky. Watches as people declare their loyalty to idiotic things like “Hypnotoad” and “Hypnotoast.” Wonders why people can’t be normal and are overwhelmingly stupid| “Buying a boat doesn’t seem too bad now. At least it will kill time before another update.” |Leaves and is attacked by Hypnotoast fanatics declaring that he is “unworthy” and a “heathen.” Wonders why he decided to live in an insane asylum…|

          • JJR

            Mountains scrape the sky
            (Stars shine through rips in the veil)
            and turn, they see me.

      • Is your email [email protected] ?

  • Acidicfriend

    I have a question kaz, just in general curiosity on your opinion on this.

    you have been doing this for years, It’s completely understandable (almost likely) that this has become a chore.
    I wanted to ask if you genuinely if you still enjoy doing these? I would never want anyone to do something they didn’t like to do and pay when they don’t do it.

    • Kazerad

      I enjoy it well enough, though some updates are more complicated to make than others. Even when something ends up being a lot of work, however, it’s usually pretty educational. As in, I learn a whole lot of mistakes to avoid next time.

      • Acidicfriend

        glad to hear it. I know as well as you how annoying or tedious things like this can get.

        the fact that you are fine-tuning it the way you are means that you’ll only make it better though! soon, you’ll be better than Andrew hussie!

      • Bonzohazard

        Was one of those mistakes making a comic strip?! :p Seriously though, if you’re done doing this, just say it… Just seems like you’re evading this thing like the plague. No shame in putting it down if you’re tired of it, but dragging it out like you’re really busting ass on it when you can is just putting a lot of people out. It’s truthfully their own fault for obsessing over it, but there’s no letting them down easy.

  • Ya’ll need to calm down! (Yeah, I’m looking at you Anon!) Kaz is trying as hard as he can, and he has a social life, so GIVE HIM A BREAK, MATES! Don’t toss your taters at him over this!

    • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

      Hey hey hey, lets not get all excited here. Anons are perfectly respectable people. It’s not their fault they cant control they’re summon potato minor spells. So lets all just calm down and take those potato’s and make some nice chips. Maybe some fish too. Now that i think about it lets have a fish fry and invite Katia, She probably loves fish, and with enough cat related puns, could fry all the fish for us. No calamari though, that would be horrible.

      • Screw Dah Squidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IM AWAKE,im awake

        mmmm…..,im with you on taters and chips,not dem fishez tho,also SCREW KATIAAMARI

        • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

          Good sir, while I respect your opinions i must say, your grammar and spelling are quite atrocious. How large was your school of fish? were they so encumbered by sharks that education was lacking? Were you instructed by clown fish? Or perhaps the flounder, whose brain is flatter then the kelp of the seas? you needed a mighty Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni too instruct you. yes them with there massive squishy brains. they are truly the masters of the educational seas with the mighty universities of Atlantis as they’re playground.

          • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

            Curse these infernal tentacles. *their playground.

          • tronn

            *I must say
            *Were they so
            *flatter than
            *You need
            *to instruct
            *Yes, them
            *their massive
            *They are truly

            You’re welcome!

          • Screw Dah Squidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IM AWAKE,im awake

            *I must say
            *flatter than
            *You need
            *Were they so
            *to instruct
            *thier massive
            *They are truly

            Proper grammar dumbass!

          • tronn

            **Yes, them
            **their massive

            You’re welcome!

          • Squidlord All Mighty Lord Of Squids

            Thank you all for your help. It is most appreciated. Typing with tentacles and, keeping track on these tiny screens is most troublesome.

  • Kirone

    Did anyone notice the bookstore guy HAS been making pyramids the whole time? KATIA, HE’S IN THE ILLUMINATI! (Btw, this is my first post and I Have no idea how to use the User Command things.)

    • Kirone

      Disregard above message. I found the Command Thread, and the bookstore proprietor has no fez to be worn.

  • So who should we Pray for another update? The mine divines, sithis, goku, or chuck Norris?

    • Lobster


      • Bob

        I only bow down to cthulhu

        All others are only unholy heathens.

        • JJR

          Indeed, dread cthulhu holds us all in his twisted dreams.

          May You Be Eaten First.

    • JJ

      We shall pray to Sheogorath, better known as Ann Marie, for a new update soon. Gods speed Kazerad and the group of Spunky Teenagers.

      • Megan Skooma Pirate

        Oh no! You called him Ann Marie! You NEVER do that! Now you’ve made him angry and he will skip rope with your entrails! You had better give him cheese to try to appease him!

      • Kirone

        i wonder if those teenagers know who exactly they’re helping… it’d be like giving someone a car jump, only to find out he was Bill Gates’ accounant.

  • Gren

    Yeah, a lighting bolt, suuuuuuuuure.
    Look Kaz, there’s no need to make up an excuse to make us believe there’s something preventing you to continue with this. It is understandable enough to say that you’re simply too busy or too lazy or the that update it is more difficult than what you originally expected.
    I mean, seriously? Where do you live in a freaking farm? O_o

    • Shazbot

      Remember, a good first step towards killing humanoid personifications of axiomatic effects is to break into the Tooth Fairy’s castle, where you can then use magic to cause everyone to stop believing in fate, severely weakening her powers and abilities.

  • Switt

    Enter lil slugger

  • Wind

    You know, if I weren’t so sure that Sheogorath didn’t actually exist, I would say he was messing with you…

    • JJR

      What if your sense of sureness of Seogorath not existing is just him messing with you?

  • Ikearat

    Do I detect a Batman reference there? 🙂

  • thedemonslayer51

    Kaz, if you haven’t already (somehow), you need to listen to this fan song with vocals (it has lyrics in the desc): it’s THE BEST in my opinion. 🙂

  • Checks-three-times-a-day


  • Guy Noir Private Eye

    It was a Wednesday, and I had all the time I needed to investigate. What was really happening to Kazerad? I planned to find out. Guy Noir, Private Eye.

  • Dreadmaster231

    Wooooo read through #6 Complete….

    Now to do it…AGAIN!… Tomorrow though… Cause I did a back to back already with read through’s 1 and 2.

    • R thou a vg cats fan? if so… Hi Five!

  • Rick2Tails

    long time reader first time poster. tough luck with the power going out. I look forward to the next update. I `m a big fan of Katia ^_^

  • Prophet_Lord

    Oh snap. New status update! This is exciting.

  • Nulla_Metus

    I recently actually obtained the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. I shall be searching the game for parallels to this web comic. Also, I shall play it until my fingers have started to bleed, for it -is- The Elder Scrolls lV Oblivion.

    • JJR

      You can’t let a little thing like bleeding fingers stop you. In order to truly experience Oblivion you should play until sleep deprivation tears down the walls that separates your ego from things that are not yourself, and then in your waking dream hallucinations you become your character. Only then will you achieve CHIM.

      • Nulla_Metus

        (Quick google search of CHIM) One, facinating concept. I enjoy reading of the lore of The Elder Scrolls, so thank you. Two, I’ve been playing since I placed the game in the disk drive, with only short stops to check this for an update. At what point do I achieve CHIM?

        • JJR

          Well, you just…

          Vivec is really the person you should…

          (mumbles more…)

          I have no idea. I never did achieve CHIM, I’m just a fraud.

          (runs off in shame)

  • Bernardas-The-Victorious

    Too bad about the tree, Kazerad.
    You seem to imply the update is finished, which I’m glad to hear about.
    Hey, maybe I could join that group of spunky (What the hell does that mean, anyway?) teenagers and defeat Fate!
    Best of luck (Maybe not right now…)

    • Nulla_Metus

      Spunky: Adj. Courageous and determined

      • Rick2Tails

        thats ONE of its meanings

        • Nulla_Metus

          I prefer to go with the Webster Dictionary definition, rather than the one from the Urban Dictionary.

  • Drabacus

    Not gonna lie, I’m only commenting to see if pepsidude will actually eat his shoe

    • Auslander

      we ought to track that guy down, i wanna see that shoe be ingested!

      • Nopon

        While many claimants dare to make outlandish bets with the act of reprimand being the preparation of their shoe for consumption, it is unfortunate that there are but a rare few who hold up their internet honor.

        Man this is croationpride all over again.
        (Context: Dota 2 subreddit phenomenon wherein aforementioned user bet less than 400.000 compendiums for The international 3 would be sold. Many, many more than that accounted for the final total)

    • Pepsidude

      I made a mistake

      • RampantSeaTurtles

        I just went through the comments and I didn’t see you actually say you would eat your shoe. I saw it mentioned that you had said you would, but I fail to find the original post.

        • Prophet_Lord

          Tumblr Post:
          “Gonna up the ante, if prequel updates in the next 8 hours I will eat a shoe. 1000 commments or an update in the next 8 hours. I will eat a goddamn shoe.”

          Only 100 comments left to go man.

          • Lobster

            guys please no

          • Lobster

            i sworn to myself if this hits 1000 i will quit prequel!

          • Bob

            I’m just wondering how to document it. Just show a picture of consuming the shoe, or a simple short video…

      • JJR

        You know, posting that comment (+1) started a thread of four comments (+4) bringing us 5 comments closer to the 1000 mark and the dreaded footwear ingestion. This is the kind of counter-productivity I would expect from… well, your avatar is fitting.

        • Prophet_Lord

          Deep down, everyone (even pepsidude) wants this to hit 1000

          • JJR

            But if that’s the case then we would expect someone to respond to your comment in a thinly veiled attempt to raise the comment number without being totally irrelevant; probably by disagreeing with you.

            Whereas, what actually happened is that no one responded, except me, to point out how wrong you are. An outcome that we can see is totally different because…

          • Prophet_Lord

            Exactly JJR, and then someone replying to my comment whether positively or negatively would give me the excuse to comment yet again, adding one more comment to the steadily growing pile.
            But this is all hypothetical.

          • Zdeněk

            What hypotetical means?

          • Prophet_Lord

            adjective: hypothetical

            of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis.
            “that option is merely hypothetical at this juncture”
            supposed but not necessarily real or true.
            “the hypothetical tenth planet”
            synonyms: theoretical, speculative, conjectured, conjectural, notional, suppositional, supposed, putative, assumed; More
            “the scenario I suggested was strictly hypothetical”
            antonyms: actual
            denoting or containing a proposition of the logical form if p then q.

            noun: hypothetical; plural noun: hypotheticals

            a hypothetical proposition or statement.
            “Finn talked in hypotheticals, tossing what-if scenarios to Rosen”

  • RampantSeaTurtles

    You’re going on a quest and you didn’t invite me?

    Isn’t there at least, like, an audition or something?

    • No audition, only golden tickets in the Sheogorath’s cheese bars.

      • JJR

        Is that cheese in the shape of a bar, or a bar that sells cheese?

        • Random person

          Why not both?

          • JJR

            I’m thinking, Sheogorath has a cheese bar (building) where cheese that is in the shape of a bar (building again) is sold; inside these bar shaped cheese sculptures are cheese people who patronize the cheese cheese-monger for pieces of cheese that are sculpted to be in the shape of a bar (building).
            and so on…

  • kome

    gosh dang it tree!

  • Chris

    I think this is the part where “be a man” gets played in the background to some serious training.

    • Shazbot

      Only five training uses per level, and she has already trained a bit since last she slept.

      What you actually get from Witchhunter is more significant than that. You get a starting value of +20 to each of its major skills;

      Alchemy, Athletics, Conjuration, Destruction, Marksmanship, Security.

      They also, as major skills, increase more easily.

      Secondly, there is an additional +5 to all magic-related skills, as Witchhunter is a magic class, and all magic skills increase more easily. The effect stacks with the previous bonus.

      In addition, you get +10 to two stats, Agility, and Intelligence.

      I’ve been working with the personal theory that Katia innately, for some reason, has 0 luck, which reduces all skills by 20, which is why she’s so useless at everything. That -20 will still be in effect, but with actual base skills she should improve from “Katia Managan” to “Hopeless Commoner”

      Also, reading the list of skills and bonuses, Witchhunter is an absolutely terrible choice for her that will almost certainly end in disaster. I suspect the 0 luck came into play again here.

    • JJR

      Lets get down to business – to defeat Sigrid.
      Did they send a kitten when I need Khajiit.
      You’re the saddest cat I ever met
      But you can bet before we’re through
      Madam, I’ll make Khajiit out of you.

      Tranquil as a High Elf
      But a Nord within
      Once you find your balance
      You are sure to win.

      You’re a tailless, wet, pathetic cat
      And you haven’t got a clue
      Somehow I’ll make Khajiit out of you!

      You must be swift as the running Alfiq.
      With all the force of a Senche-raht.
      With all the strength of a magic fire.
      Mysterious as the dark side of Lorkhan.

      Time is racing toward us till Sigrid arrives
      Heed the ghostly helper and you might survive
      You’re unsuited for adventuring
      So just go, Elsweyr, you’re through
      How could I make Khajiit out of you?

      You must be swift as the running Alfiq.
      With all the force of a Senche-raht.
      With all the strength of a magic fire.
      Mysterious as the dark side of Lorkhan.

      You must be swift as the running Alfiq.
      With all the force of a Senche-raht.
      With all the strength of a magic fire.
      Mysterious as the dark side of Lorkhan.

      • Skianous

        This is beautiful ಥ_ಥ

      • Prophet_Lord

        …You are one of my favorite people you magnificent singing bastard.

        • Bob

          Now to step it up, someone to actually perform this beautiful piece. 😐

      • Megan Skooma Pirate

        That was the best thing I’ve ever sung in my head… I salute you, sir.

  • Prophet_Lord

    I’m really hoping for a long intense animated training montage.

    • panoz

      that has absolutely nothing to do with their particular situation at the moment at all. I could see that happening. Or he is just going to recharge her magic and inadvertently unleash a burning inferno that makes napalm left out on your stove while you are cooking seem plenty safe.

  • Alyrine

    Y’know whats funny, I started reading this story about a week ago. And then the whole thing just stopped….. Why do I show up at the worse times T_T.

    • Irrevenant

      Don’t feel bad, this would have happened no matter when you started reading.

      • xKiv

        Not in the first few days !-)

    • Lorventus

      Don’t worry friend! This happens from time to time, the glory of Kaz shall soon rain down upon us all and we shall delight in the beauteous Katia once more!

    • Prophet_Lord

      until I looked a few days ago, I didn’t realize this wait was longer than any other time we had to wait for an update.

      • Alyrine

        Yeah, I mean of all the wait-for-updates the day when I start reading, this had to be the longest. But oh well, what can you do. *shrug*

  • Tim

    Maybe the lightning strike/falling tree is because of Katia’s dire situation! Too much bad karma!

    • Gren

      Yeah, that’s a new spell! Fueled by the comments of people raging in the comment section!

  • Maybe God himself blessed this writing to determine the future. And all that is written will affect the earth.

    • Alyrine


      • yo not to be all weird but by any chance do you know kazerad’s email?

    • Nogha

      So the comment section is like an State Farm agent? Oh my gosh! “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there; WITH THE NEXT PREQUEL UPDATE!”

      • JJR

        I think you have to have State Farm insurance for that to work.

  • Whoever

    Can you feel it?The magic ins’t in here.
    Im going back home.

  • Skelatox

    Kazarad, the tree was a warning. If this cat is crying in the new update, next time it’ll be a whole forest.

    • Bob

      Fucking lol’d.

  • Shaddy

    75 more now.
    Countdown soon?

    • Bob

      If the comment count really does reach 1000 I’ll eat my hat, my shoe and post the rage picture that I made while waiting for the update.

      • Skianous

        Want me to get you some salt ?

        • Bob

          Salt won’t help much. Nails on the other hand, boxes full of it will help.

      • Monster

        Then allow me to further you towards your goal!

      • Nex

        i have to see this, count me in

      • Prophet_Lord

        Oh you

      • Wangarath

        But who will be the1000th commenter? You sir? Or maybe you? Or perhaps it’ll come from Kazerad personally?
        I only hope it’ll be a worthwhile comment and not “1000th!”.
        And the 999th comment should come from a Hitler imitator XD

  • Uneducated Guess

    Can Aggy guardian someone else? Is he going to serve as Katia’s summon? That would net her a Conjuration spell; add that to her Destruction fire and her Mysticism telekinesis and she’s on her way to being a Witchhunter. Plus, I bet Aggy is able to teach her magic from when he was a Witchhunter, like using Life Detect to counter Invisibility or using Dispel/Reflect to counter magic in general. She could possibly buff her Atranoch Spell Absorption using Mysticism as well.

    She’s fast, fast enough to catch up to a mage who used a speed spell, so she has some Athletics. And while she can’t use a bow to shoot down a well, she could at least fire a bow on the first try, and she was able to hit Stephan in the legs with a rock from a good distance away. She clearly has Marksman experience.

    As far as Alchemy goes, Sigrid must have research notes lying around somewhere. Even if she doesn’t there’s still the books in her shelf. Katia could even steal some of Sigrid’s Alchemy equipment and learn something.

    Security… Well, Katia lost her lockpick. But I feel that those three shadowy figures that Aggy passed by may end up helping her out. Shadowy figures imply stealth, which implies a certain knowledge of picking locks. This is a long shot, but they could have something to do with her.

    Anyway, Katia will still be a Witchhunter, albeit an amateur, just in time to get put in the Imperial Prison. If Katia has nightmares about kings, and Gaius has nightmares of cultists, does that mean that the Emperor has nightmares about Khajiit women, or that Mankar Camoran has nightmares about city guards? These nightmares could be sent from the Aedra as some preparation to the Oblivion Crises… If Katia can get over her crippling childhood fear of kings, then she’ll be ready for some world-saving, right?

    This is what I’m guessing.

    • Shazbot

      She has lots of agility, but her speed is lacking.. she’s slower than the mage with the unboosted speed unless running on all fours, which is something odd that Khajiits who run on two feet don’t do.

      You don’t have to actually do anything to get the class-related bonuses.. they’re just added, so you don’t need anyone to train them.

      If you’re not seeing the disadvantages to the class choice, remember that Katia is having out-of-control fires erupt around her, and they’ve been getting steadily bigger as she learns more destruction. In addition, there’s a bug with the telekinesis spell and atronarchs that can allow for infinite magicka.

      Aggy is not the result of a spell, either, but the racial ability of Dunmer.

      As there are no thrown weapons in Oblivion, Marksmanship does not cover them, which is probably why she was able to hit Steve with them… and although she fired a bow, nothing productive was done with it. You can fire whatever bows you want with any amount of marksmanship.

      • Uneducated Guess

        Forgive me, I did confuse Athletics and Speed. But she did manage to catch up to a mage despite being slower, and let’s not forget that Katia was somehow able to run across town.

        In-game it would make sense to have the skills of a certain class just pop up out of nowhere, but in the context of this story, people actually trained to get where they are.

        Like with Katia and her Destruction magic. The only training she’s done is to make a basic fireball, and that was before her amulet shorted out and/or she lost her magicka. Aggy knows magic and how it works… I mean, he was a Witchhunter while he was alive. If Aggy does intend to train Katia into being a proper Witchhunter, the first step would be to learn how to control her magic.

        The ancestor ghost ability is a racial ability for Dunmer, as you say, however we don’t know what happens to a ghost after its descendant dies. Think about it; a wandering ghost with its entire bloodline gone… What keeps him from getting bored and going crazy? Also (and I’m not sure of this) the game lists Summon Ancestor Ghost as a Conjuration effect. I’ve never played a Dunmer, though… I have no idea whether or not this could count towards Conjuration experience!

        As for Marksmanship, I thought about Katia’s skill and aim realistically. Think about the distance between her and Stephane, and where Katia hit Stephane. I think that takes a bit of aim, moreso than an average joe. Also, crossbows were available in Morrowind, and that was around 3E 427. Oblivion takes place in 3E 433. Why wouldn’t there be any crossbows?

        Most of my points are coming from a realistic point of view concerning the story, not the limitations of the game. Sorry for any confusion!

        • Shazbot

          There’s nothing wrong with that point of view, and I’m happy to defend speculation and guesses.

          That said, though, there may be a few more things to add..

          It would make sense for people to train to get to be what they are.. but NPCs have both a class and a level. Everyone, everyone, gets a class. Kvatch is full of NPCs that don’t exist in this game, and they seem to work the same way.. they have classes, class abilities, racial abilities, levels. Concievably they could gain levels, but at no point does someone gain a class or change a class. Some have different levels and some have extra spells and such, but everyone has a class. Classes are like species.. they aren’t something that changes, they are what you are.

          There’s also a more compelling story-based reason why I think it’ll be unlikely to feature a long time-consuming training montage… It’s late at night, events are going to happen tonight, and she would gain something like 125 points in miscellaneous skills… that’s a lot. There’s time for it to happen immediately, but not time for it to take weeks.

          Oh, and I wouldn’t hold out hope for Aggy to teach her to control her magic. That amulet should have stopped her utterly, and had been mentioned in-story to have blocked some of the greatest (formerly) living mages from casting. I don’t think the amulet is broken, either, as there are already many things that are wrong with Katia, and one more isn’t hard to believe.

          Aggy giving her a ten-second talk to make the fires that have been affecting her through her entire life stop seems a little too convienent. A quick talk might let her sense her magicka bar, on the other hand, which would make extra sense as Aggy’s an atronarch.

          oh, and as for crossbows..

          “Threw every star in Tamriel, and made a safer Vvardenfell for Dunmer and their kin”

          • Uneducated Guess

            I’m not quite sure that I implied that these changes would happen immediately, but again, sorry for any confusion. My line of thinking concerning Aggy was that he would become a mentor and travel companion of sorts, but then again it would be surprising if Prequel kept going after the Invasion began, which is due sometime in the near future. Still, I think that if Katia were a Witchhunter, learning from Aggy – long term learning – would be her best bet.

            I don’t disagree that classes are set in stone. However, the circumstances surrounding Katia’s past have most likely caused, if not contributed, to her current uselessness. Her Atranoch status fooled her parents into thinking she had some disease, hence the medicinal abuse, which probably fucked up her magicka more than the fictional disease. The Witchhunter skillset consists of a lot of combat skills and the class itself is very specialized towards fighting against magic. A younger Katia, sans-drug abuse and nightmares, would most likely have been an Alchemist store clerk, delivery girl, or a locksmith’s apprentice, because these are the only jobs to fit with a Witchhunter’s natural talent for Alchemy, Athletics, and Security. The other major skills are used primarily for combat (well, Mysticism would most likely be used for tracking mages and countering their magic, but you still wouldn’t see a young girl doing that).

            What I’m saying is that she may be a Witchhunter, in the sense that she could be more talented in those skills but doesn’t have the basic experience to start training those skills. There are a lot of stuff wrong with Katia, and I think this is why she’s ended up being so useless.

            Thinking about this made me have an idea about classes. Every NPC has a set class, but the PC gets to choose or create their own class, right? I think we can agree that Katia is currently equally useless in every skill, so maybe that may define her as being classless. This way, she can pick up skills along her journey but is not talented in any skill (except racial bonuses, of course, but even then she’s still pretty useless) so that by the time she gets to the prison (if she gets there), the skills she picked up and trained would determine her class.

            Recall in the Imperial Prison that Baurus tries to guess your class based on the actions the player took to move through the caves. What type of weapon did the player use? How did the player clear rooms? Did the player use this skill to go forward, or that skill? The player’s actions define their class, but Katia probably isn’t the player. Her class would define her actions. She may learn the major skills of a Witchhunter on the way to the prison because she is a Witchhunter, and is more likely to hone that specific skillset.

            So ironically, Katia’s classnessless would lead her to “become” the Witchhunter that she already is. This idea certainly has a “you have no free will” vibe to it, and it probably doesn’t make much sense, but I think it might happen in a story somewhere…

          • Shazbot

            I’m suggesting that things will happen immediately.. ain’t nobody got time to train up 135 points of skills if it takes several hours to train up 5.. or so.

            I do think she counts as classless, yes. I don’t think she’s been unable to learn skills, and needs special training to learn anything, though. (The fireballs after Concentrate are pretty well used, and she manages to actually damage a door through scratching it.) if my 0 luck theory is right, then she would start 20 points under par. Combine that with non-regenerating magicka, and she wouldn’t be able to see any progress.

            Though if I get this right, you’re saying that she has been a Witchhunter, but didn’t get the base skills due to her horrible life experiences? That’s pretty fair.

            That IS an interesting idea that the treatments, (and drug abuse) fucked her magic up. I like that one, makes a lot of sense, sounds and is open-ended.

            I wouldn’t make much of the class being combat-oriented. The nature of the game means basically all classes are combat-oriented. Witchhunter, however, is far and away the worst class for her, giving her bonuses in everything she doesn’t want, and being basically the only class to include no weapon skills, no unarmed skill, no armor skill, and practically everything requires equipment to use, such as marksmanship, or is based around her non-regenerating magicka and/or is a skill she’s had crazy issues with. It’s a well-chosen blend of failure and disaster.

  • Gribble

    Hey the wait isn’t all kazerad’s fault. Lets start blaming Ch’marr too!!!

    • Bob

      Don’t even dare blame ch’marr for this you fiend.

      Ch’marr is the reason why we were able to see some of the mind blowing black wizardry art that was shown in the previous panels so he has absolutely nothing to do with this.

      Or maybe he does..

  • Lira

    I don’t know if I love more your updates o your not updates XD

  • Prophet_Lord

    I’m waiting to see if Kaz is going to let this hit 1000 comments or if he’s gonna wait till it’s at 999 and then update just to screw with us.

    • Bob

      Betting on the latter.

      Then again seeing what will happen at 1000 post bound to pique his interest.

  • Shaddy

    < 50 now.
    Wont be long pepsidude.
    (And the other dude damn a shoe AND a hat?)

    • Monster

      Mark my words, one or both of them is going to chicken out.

      • JJR

        Nah, I figured it out. Using we find that
        A synonym for “shoe” is “loafer”
        A synonym for “loafer” is “sponger”
        A synonym for “sponger” is “couch potato”
        A synonym for “couch potato” is “spud”
        Also known as a “potato” or a “tater”
        So, technically, pepsidude only has to eat a potato.

        • Lobster

          Or eat candy in shape of shoe :3

        • Prophet_Lord

          Someone still has to eat a hat.
          then again, a hat is worn on top the head,
          which is why a hat is often refereed to as a cap,
          The top of a mushroom is also called a cap.
          So I guess he could just eat a mushroom…


          • Monster

            This is one of those cases where technicalities suck.

      • Bob


        I know I’m gonna regret this but..

        Not me, Challenge accepted.

        • Prophet_Lord

          That’s the spirit.

    • Ves

      Don’t give up guys were making him do it! He’s gonna eat that freakin shoe.

      • Monster

        And what will we do if he doesn’t?

    • Prophet_Lord

      Getting worried yet? I know I am. The clock is ticking.

  • Oh Kazerad, you makes more excuses than a middle-schooler that refuses to do home work.

    One day, in middle school there was this mexican kid that wrote his homework in spanish on purpose. but he tried to make it look like an accident so he could say “oops, wrong langaguge give me another day so I can redo it.”

    then this same kid did the same thing again in math class. He didnt do his homework but when the teacher asked for it, he shuffled through his backpack and his folder as if he was actually looking for it. ” I lost it” he said.
    But the truth is probably that he never even did it in the first place.

    Oh Kazerad, you are this kid. The kid’s name was Rigoberto. Your name is now Rigoberto because you are him.

    • Zdeněk

      I dont like you…

  • KirovReporting

    C’mon shoe eating.

  • Huffington

    i honestly don’t know anymore…

  • J.J. Eldritch

    The journey to the 1,000 comment continues.

  • Prophet_Lord

    16 pages.
    <15 posts left to go
    I'd say it's safe to assume that we're in the final stretch.

    • Pepsidude

      Yeah, I’m pretty fucked.

      No reason to try and avoid it now

      rip me

      • JJR

        Don’t give up hope like that, you might get a last minute reprieve from Kazerad. Or maybe you’ll have to do some serious sole searching to find way to live with yourself (and your meal).

    • JJR

      No, it’s the Final Countdown

      10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
      We’re writing together
      But still we wait here
      And maybe she’ll come back
      To us, who can tell?
      I guess there is no one to blame
      For lightning strikes
      (lightning strikes)
      Will Katia adventure again?

      It’s the final countdown
      (The final countdown)

      We’re heading for shoes and they will be ate
      ‘Cause maybe they taste good and satiate us all, yeah
      With so many long months to wait and things to be said
      (To be said)
      I’m sure that we’ll all miss her so

      It’s the final countdown
      (The final countdown)
      The final countdown
      (Final countdown)
      Ohh ho ohh

      The final countdown, Ooh
      It’s the final countdown
      (The final countdown)
      The final countdown
      (Final countdown)

      It’s the final countdown
      We’re writing together, Ooh
      (The final countdown)
      We’ll all miss her so
      It’s the final countdown
      (Final countdown), Ohh
      It’s the final countdown

      • Deodesu

        You should literally write songs. Not even kidding lol.

        • tronn

          Why would you write “lol” if you are not kidding?

  • Sninjo

    Well I hope the quest to kill fate is going swell
    Sadly I wish I was a part of that spunky group as I could use a bit of extra exp.

    on the topic of the shoe
    if he has it grounded on himself to eat his shoe
    then indeed we shall see him eat his shoe.

    Though when It happens I would ask everyone to make a bag of popcorn and bring drinks.

    But no skooma or moon sugar
    allergic. ;p

    • JJR

      Given how fast Katia gets drunk, I wonder what skooma or moon sugar would do to her.

      • I think she said once that they don’t really do much to her, but I could be wrong.

        • Shazbot

          She’s allergic.

          • JJR

            Do you happen to remember when we learned that?

          • Corey

            It was right before Sigrid stole all Katia’s shit

          • Bob

            You are correct sir.

            “A dimebag of moon sugar, perhaps?

            You explain that you only tried it once, and it turned out you were allergic.”

            Very racist of sigrid to assume all khajiit are skooma sucking addicts and always carry that shit around. That’s like telling an dark elf to stop practicing daedric worship.

            Also FUCK YOU for bring that panel page up again. Now I have to deal with all these feels that are all over me.

  • Camdux

    Wow this is getting intense.

  • Lol guy


  • Different Name

    Oh ma god

  • Alyrine

    Shoe eating time.

    • Alyrine

      1000th comment yay!

  • Bob



    God dammit. Well, a bet’s a bet. how you want this recorded fellow commenters?

    Picture or video?

    Also get that jerk pepsidude here too he’s gonna suffer with me.

    • Bob

      In the meantime, enjoy this lovely drawing of me expressing my feelings on waiting this long for updates.

      No hard feelings kaz still love ya. 🙂

      • Alyrine

        Such a fine piece of art…

    • Monster

      Video, I want to see your suffering in real time.

      • Nopon

        Better yet, slowed down to 1000 frames per second.

      • JJR

        I want to see it in 3-D!

  • JJR

    So, that happened…

    Do we try for 2000 now?

    • Alyrine

      Guess so…

  • Prophet_Lord


  • Shoe Eatin’ Time


    I’m part of history!

  • Pepsidude

    Well this is bad.

    • Nopon

      Use it as an opportunity and learn to craft shoe shaped pastries.

    • JJR

      In regards to the shoe, I would say. Remember, just because its not food, doesn’t mean its not technically edible.

  • Why is the sad Katia next to the announcements still wearing the Santa hat?

    • Bob

      Due to laziness.

      Fits though.

  • anon
    • Bob

      y u do dis anon?

      I dout wee wer freend.


    Just started and finished this comic today.

    I think I’m going to like it here.


    • Lobster

      Welcome to the community 🙂

      • STOTANS

        Your welcome is appreciated, my friend.

        • JJR

          How is this comment still the last one? A bunch of others have been posted after it.

          • JJR

            Ok this was supposed to be a reply to to STOTANS’s comment, but for some reason is showing up as if I used the “Submit Comment” button, instead of the “Reply” button. STOTANS, how did you break the comments like that?

          • Ves

            What do you mean he broke the comments?

            Oh wow, it is messed up.

          • Kazerad

            Well fuck, that’s not good! D= WordPress may not have been designed to handle this many comments on one post.

          • Nogha

            Having so many comments that the system breaks is NEVER good. Well, I guess you have no choice but to release a new update…

          • panoz

            I just commented and it did not show up.

          • panoz

            yet reply shows up as a new comment …. odd.

          • Higuera

            lets see if it works for me…

          • umm

            So is this broken now? The ride is over?

          • Bob

            I blame you for breaking it.

            Comment breaker 😛

          • STOTANS

            Wait, what I did what?!

          • Clover

            C-C-C-COMMENT BREAKER!

          • Nappa

            Comment Lockout

          • Bob

            God dammit Nappa.

          • sedfh

            Don’t worry.
            This has happened before.
            We know what to do.
            The Plugin was not supposed to accept these successive comments.
            We need to delete the comments that don’t fit.
            Their numbers have gone over the limit.
            Expand the limit.

          • panoz

            Nah I vote we try to break the 65535 barrier.

          • JJR

            Reply to panoz
            The what now?

          • panoz

            responce to JJR

            programming joke …

            basically in binary if you go to 1111111111111111 (which equals 65535) then count one more it will instead go to 0000000000000000 (which equals 0) as there is no more memory to store any bits above 16 bits. This looping effect can cause all sorts of odd problems with programs. y2k bug was similar in the fact that it was only a 2 digit year and the 3rd and 4th digits would be dropped and loop back to 00 from 99.

          • andwhyisit

            Of course that 16-bit limit would actually be a 32-bit or 64-bit limit depending on the server in question. Of course that’s the limit to php integers. The mysql database would likely use the int data type which has a 32-bit limit for the auto-incrementing id field. So naturally that’s over 16 million comments, or 8 million if the person who built the commenting software forgot to set the field as unsigned. I can’t see us making it, just so you know.

          • JJR

            Reply to andwhyisit
            maybe not before the next update, but we don’t have to stop commenting on this one just because a new one is posted.

          • panoz

            good point andwhyisit … what we need is the newest thing on twitch chat piped directly to comments, that should get us the 16 million in no time.

          • Rufus again

            As we couldn’t even get to 1300 comments without cracks appearing in the db I think we can count the 8/16-million limit as ‘theoretical’ 😛 . Assuming a conservative post size of 256B that’d give a database size of (I think this is right) at least 1.9GB with 8m comments. The page appears to load all the comments in one go so Kaz’s bandwidth allowance will suffer long before we get there. (Also 1.9GB download… yes this would slow the page down remarkably!)

          • Nappa




            ARE WE THERE YET

          • Nappa

            No, Nappa is my thing get ur own

          • Tusk

            “Due to caching, comments posted here may take a moment to show up. This is perfectly normal!”
            Back to english class,spunko.

          • Bob

            Hate to add more the situation but:


          • Crooke

            We did it..

          • Bob

            Quick, We must pray to the aedric and holy coding god Ch’marr for help.

            Lest we face the rest of these dark catless times alone and with no human interaction D:

          • Nogha

            How many comments need to be posted before the collective mass of them all creates a black hole and destroys all life (including Katia)?

          • STOTANS

            I DON’T KNOW!!!

        • JJR

          testing, reply to STOTAN

        • Shaddy

          Stonas are you even going to reply? You broke the whole comments section and you wont even give us as much as a thank you. Wow.

        • STOTANS

          Guys, I don’t know how the comment thread broke.

  • Shaddy

    Can we get a status update about 1K comments and shoe/hat eating?

  • Lobster

    If this thing hits 2000 i will write every comment on this page backwards :3 .

    • JJR

      Do you mean to say that you would write out all 2000 comments backwards?

      • Lobster


  • KamikazeCat

    Can I have someone else’s shoes? I already ate through both of mine… and those were my last pair. 🙁

    • Bob

      NO. You can’t have any more shoes. I have mine and they’re the only sources of food we have left while riding out this wait storm.

      Or we can all just eat pepsidude…

  • Wilhelm

    The cat-less winter continues. Supply’s and sanity dwindle as the remaining survivors of the freak lightning accident eat their shoes.

    • actua

      9th of Sun’s Dawn, 3E433
      The torrential rain continues as it has since 1st of Evening star. The sound is so common to my ear I no longer hear it. The same ghastly apparition stands frozen mid cast. My erstwhile companion, the sad khajiit frozen amongst the rain waits patiently for some empowering blast I fear may never come. I have endeavored tirelssly to rouse either from their stupor but to no avail. Worse, far worse than even this frozen and pointless eternity, the whole of this world seems to have fallen away. What remains, the exterrior and interior of this lone tome emporeum as well as a flash of the chittering landscape of this spectre’s imaginings, teeters odifferously on the precipice of hope. Even hopes dashed, as dashed they often are,, would be a poultice for this pox of the mind. Stolid and steadfast, I stand watch and ready. Still, my vigilence wears thin as the bindings of my sanity unwind themselves in the tatters of this timeless and vapid unbearing void.

      • KirovReporting

        Poetry, true and heartrending, as often the words of the desperate are.

      • Man of Mer

        Did you thoroughly learn the time system of The ElderScrolls universe? That is astounding!

        • Skianous

          Well, it’s not really that much of a difficulty since there’s also 7 days a week and 12 months a year in their time system.

      • andwhyisit


  • Wangarath

    Now that we have 1000 comments, let me share with you what I dreamt a few weeks ago.

    Well, I was Quill Weave (wierd as I’m not a woman) and something was chasing me. Also as I knew that Katia is flying somewhere in orbit around the planet, so I used my excessive acrobatic skills to jump and grab her taking her back to the surface. Sadly I landed at the same spot, so I asked Katia if she could run, because she’s slowing me down. She replied “yes” so I put her down and then we were both running from that thing (she was a bit faster than me, but i guess thats just a feline ability). We reached a major city, and the guards caught the thing. We were just walking around the city when two thugs spotted us and started chasing us, so yeah it started again. We reached a dead end, so there was nothing left but fighting. I found two wooden dongs, I gave one to Katia and then we beated the crap out of them. I believe Katia’s training with that piece of wood was useful in the end!

    Anyway did anyone else have dreams related to Prequel?

    • Contrast

      You fought with DONGS!? O.O

      • Wangarath

        DAMN!!! Stupid google translator! I just searched taht up. No I ment something that Katia fought with in a previous update.

    • Once I dream with a very nice talking cheetah, we have a pleasant conversation and then I wake up…
      i need a dreamer translator

      • Bob

        C…Can I have some of that shit you were smoking before you had that dream?

        I’m really curious what kind of substance you ingested caused these super tripped out dreams. o^o

        Also I would make a Morrowind joke being that this topic involves having disturbing dreams but I rage quitted after dying just outside of Balmora.

    • Wangarath

      I’m really sorry I didn’t mean wooden “dong” I meant wooden club. I didn’t know the word in english, so I used a translator and that’s what it said. I’m sorry again, in retrospect this is really disturbing and offensive.

      • Kazerad

        I’ve been reading through these comments every day when I’m somewhere with Internet access, and I can say for a fact that this is the most amazing thing to happen in 1000+ comments.

        • Bob

          Lo, do thine eyes deceive thee?

          Tis the almighty Kaz returned from his temporal sealed prison!

          You should really get a gravatar next to your name kaz to verify it’s really you. Or not. 🙁

        • Wangarath

          Thank you Kazerad. You’ve made me feel less embarrased. 🙂

          • Quintus

            I’m curious, what is the word in your native language, and what does it mean there?

          • Skianous

            In French, a “trique” is literally a hard, wooden club (or staff), and is sometimes used as slang for “erect dong”. But I’m not sure if Wang’s french.

          • Bob

            Honestly, Clubs or Dongs are both hilarious things to be holding during a dream where you’re talking to a anthropomorphic cat.

          • Wangarath

            First, I hope this comment appears in the right place (17. page in the comment chain of the 2. comment). Yes I’m that wierdo with that wierd dream.
            Ok, I see you’re really interested about this now. The word was “dorong” in hungarian. You can guess what the translator gave me, but if it gave more than just one result, I could’ve seen what the englis word means. Still I became suspicious, so I checked the hungarian word’s meaning to be sure. Here’s what I got:
            It says thick branch with it’s smaller branches removed, but basically crude and unworked etc.
            It also mentions that this is an ancient hungarian word. What I didn’t know is that this word now have a secondary, urban-kind meaning too (guess what it is). The hu-hu dict. didn’t know the new meaning, and the translator didn’t know the original meaning (WTF?! seriously). (Also, Wangarath is not my real name)

      • Aggy is a dumb name

        Your name is “WANGarath.” You’re not fooling me, Wielder of the Dongs.

  • Dooper

    Hey just a handful of weeks more and we’ll have gone a quarter of a year without an update. 3 months ladies and gentleman, I think its time to pack up and head on down the ol’dusty trail. Its been fun reading, I won’t flame anyone for staying but I think its pretty obvious that Kaz’s heart just isn’t in this thing anymore. The update schedule has been in a steady decline since the first year, and even though the artwork has improved I don’t think its been a fair tradeoff. (update time vs. artwork improvement) I’m walking away now at this excessive slow point when walking away is easy. Its been fun Kaz I hope you turn this around but the statistical evidence is in stark contrast to what you tell everyone.

  • tada

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A LIGHTNING STRIKE?? ;___________; Fate is winning!

  • Fireeaters

    The broken English… it’s EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

  • Lesair

    GOD FAGGOT SHIT. It’sa still hasn’t update yet. ;_;

  • Hello 🙂
    Hope everyone has (or had) a great day
    Hope that this update problem can get fixed
    Hello 🙂
    How is this still going on? (I’m talking about the failure, shouldn’t it be done by now?)
    How is life
    How is this story going to end?
    Hello 🙂
    Hell is awful
    Hell is where satin lives
    Hell is tempting Katia
    Hell is giving her a bad life, and she has no idea
    The end,

    • Alyrine


  • Yupper

    ”As Katia is receiving some more interesting advice from the guardian a tree falls on top of her and she dies” And that’s somewhat what the next update will be like thus ending the story.

  • Aggy is a dumb name

    Like everyone else, I’m sad that there’s no update. Like Anon has said, the UPM (Updates Per Month ©) has dropped. Let’s not forget there are a few comics that continue to kick and flounder long after they’ve lost all relevance (looking at you, VG Cats). It is unlikely that Ramsoor is going to get up and get to work anywhere near his original schedule; it’s less likely that he’ll post anything funny.

    But Kaz, I’m asking for just one more show of your seemingly endless politeness: don’t ask your fans for help this year. The above mentioned artist has had the gall to do little to nothing in the way of publication while getting his hangers-on to pay a Kickstarter for a new project. He produced THREE comics in 2013 (SUPER EFFECTIVE doesn’t count, because he’s basically doodling a plot that we’re all very familiar with and putting the same jokes we used when the game first came out). Now he’s begging for Greenlight votes on Steam.

    (I understand the irony of calling out nostalgia of one game while ignoring the nostalgic effect another may have on us; the difference is, Ramsoor is providing us with the same narrative the game has already given us. While still part of a game’s narrative, Kaz gives up the unexplored history of Kvatch immediately before its destruction. I’m hoping that enough of a separation that I’ll be able to find sleep while I lie awake in bed pondering the hypocrisy of things that I posted online.)

    What I’m getting to is: if you can’t give us consistent updates, that’s fine. Just don’t ask for favors in return.

    This won’t work for two reasons:

    1. This stink will die down any minute now.

    2. You have fans that are as almost as zealous as HomeStuck followers.

    We appreciate what you do, but as an artist, I know what validation means. I get in slumps, just as it appears you have. December and January kicked my ass. I produced nothing of artistic merit. February came and I’m pumping out new material. The difference is? I have zero fans. You have a ravenous horde to cheer you on. Pick yourself up, stop dragging us all around, and let us pull you for once.


    And if this is no longer fun, bury it and move on. You’re at a wonderful point, narratively-speaking, where everyone can draw their own conclusions as to what happens to our cat next.

    I love your story. At times, I hate the telling of it, but when it returns to some of the serious themes, everything glows with emotion. At these times, it’s obvious that this is a cherished creation; it is your baby.

    But your baby is suffering. End its misery or help it, so that we can move forward.

    tl;dr s–t or get off the pot

    • Kiwikku

      Right on.
      I would even continue the story if Kaz didn’t want to.

  • Checks-three-times-a-day

    *cries and claws at the ‘next’ button pitifully*

    • :c

    • JJR

      I thought it was bad when people started eating their shoes, now people are turning into cats.

      • Bob

        That’s ridiculous. There’s no physical way that people can turn t-

        Meow meow?

        MEOW MEROW!!

  • Sir Cadwell

    One fine day in the middle of the night,
    three dead kings got up to fight!
    Back to back, they faced eachother!
    Drew their swords and stabbed themselves~

    • Captain Sero

      Go back to coldharbour!

  • The Whicher

    F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5 … are we there yet?

  • Skianous

    Well, my friends, since we’ve now hit the 1 000 comments, lets start a new game…

    This is the story of the 100 Unlucky Slutcats.

    The first slutcat dies of starvation while waiting restlessly for the next update.

    Who’ll get to tell us how the 100th one died ?

    • Bob

      from an angry hymen.

    • Drowning

    • Sir Cadwell

      Second slutcat dies from being eaten by a majestic dragon made of spoons

      • the third dies by a overdose of chocolate cake.

    • Sorcedude

      The third slutcat is smashed into a fine bloodmist by Smough and Ornstein.

      • i see what you did their

        YES, I love dark souls, you win the internet

  • Nick

    I love this series so much. I got interested in it yesterday and started reading, now I’ve read all of them. This is amazing! I love it, you should do a crossover to Skyrim

  • Kiwikku

    Who will be the 1234th comment?
    Let’s find out!!

  • actua

    10th of Sun’s Dawn, 3E433
    For a time I abandon my vigil to take respite within. The pouring deluge cackles madly from the door as I contemplate the proprietor of this literary terrarium.
    I hate him. There I’ve said it. I never liked Altmer. Something about their greasy yellow skin turns my stomach. His beady eyed stare unnerves me and worse I have been forced to endure it in refuge from the rain for far too long. A “High One” looking down his oily nose at me for an grueling eternity turns sour in my gut. “Thief!” His eyes scream. “MONSTER! Trespasser and bothersome SCUM GET OUT!”

    Worse though are the bound worlds I might escape to. As the patrons of this asylum, for it is filled with madness, are frozen in their gazes, so too are the tomes to their shelves. The disarray of their fumbled placing screams for a steady hand and blissful few minutes of tidying. Their bedlam I see reflected in the window pane as I gaze into my own soulless orbs.

    Stendarr be merciful, and bear me away.

  • If Kaz kill Fate maybe Dmitri will come back!

  • troper

    I found this story just a few days ago, at 1st I thought it was dead, then I saw that comment of the tree from a couple days ago so I thought, “good it’s still going”

    Then I started reading the comments…

    Please dont let this story die :C

    • Kazerad

      I won’t! Though there isn’t much I can do right now, since I’m posting this from my iPod via supermarket wifi. Maryland got storm’d pretty hard and a lot of people are still without Internet or even electricity.

      • Wait… the fallen tree is real?! :O

        • Sir Cadwell

          Why wouldn’t it be?

  • Nulla_Metus

    You made Katia’s failure at creating a sign sound much worse than it really was, Mr. Kazerad. She only missed an “h”. I found it within the game. I was genuinely surprized that it really is misspelled in the game.

  • This comment section has reached critical mass.

  • panoz

    well let me push it to 1100 comments …

  • Gildedtongue

    Considering Katia has been sitting out in the cold all night, and it’s started to rain, I wonder if our Felis-Sapian friend is going to have a cold after the end of this story.

    This could go in her favour, though. Clogged sinuses means less pheromone receptors means more resistance to the Bitch Witch’s alchemical “charms.”

  • Kione

    Three months without updating. I has a sad.

    • JJR

      So if we find someone with a cat, can we point and click adventure logic it together with your sad to get the next update?

  • SomeShadyGuy

    *insert withdrawal symptoms here*

    Anyway, how’s the progress on the teenager group’s quest to kill fate?

    • JJR

      Last I heard, the group got stuck in an existential quagmire when they learned that they were fated to kill Fate.

      • Xenny


  • Big Redguard Rick

    I wanna contribute with the demolishing of the Comments Section too!

  • Higuera


  • wobuffet3

    it’s happening!

  • Rorschach

    ‘This comic is afraid of me…I have seen its true face. The comments are extended gutters and the gutters are full of tears and when the drains finally flow over, all my readers will drown. The accumulated filth of all their hopeless nights and dashed dreams will foam up about their waists and all the fanboys and furries will look up and shout “Update!”… and I’ll look down and whisper “Tree.”‘

    -Kazerad, 2014, on the Great Cat Drought

    • Bob


      You.. You go back to watchmen and stay there…

      Edit: How odd, this reply chain works fine 😐

  • Checks-Three-Times-A-Day

    Have you we really broken the comments? Really?

  • Alyrine

    Uhhm, Testing?

  • Prophet_Lord

    So I just looked stuff up about this storm that hit Kaz and his story checks out. Apparently, as of the 8th, there were about 170K people in Maryland/Pennsylvania without power.

    On a side note, I had no idea how close I lived to Kaz.

    • Bob

      Maryland/Pennsylvania you say?

      I’m gonna need gas money, 3 bags of fritos and a music CD which have songs that includes cowbell.

      Reason being: I’m gonna search the fuck out of those states to find the kaz residence.

      Not really though but those fritos would be nice

  • Aggy is a dumb name

    I know it’s terrible for me to get my hopes up… but I just want to wake up tomorrow and see an update. And then do the same thing next week.

  • (evil voice) The waiting make me an anarchist, nigromancer, vandal and lackey of the Great Lord Fate. and my first act of uncontroled destruccion is commenting to annihilate this comment section… ¡¡with pure evil!!

  • Gean

    1 AM in my town. 14th of February. My birthday. Where’s my birthday car… I mean, don’t give up, Kaz! 😉

  • Prophet_Lord

    Comments were up to page 19 when I last posted, and my comment somehow showed up in the middle of page 18. What is happening to this poor page.

    • JJR

      From what I can tell the problem is in STOTANS’s “Your welcome is appreciated, my friend.” comment. Somehow whenever someone posts a new comment it shows up just above that one, as if the STOTAN comment is moved to the end of the thread. Additionally whenever some tries to reply to that one, or reply to a comment that was a reply to STOTAN, it is posted as if it were a brand new comment instead of a reply, but it does show up after the STOTAN comment.

      • STOTANS

        Guys, I swear I don’t know what happened.

  • Katadeus

    Man it’s been a while
    Every once in a while I’m like “Prequel! I haven’t checked in a long time! There must be an update!” and then there isn’t one and then I feel bad.
    I’m addicted to this lol

  • Nopon

    Anyway bored so here is a set of dream recollections. There are two of them, and both seemed to be related as if sequential in terms of story development.

    The first was me checking Prequel for an update during a previous update drought (around the time of the runner game i think didnt write the date down in my dream log : /) Katia was shown resting against a wall with her right eye bleeding. There was a title to the page labeled as “Katia: Hurt”. She looked as if she had been thrashed pretty well and her face was in a grimace reflecting such. Didn’t get to read the update as the dream ended before i could read it.

    The second also had a title and occurred roughly 6-8 months afterwards (about 3-4 days ago). This dream also had a title. “But your eyes can see through the pain” and it featured Katia getting up from the previous setback (dream) or was related to the training Aggy has planned (both?). She however seemed awfully shaken. The general theme I believe was her once again analyzing herself, her decisions and coming to better understand her own actions.

    On one panel Sigrid was on a horse in the center of town. There were people admiring or proffering her or something. The background was muted and blurred save for Katia and Sigrid. Katia was watching in a spot that would have kept her unseen by the crowd. First panel in the update had Katia looking around town noting that something was off. The art here was similar as a muted Kvatch was in the background with Katia’s face being detailed and observant. At the bottom of the page was something that started to break the dream down. It said
    ————– (someotherstuff)
    VODKA_________________Time until next update: XX:XX:XX
    Then i thought it was fake and it ended.

  • BoNzOhAzArD

    lol, still no update…. lightning strikes, terrorist takedowns of internet providers… next it’s gonna be the armies of Sauron invaded his house and confiscated his computer… so full of shit. Kaz is bored of doing this. Goodbye Katia, it was a grand ride while it lasted.

    • Slambox


  • J.J Eldritch


  • Franklin Delay?-No! Roosevelt

    It takes a long time to bring the past up to the present.

  • Slambox

    No update for VALENTINE’S DAY!!!????

    Where’s the love!?

    Naa, just kidding

  • Gren

    We are at mid-february and still nothing?
    Kaz, I don’t know what kind of game are you preparing for us but it will definitely not be worth the long wait.
    I’m not here to play some dumb homemade flash games, I’m here because I want to read the story. If I wanted to play a game then I’d choose Oblivion, or Skyrim or whatever sort of game such as Left 4 Dead, Assassin Creed, Prince of Persia, Counter Strike, etc. Hell, you can even have more fun from oldies such as Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot.
    I’m not saying I don’t like your flash thingies. They are all a plus and make you love the story even more and I appreciate that, but no matter how good they may be they never are worth enough if that means to slow down the pace of the story.
    The worst part is that this thing will surely contribute almost nothing to the story (at best she’ll recover her powers but anything far from that) and then we’ll have to wait another two weeks or a month to find out what happen next.
    Seriously, this story is not going anywhere. The whole Kvatch thing is taking too long and I still want to know more about Quill Weave, Dmitri, Gaius and ASOTIL, characters with their own stories and background and how they’ll affect Katia’s destiny. But they don’t seem to be appearing in the near future. Hell, I can even say it’s been a while since we’ve seen Sigrid.
    I hope there will not be more flashies in a long while. I want to read now!

    • Kazerad

      If you are expecting something worth 3 months of waiting, I fear you will be disappointed >: ! I’ve just been busy and occasionally without electricity, not working constantly on an update.

      I better update soon though because I think the comment section was never made to handle 1000+ comments and has stopped working right.

      • Gren

        Well then that’s much more discouraging. :/

        • Kazerad

          Yes, it is ):. I have my power back now, but we got another 13 inches of snow yesterday and there’s supposed to be another storm hitting tonight so I don’t know if it will stay. The moral is basically “fuck weather”.

          • Bob

            I gotta ask kaz, did you ever thought of backing up your drawings/works in case something bad like this snowstorm or say a sudden blackout happens and wipes out whatever you were working on?

            Even having the files backed up on something like a external hard drive or even a USB drive would make it easy for you to get the stuff up onto the site when you do get internet access somewhere else.

            Or you could just invest in buying a backup generator with donations from fans but I say the drive backup is better 😐

          • What’s keeping your from posting the next update before the storm hits? All I can think of is that you want to be able to moderate the comments, work PR, or that the update isn’t actually ready yet.

          • Nogha

            Dear Kazerad,
            Do you live in a kind of hell where it snows fire that burns through power lines or something? I wouldn’t think that snow would stop anyone from doing a web comic, but what do I know, where I live the coldest it gets in winter is 45 degrees. I really don’t care what your (legitimate) excuse is, just as long as Prequel updates eventually. So umm… watch your head as you exit doorways, we don’t want a 600 pound chunk of ice falling on your head. I’d bet no one would like it if you died.

            With all the luck,

          • Bob

            Actually, The snowstorm is legitimate.

            The past week the east coast got slammed with a giant snowstorm from Maine, all the way down to where I reside, which is Virginia.

            Down here we received about 5-8 inches of snow and only because it was the southern tip of the storm.

            From what I hear, Kaz is further up north (MD/PA I dunno) which received even more snow ranging from 1 to 2 feet with more as you continue up north. Of course, to make matters worse, Kaz already mentioned before that another several inches of snow would arrive into his area a few days after the previous snowstorm.

            Yes, it is ):. I have my power back now, but we got another 13 inches of snow yesterday and there’s supposed to be another storm hitting tonight so I don’t know if it will stay. The moral is basically “fuck weather”.

            So if you think this is some lame excuse for Kaz to buy time to procrastinate on his work and is just really dicking around:

            No. That’s not the reason.

            I know everyone’s antsy and deprived of crying sad cats, (Damn straight I am too) but really Kaz is forced to be behind schedule since he has to wait for the power to come back on from the freakish double snowstorms and was only halfway done on completing whatever new update work (or that belated on-site command program launch). Give him the benefit of the doubt and at least give him just a few more days to pull through and deliver.

            Think of it as a test. The test of a true Prequel fan.

    • Bob

      I myself, fear though that with the duration of this postponement will worsen any momentum for the series’ popularity.

      I’m sure that if kaz asked for assistance from the fans, especially artist fans who very much qualify to fill in and be willing to be paid peanuts (or pins) to draw cats, it would be a great improvement to progressing the plot past the exposition.

      Then again, I made this suggestion several times, so now I just sound like a broken record.

  • tiny tim

    Well thats that, i really really really liked this webcomic, but if nearly three months with no update is not an indicator that its either dead or dying i dont know what is.

  • MegSkoomaPirate

    So, Kaz, how goes the slaying of Fate? If needed, I have a well- trained platoon of Griffins that are prepared to assist you. My own power has gone off three times this week, so I feel your pain. Remember! Platoon of Griffins standing by for your orders!

  • picmaker

    Can we send pics to you kazarad and just make a fan based update ?

  • Potato king

    that’s what is look like

  • OmgZdenek

    Hay bros.I am looking for corrector for my own comic.Is anyone interested?Only thing i can offer is name in credits at the end of volume.(no link or name of comics because i dont want to parasite here)

    Also i am looking forward to see next update.I hope it will be as rad as the last one :D.

  • God fucking damn it

    This shit is unacceptable.

    This is an MsPaint-tier comic, there is no excuse.
    If you’re putting so much effort into one strip that a couple days without power sets it back for three goddamn months, you’re doing it wrong.

    I would much rather have quality on par with the first comic and actually get somewhere with the fucking story than sit here for the rest of my life, hoping like hell that there will actually be an ending.

    • andwhyisit

      Kaz’s “without power” situation was only 12 days ago, not 3 months. Take another look at the dates.

  • OmgZdenek

    Wut is this?

  • Uneducated Guess

    Has anyone noticed datpepsidude’s tumblr is gone?

  • Gribble

    Since there hasn’t been a post in a while, for those that are thirsty for an update, might I suggest reading the short prequel story to

  • Bob

    So who has the high score right now in terms of hours waited while playing this “Wait Game”?

  • KamikazeCat

    You are the creator of Prequel.

    You have just finished an epic update to your hit comic, and now are about to post it on your website for all of your delightful fans to see and love.
    Then suddenly, your power goes out.
    You swear in the dark, not knowing if you had saved any of the progress that you had made. Getting up and tripping on some wires that you have lying around your computer desk area, you make way to your kitchen drawers to where you keep your flash light.
    But as you turn it on, a bright green light illuminates from outside your window. Curiously, you check out what could possibly be making such a blinding light. The next thing you see makes you gasp in fear. Aliens.
    You hear the front door being blasted open by an explosion and a flurry of ten or so aliens all come marching into your house. They knock you unconscious as your vision blurs to black.
    You wake up inside a high-tech alien jail-cell. Looking at your surroundings, you find a naked male sitting on the bed across the room from you.
    You ask him a series of questions as “Where did our clothes go?”, “What is this place?”, and all that normal shit. Once finding out that you are on an alien mother ship with no escape, you begin to panic. But as you are in the middle of your panicking, you find 3 alien guards coming into your jail cell and forcing you to follow them.
    They lead you to a room full of alien-like computers, with a large cylinder machine in the middle of the room. The aliens proceed to force you inside the cylinder machine and as you are in it, more aliens begin to operate the cylinder machine in which you are in.
    After a series of electronic sounds and revolving mechanics, all you can see is a blinding white light.
    You find yourself back in your room, surrounded by cobwebs, and a computer desk that has been overran by molds and bacteria.
    Disgusted by the desk mold, you run outside your room and pick up a spare laptop that you kept in your living room. After cleaning the dust off, you press the power button, followed by the roaring sound of the fan circulating dust.
    Some ideas that come into mind is to find a way to clean that mold on your desk, or to see if there’s any information on the aliens that had kidnapped you, but as you attempt to Google one of the two, you come to wonder what your website could be up to, as you haven’t really been active, since you’ve promised an update soon.
    You type in the address bar, and scroll down to the comments, finding that there are one-hundred thousand comments. Most of which are comments containing “R.I.P.”, “Pretty sure he’s dead.”, or “I ran out of shoes.”
    Checking the date on each and every comment, you find that the year says only 2017. You click the clock on the Windows Bar, finding that the year is 2026.
    Panicking and wondering what kind of hell those aliens had trapped you in, you begin to realize that the aliens have forced you to time travel into the future.
    You go through your folders of data, going through the backups that you always made just in case something happened to your main computer, and find the unreleased update to Prequel. You upload it onto the website, with only one written change making to it.


  • Niglet

    Still waiting for that update >:l

  • Prophet_Lord

    I’ve been with this comic for a long fucking time. And I love this comic, I do. But a 3 month wait is, well, really not that bad. A lot of comics go on long hiatuses for whatever god damn reason. At least this comic still updates occasionally. It actually kind of makes me sick seeing all the comments blasting Kaz. We’re not paying the guy, he’s obviously putting a lot of effort into this comic, and he has his own shit to deal with. I’m assuming Kaz has other, more necessary, obligations in his life other than making this comic. If you have such a major fucking issue with the comic and it’s updating, go find a new comic to read. Check back in a few weeks, if there’s an update, cool, enjoy it. Otherwise fuck off and find something else to do with your life until the next update. Seriously. God Damn.

    • Rufus again

      ^ This. It was pretty much exactly what I was thinking while reading some of the latest batch of comments, which once again are veering toward the ridiculously entitled end of the spectrum. I do wonder how some people get through life if something as inconsequential as a free webcomic running late causes so much grief.

      Guys, if all you want is a cat comic that updates regularly then I believe Garfield is still going.

    • philold09

      That’s my thinking.
      There are a lot of comics that take multi-month hiatuses.
      I mean people complaining about three months is no big deal when you think about how long some people have waited for Berserk updates.

      • NN

        One year and steel waiting
        for the nest chapter of Berserk.

        A month is like the blink of
        an eye.

  • Mr Duck

    great update. wow never expected this many comments

  • Deodesu

    :/ I hate winter.

  • Sir Anon O’Myss III

    Could be worse. Could be VG Cats. Randomly having hiatus for months at a time with no warning and no word from the author until a new page and an apology suddenly manifest from the aether, only to do it again before a single additional update can be posted.

    • Aggy is a dumb name

      And when he does update, it’s to beg you to support his newest project.

  • Aedda

    Kaz, whenever and whatever you update with I know that I and many others will not be disappointed. Please do not let words of discouragement take seed. “This comic” has always been good because it is “this comic” and the majority of those following like the way you do it or they wouldn’t be fans.

  • Fiver26

    so did the person eat the shoe yet?

  • Armael

    Kazzie got internet a few days ago. Go Kaz, Go!

  • 01001011 01100001 01110100 01101001 01100001 00100000 01001101 01100001 01101110 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101110 ?????????

    • JJR

      So Katia knows binary better than Ta’agra?

      • I come from Hammerfell I know very little Ta’agra. I have been sitting in the rain for more than a month now… 🙁

        • Bob

          And apparently, forgot to practice her grammar.

          I’M from Hammerfell AND I ONLY know very little Ta’agra. I’VE been sitting in the rain for more than a month now… 🙁

          True Incompetence.

          No hard feelings katia.

        • JJR

          Yeah, I get the part where your Ta’agra is rusty (this rain won’t help that.) But where did you learn binary? Does Tamriel have computers with soul gem powered logic gates or something?

          • Bob

            Aylieds. Ain’t gotta explain shit.

  • Deodesu

    Dang 🙁 I was hoping this would be updated on the day of my birthday. Oh well.

  • butt

    really. another excuse? you can just tell us that you were to lazy to work on it, we could take it

  • dev

    Well i thinks shes doing fine. Look she going to get her letter back as he said he would and now she going to get a fine amount of gold from ummm “dancing” (if your still up for that). She’s got clothing. Things look good right now! ……… but um all you got to do is pull your self together.

  • Nappa

    Only 7,817 more comments to go

  • RayTheGrey

    A few days? Kazerad you’re great, but fate killing requires at least a few weeks.

  • I never knew why but I always wanted to be a mercenary, now because of the elder scrolls I can thank the heavens (a.k.a God)

  • Obviousguy

    I know it was probably said at some point in the past, but does anyone else wish the comic was done with Katia’s head drawn out like an actual cat head and not the copy and paste circle head?

    • Irrevenant

      Both styles have their place. Fully-drawn cat head all the time would take longer.

  • andwhyisit

    Hey Kaz, you forgot to add “fleabag” to the spam test answer list.

  • someone

    Yeah, I suppose this webcomic is officially dead now. Even if updates did resume, I don’t see the story going anywhere anyway.

    • Kazerad

      It’s not dead, it’s snowstorms! >:

      Chances are I’ll be back on track before the weekend.

      • JJR

        So it’s only mostly dead?

        • Hey hey hey! I am still breathing, don’t you give up on me yet.

  • Ben Yakura

    If you want another example of “your bests is worse then everyone else’s average” theres a great stream going on at

  • Thrime


  • Unidentified BA

    Imagine how this is going to look to a reader, say, a year from now. They will be scrolling over this simple update, see the mass of comments, and their mind will begin to imagine the most amazing things.

    • Kazerad

      It takes a while for them all to load. I might eventually hide them for this update entirely.

      Though what I’d really like to find is a good WordPress plugin to hide them unless someone clicks a “show” link.

      • xKiv

        Would it also be possible to get something to “only show new comments – posted in the last X hour”?

      • Unidentified BA

        If you do remove the comments, make sure to add in fake comments.

        “Whoa, this update is so good, I can’t stop reading it! And it’s been three months!”

        “Whoever said quality over quantity was probably someone else that was also trapped by power outages, and he used that phrase to sound clever”

        “I’ll have what she’s having!”

        “Katia: Flame on”

  • kazerad is proud of us, my dream has become true!!! (my dream was that a famous person from internet feel proud of my)

  • kome

    1200? wow.

  • Ves

    Lets break it even worse now.

  • anon

    I think you meant: “Due to CAT-ching, comments posted here may take a moment to show up. This is PURR-fectly normal!

    • JJR

      I might say;
      “Due to Cat-ching, your ‘two septims’ worth’ lo-cat-ed not-Elsweyr can cat-ch a paws afore cat-ualization. That is Purr-fectly Mundus.

      • Bob

        Sometimes I just hate you guys and your puns with so much firey passion.



    Seriously guys, I have no idea what happened!!!

    • JJR

      So you didn’t inject SQL or something clever like that?

      • STOTANS

        I don’t even know what that is.


    Oh dear God, what have I done.

  • Obviousguy

    You hear that, guys? Kaz is proud of us.

  • Yewty

    Wow, I just finished reading the series, it’s AWESOME!

  • troper

    today I loaded this page at the same time my internet failed, almost had a heart attack while the browser showed the “page unavailable” message D:

    Still waiting

  • Eagle_eyes

    i just got here, to this last page!!! it cant be over! i wont allow it!! bu there’s nothing i can do…sooo… yah.

  • Dowzii

    Update when


    I comment once in a site which I am brand new too, and I somehow mess up the comment thread.

  • Hopdaddy

    I’m breaking things

  • Bonzohazard

    Uh, now the armies of Sauron will probably come knock down more trees into powerlines…. or a hobbit will steal Kaz’ computer….

  • Bonzohazard

    Uh, now the armies of Sauron will probably come knock down more trees into powerlines…. or a hobbit will steal Kaz’ computer…..

  • Bonzohazard

    Uh, now the armies of Sauron will probably come knock down more trees into powerlines….. or a hobbit will steal Kaz’ computer…..

  • Bonzohazard

    Uh, now the armies of Sauron will probably come knock down more trees into powerlines…… or a hobbit will steal Kaz’ computer……

    • JJR

      Did you type this comment 4 times, or is the comment section breaking again?

      • Bob

        I’m calling spamming on this part.

        No way the comment publish process should have taken so long that it made someone click submit 4 times.

  • Alduin

    Bah, why did I bother with all that nonsense with the dragonborn! Now the comment section is sundered, and I can use its diminishing power to return! NONE CAN STOP ME!

    • JJR

      You’re not Alduin, I see that picture of Dagoth Ur.

      • Ulas Aren

        He also left the keyword “sunder”.

        Also, Alduin is a terrible strategist. He decided to come out of time right during the life of the hero, and his first action was to save the hero by disrupting the hero’s execution. Dagoth Ur, though, DID use “diminishing power to return”, in the sense of the Tribunal’s severed connection with the Heart.

        “A mask can hide a face, but a voice betrays the actor.” Way to show your true colours, Sharmat.

  • J. J. Eldritch

    4 fa1al 3xc3pti0n err0r has 0ccurr3d a1 ————,
    Pr3ss 4ny key 1o 3xterminat3 1he curr3nt univ3rs3.
    Pr3ss CTRL+4LT+D3L to r3start your univ3rs3. Y0u will l0se any unsaved l0ved 0nes in all 0f your applications.

    • JJR

      Lose unsaved loved ones? Never. I would rather persist in this doomed universe that we created when we severed the thread of comments.

  • Bonzohazard

    Lightning trees…. Armies of Sauron…..Pooh and the gang from the Hundred Acre Woods stole my computer….. whatever Kaz.

    • Bob

      You know, we should have known that this would eventually happen.

      When commands call forth misdirection from eight corners of the net,
      When home site walks and commands being reshaped
      When the thrice skilled fails and update rates tremble,
      When the Sad Cat Bringer leaves his post, and the power line thunder-strucked,
      When the comment count rises unnoticed, shoeless, rage screaming
      The comment breaker awakes, and the few faithful waits upon new kitty updates.

  • God

    Look, I can handle delays in the comic, but what really pisses me off is the blatant lying.

    More then two weeks ago you said it would only take a couple more days. You understated the time TWICE before that.

    Skip half a fucking year if you want, just be HONEST about it, I don’t want to have to come back here because you keep saying “just a few more days” when that’s blatantly NOT true.

    I’m not paying you for this, you have no moral obligation to keep going. You do however have a moral obligation to be HONEST about it. You said “some time this week” Wednesday, and I’d be pretty fucking surprised if there’s an update by tomorrow. Even if there is, you already lost my trust as a reader.

    • Aggy is a dumb name

      God says:
      February 22, 2014 at 5:52 pm

      Look, I can handle delays in the comic, but what really pisses me off is the blatant lying.

      More then two weeks ago you said it would only take a couple more days. You understated the time TWICE before that.

      Skip half a fucking year if you want, just be HONEST about it, I don’t want to have to come back here because you keep saying “just a few more days” when that’s blatantly NOT true.

      I’m not paying you for this, you have no moral obligation to keep going. You do however have a moral obligation to be HONEST about it. You said “some time this week” Wednesday, and I’d be pretty fucking surprised if there’s an update by tomorrow. Even if there is, you already lost my trust as a reader.

      Babby’s first webcomic delay.

      But seriously, a week is 7 days. Complain on Tuesday, when it’s not here. I’ve stated before that Kaz owes us nothing, unless he plans to abandon the project altogether. Get your head out of your butt and take a breath of fresh air.

      • Bob

        What I fear that with the amount of fanboys screaming “WE WANT IT NOW” with increasing volume, especially when trying to meet their selfish demands, would you even continue at that point as the artist?

        I really want to see this project grow, especially since it has alot of potential to be incredible and memorable, but seeing how most people are, it’s going to be quite an endeavor.

        Though I will agree with the “blatant lying”part, It’s not exactly what happened to kaz and/or how things were going to work out. My biggest guess is that he wanted to make the update notice a bit funny mentioning the (now infamous) “thunder struck the power pole” line. I’m sure kaz didn’t intended to be a lame excuse to make up for him procrastinating and I can say 100% that his power did go off so that part is not a lie. Snowstorms hit his area and was the real answer of course. that would have been an excusable reason and if he just placed an honest explaination on WTF happened it would have prevented the PR damage.

        Of course, I’m not his PR guy and I know how you feel but don’t think he’s a lousy excuse making slacker artist. This was mainly an disorganization issue and I’m pretty sure sooner or later, it needs to be fully addressed.

        • Aggy is a dumb name

          I’m not sure if this reply was meant to be directed at me or the original poster, whom I quoted in italics. We’re on similar notions, here, from what I’m reading…

          • Bob

            I was directing it to God (How sacrilegious)

            My bad.

      • God

        That wasn’t the first time he blatantly lied, and “later this week” means later this week, not 1 week from now.

        Seeing as how it’s now sunday you can pretty clearly see my point.

        He said something to the effect of “just a few more days” more then 3 weeks ago.

        “Babby’s first webcomic delay.”

        What an incredibly clever retort, great job.

    • Aggy is a dumb name

      You may now go apesh-t. The week is up. STATUS UPDATE PLEASE.

      • Bob

        I fear for the worst for Kaz.

        Gods protect us.. D:

  • Noc

    update today? callin it.

  • Bilbo

    No updates for a quarter of a year? You really lost interest eh?

  • Kawaii princess chan uguuu neon kitten

    Sempai noticed us~~

  • Strebenherz

    Best of luck to your current life difficulties you’ve been running into, I hope everything goes better for you soon. I don’t mind the delays, life happens, and it sucks unfortunately. Good luck with it all, have a good one.


  • andwhyisit

    Alright ignore my last two comments, I misread yours. My point is that nothing will happen on reaching 65535 comments. Ignore the rest.

  • No you guys dont understand

    We should probably stop commenting untill the next update, don’t want the site to crash before the next bit .-.

  • Crok

    Updating later this week?
    Yeah, I call BS. We’ll be lucky to see an update before march.

    Sorry folks, I waited for as long as I could.

  • panoz

    andwhyisit I think you are right I would bet that if they looked deep in the db somewhere they would find a duplicate of this response made without using the reply button.

    • JJR

      Speaking of comment duplicates, This one appears in both the normal comments and the post STOTANS “chaos zone.”
      You seem to indicate that it was written using the reply button. If that is the case, why is it here as well?

      • andwhyisit

        Quite frankly this comment system is severely flawed. It generates all the comments at once and then hides all but a section of them with javascript. The more comments there are the more work the browser has to put into reading, displaying and paginating comments.

        What this site needs is a real comment pagination system. One that only loads the current comment page at a time.

        @Kaz: Plus I should note that “WP Comment Master” has been dead for 2 years now.

  • Checks-Three-Times-A-Day

    Further breaking the comments!

  • Dorque

    Sorry, but I have to do this now.


  • hannah

    This is good
    A- in my opinion

  • Covert0ddity


  • new reader

    Keep up the good work kaz, hope you have fun making the new update.

    You sure made some people mad all this time you din’t had an internet connection/electricity/free time to work on it, but it’s not like you were making it to please them, you are here to have fun while learning. Regardless i’m sure they’ll come back at least to check on it.

    Lovin’ this comic


    (Aggy: accidentally shoot a ghastly fireball on katia)

  • Guy Noir Private Eye

    This week my arse.

  • Bob

    >Katia: Be sitting in a pool, waist deep in rainwater. Know how long this rainstorm has been lasting, this one’s certainly gonna be the one for the century.

  • Angrypurpleman

    Yeah if could stop blatantly lying about update times, that would be great.

    I can handle you not updating. That’s perfectly normal, you don’t owe me anything, and you’re not obligated to post more stuff.

    You are however obligated to stop being a lying dickwaffle.

    Don’t give me “oh just a few more days” and then not update for 2 weeks. I have had to come here every day for almost 3 weeks now because you keep LYING YOUR ASS OFF with “it’ll be here this week”. You’ve very slowly lost both my respect and trust as a reader, and that’s a very, very bad thing. I used to recommend this to all of my friends, no way in hell will I do that now.

    Don’t think you’re going to update for a few months? Just fucking SAY SO, be honest with your readers, don’t make us waste time on your bullshit.

    You don’t need a specific date, you just need “it will still take some while”. The worst possible thing you can do is make promises you won’t keep, there isn’t any faster way to irritate and alienate your fan base.

    I can personally promise that if I read one more bullshit “it will just be a few more days” excuse that turns out to be blatantly wrong you will have lost all of my respect, and a reader.

  • Bonzohazard

    And so the Armies of Sauron….. went forth and seized Kaz computer….. but even the dark lord was pissed, because magical lightning had taken out his own internet as well

  • Tuki

    Damn, it is over. No further updates, just delay comments…

    • Kazerad

      >: The best I can do is apologize for the continuing delays! The circumstances behind them have been mostly outside my control.

      Also, it’s snowing again. I’m gonna try to get this updated before my bolted-together power line buckles under the weight or something.

      • slambox

        Yes please. Kaz, this is pretty sick.
        I don’t like being toyed with, and neither do your readers.

        We know, life gets in the way, we know that you don’t owe us anything (but hopefully you will make an original webcomic that you can make money off of soon)

        But 3 months? You certainly are on thin ice, and if you don’t update before March (or at least give us the real deal about what’s really going on), you’re about to fall through.

        When my fave artist is going tough, they make a joke panel that says “sorry for the delays, feeling overworked”- at least do that?

        • Bob

          I really feel sorry for Kaz since with the major postponements caused by the snowstorms, he’s really in a tight, TIGHT situation.

          I dunno how much progress he was making prior to the storms but he must be really working his ass off non-stop to catch up all the while dealing with personal errands that further delay him from his work. Also even when he finally does pull through and updates, he’ll have to deal with repairing the PR damage in regards to with his fans, well after the new updates are up.

          I’ll still be there for prequel and kaz but I also can’t ignore how a good part of how fans feel about him right now. I really just hope Kaz knows how they feel too.. 🙁

          • Kazerad

            I’m actually sick again, but the amount of bad stuff happening at once is getting a little ridiculous at this point so I’m trying to make the this-week-deadline anyway.

            I just hope nobody notices that the “should update sometime this week” note was posted last week. (If you have realized: shhh)

          • JJR

            It’s ok, your secret is safe with the people that it is safe with.

          • Daki

            I suggest Kaz start by creating some sort of thank you to the fans type thing where we make a fan-made update.

  • rogueSnail

    Just passing through here

  • Norgen

    Really funny how I’m the first to comment on this page. It was posted long time ago, y’know!

  • Nogha

    You said there would be an update in a week, so I would be… very disappointed… if there is not an update tomorrow.

  • Nappa

    Hell, now I can’t even use the reply feature. We have done so well at breaking the comment section!

  • Alyrine

    I got a feeling were gonna reach 2k comments…

  • Dreadmaster231

    So… I’m at my 20th read through… and I’ve almost memorized everything word for word… like if I wanted to turn this into a written novel… I could…

  • Huffington

    I had this weird dream last night. looking back, I should have known it was weird because I has reading a prequel update

    • AnalFungi

      This is so weird, i also had this dream.

  • Skianous

    The week’s over.

  • Irrevenant

    I really like reading your Tumblr, Kaz.

    The one about static characters makes me feel better about one I have. He’s a 150-year-old Nightkin from Fallout who’s already earned his bad-ass card multiple times over.

    He likes to bare-knuckle box Deathclaws for FUN.

  • No you guys dont understand

    >”Updates within the week”
    >1 week later, no update

    I aint even mad

    • Kione

      Yeah that was more or less my reaction too. I don’t even know why I bother checking this site as much as I do anymore.

  • Zion

    … Does anyone else realize that updates were supposed to resume exactly a week ago…?

  • Nappa

    ROFL, look at them all chase the dragon Vegeta, while Kaz does magic with time. 3 months no update, a few days delay has turned into about a month and a half, then later this week was posted 7 days ago… Almost got that dragon Vegeta, just one more day of waiting and if there isn’t an update I’ll promise I’ll quit, but its got to be so close to an update, almost there, almost got that pesky dragon….

  • dude

    excuses, excuses, what will he come up with next?

  • Daki

    This has went from being a mild inconvenience to being PHYSICALLY PAINFUL.

    Do you even care anymore? Is this funny to look at people hurting like this?

    As silly as it sounds, i’m 100% for real. If this is your idea of a joke- putting your own fans through a 4 month wait, then it’s not funny, and nobody is laughing. It’s only hurting the people who love you the most. You’ve said at least 3 times an update was coming within the week, and it’s still not here. That’s pretty dark.
    I almost wish you would just cancel it to spare us the pain.

    • tronn

      (it’s just a webcomic)

      • It’s not JUST a webcomic…
        …it’s a way of life!

        jk, I know. but I think I speak for all of us when I say that this webcomic has brilliant storytelling which sticks with its readers.

    • pooplord

      if waiting for a free online webcomic to update is causing you physical pain then please go outside and get some fresh air

      • Daki

        You should get some air. I know you feel this way too.
        I’m just going to start my own comic now.

  • Kazerad

    Holy shit holy shit holy shit, I think I just fixed the comments! =D

    It turns out I accidentally deleted a post Stotan had replied to, and his reply having no parent caused everything after that to mess up. I restored both of the posts, and now the comments are not terrible.

    This has nothing to do with the update, which I am still working on. Sorry about that.

    • Hopdaddy

      [tortured screams]

      • Bob

        Not even mad.

        [Rages with the Fury of a Thousand Super suns Internally]

        • JJR

          You know, that makes a lot of sense. 1000 super suns packed together would no doubt collapse into a black hole; thereby locking the rage energy on the far side of an event horizon, never to interact with the universe.

          • Bob

            err… That’s EXACTLY where I was going for. Good eye!

            heh.. eh heh…

      • JJR

        Why must you torture screams, you monster.

    • panoz

      Quick we need more comments to break the site again …..

      • JJR

        You have my nouns.

        • panoz

          Great now we just need verbs and tenses and we can build simple sentences. DOS Runs!

      • Nappa

        And my verbs

  • skeleton

  • thedemonslayer51

    I’m noticing that a lot of people are missing the word “probably” in the first sentence at the top. Kaz never directly stated that updates WOULD/WILL start last week or this week. 😛

    • Korangar

      You deepen the wound inside me with that comment !

      • thedemonslayer51

        MWHAHAHAHAHA! >:D Sorry. 🙁

  • Come on people! We thought we couldnt reach the 1000th comments , Yet, here we are in the 1327! Come on we can reach the 2000th and break the comment section again so darkness rules once again!

    • OmgZdenek

      Now way!I dont want to rewrite every fucking comment on this page backwards!Kaz do something!

      • Bob

        So it’s agreed that the site right now is having its very own Oblivion Crisis on their hands?

        With the author missing now, the guarantee of story progression has now been disintegrated. Thus the gates of coding errors rise up and threatens to swallow all in the comments world.

        Kunytran as Mankar Camoran

        • Greetings, novitiate, and know first reassurance: Mankar Camoran was once like you, asleep ,unwise,prototypic.We mortals leave the dreaming-sleeve of birth the same unmantled save for the symbiosis with our mothers, thus to practice and thus to rapprochement, until finally we might through new eyes leave our hearths without need or fear that she remains behind. In this moment we destroy her forever and enter the demesne of Lord Dagon!

    • Nogha

      Now that the comments are fixed I’m sure we can get to 10,000. C’mon guys! Let’s go!!!

  • No you guys dont understand

    Hey guys at least Kazerad is still alive

    My favorite webcomic, got put on hiatus for a year and a half because the drawer got a repeated stress injury in her wrist, (only learned this when she came back,) but after a year of waiting she’s posting every week again

    Also there was this web story that was dead for a year, came back for 2 months and has been dead for 2 years now

    Moral of the story: Quit yo’ bitchin’, you ain’t even know what it means to wait, when it comes you can all release your metaphorical load on Kazerad’s face

    • Bob


      • Monster

        Don’t you have a shoe to eat?

        • Bob

          We’re experiencing a shoe shortage due to the alaskan bull worm plowing through my town, eating every non-edible thing in sight.

          Hey it’s an better excuse than a random bolt of lightning striking a power pole in the dead of winter.

          • KamikazeCat

            Not my shoes! :'(

          • thedemonslayer51

            Actually, it’s even worse, Kaz said lightning hit a TREE, which is even LESS likely than a power pole, because power poles at least have a large sum of conducting metal and wires. 🙂

          • Bob

            Again, in the DEAD of winter. Makes much sense.

            Also don’t worry, I’ll deliver the shoe eating as soon as possible. (Or when the update is released)

            Also heard that the on-site command system will be installed when the update is released. A 2 for 1 deal 😀

          • andwhyisit

            @thedemonslayer51: Actually the tree would be more likely in my mind. Lightning travels from the ground to the sky, so the tree with its height and conductible water throughout it’s entire body would be a more likely vessel for the earth to discharge electricity than what is for most of its length a non-conductive dried out wooden post that’s half the height of a tree at best.

  • Ulas Aren

    It took from Nov 22 to Dec 1 to get this update out. It has 18 pictures. 16 of which are GIFs, but all the GIFs except for 4 have to do with rain, and those 4 are very basic GIFs themselves. Keep in mind this is made on MS Paint.
    Secondly, in terms of flash games, it took 1 day to do the “Excelsior!” game, 10 days (20 days for 2 updates on one day) to do the “Enter” game, and 23 days to do the “Take control of the situation” game. Averaging this it takes about 11 days for a game to be made.
    If this trend continues, we should expect 135 images on the next update, or 5.5 games. If the next update(s) has less than 100 pictures in it, I will personally attempt to recreate one of the panels just to see how long it could possibly take to make an MS Paint picture.
    I am quite a bad artist, and am even worse when it comes to drawing with a mouse, but if someone like me with no artistic skills can do it, someone who has been doing this for years (and is very good at it) should find it to be no problem.
    Don’t get me wrong, Prequel is BY FAR my favourite comic, but this wait is like having your child abducted. You are away from it for so long and you miss it so much, and you don’t know what they’re doing to it. For all you know, it could be dead, or tortured, and you’ll never know until the kidnappers send you that rare ransom note every now and then that you know that there’s still hope.

    • Kazerad

      I hope you realize those Flash statistics are pretty flawed =P. Excelsior took an overall 6 months to make, Enter took two weeks, and Take Control took 4 months. These are all planned ahead pretty far. If not for external circumstances getting in the way, I probably would’ve had the current update finished in a month or less.

      Like, I think I’ve said it before here, but the next update is nothing huge. I’ve just been sick, snowed in, or without electricity a lot recently.

      • Daki

        Kaz, I think it might be cool if you even did a single panel update. Something is better than nothing.
        Just appease the fans..

        • Bob

          I would forgive Kaz for ALL the bullshit that we’ve all been through if that panel was just a single panel of katia with a cold and sleeping in a bed, reading a bag full of loving letters from the fans with text below saying “We’ll return soon. Sorry for the wait”.

          Before you say “Then you draw it you lazy fuck”, I gotta add, I can’t draw shit to save my life. Truly with drawing my best is below everyone else’s average.

          • Random Argonian

            I agree with this idea with every fiber of my soul.

          • Daki

            Well then you’re in luck- i’m a great drawer. In fact, I just may draw it for you guys and link it when im done.

    • Rufus the Ineffective

      …this wait is like having your child abducted

      Hmmm… more like being told your shiny new washing machine is going to be delivered today and then it doesn’t turn up (repeatedly). But other people will let you use their (inferior) washing machines in the meantime, and you aren’t paying for it anyway.

      One day to make ‘Excelsior’? You have seen it, haven’t you? It took me nearly that long to *play* it!

      • Phocks

        I’d say it’s more like someone started telling a story at a party. After a while he abruptly stopped telling it. He tells those listening that he’ll be back soon, and he just has to take care of some party favors. After a while people start getting antsy. They start talking about forgetting the story. Maybe they all could go play xbox or something. Then as they are getting up to go into the next room the storyteller says “Hold on a minute! Sorry! My dog threw up on the rug! Sit back down I’ll be there in a second!” This happens for a while longer, again and again. “Someone was at the door!” “My sister called!” “I forgot what I was doing!” People are looking at their watches and tapping their foot. They WANT to leave and stop caring about the story if it’s not going to go anywhere. But damn it was a GOOD story and they want to hear more. Some people care less than others though. They roll their eyes at the excuses and start playing poker in the next room. But those that really care sit there. Waiting. “Just a few minutes!” they hear from the other room. Another ten pass….

        I have a list of about 50 or so comics I read every day. Prequel is on there. It’s disheartening to open up Prequel and see the same page I saw 3 months ago.

        Now I’m not ungrateful. I really appreciate this story. I know Kaz doesn’t have to do it. I know it’s a gift. Really It would bum me out if It was put on an indefinite hiatus instead of a 3month/? one. But I do feel like there’s two sides to this. There’s those who realize that we are getting entertainment for free and that bitching isn’t going to solve anything.Then there’s those who check for updates, buy in to the promises, and feel lied to.

        I really think both are in the right. I just wish Kaz would tell us when the update is REALLY coming so I can stop checking it every day and letting it bum me out a tiny bit at a time.

        • Kieve

          What’s this? Someone being rational on the internet? What nonsense!

          I’m in both camps myself. There are other webcomics, it’s free entertainment, but all the same – DAMN do I wish this would just update already.

          After all, none of those other webcomics have Katia. 🙁

          • Bob

            Just gonna drop this here to give you guys something to think about.

            “..At this point its become more like a learning experience. by makes(?) mistakes, I just kinda try to run with it and cover them up. Rather than feel much regret about that. I’d like to think whatever I do after this is gonna be better. If this is really good too, that’s awesome.”

  • Holic

    I really think the next update is gonna be good.
    eh, lol I still check this page once every two days or so

  • Ellert0

    I’ve checked in every single day since December 1. I still love you Kazerad. <3 Patiently awaiting the next update. Best comic is best.

    • RampantSeaTurtles

      This is so true. Not a day goes by that I don’t check for an update at least once or twice a day.

  • Dragox

    I found the comic a few months after it started. Then totally forgot about it as all my favourite tabs got deleted when hard drive on my old computer broke. Five updates ago I’ve catched up in one day and still can’t wait for another update. People are really too impatient, but who can blame them if they’re not used to waiting. But I know how they feel, I had the same problem when I started reading One Piece, first I didn’t sleep for two days and then I only slep two hours for couple of days, but I got to the newest (at that time) chapter. And then I waited. Every week, only one chapter of manga, only 20 pages. Oh the suffering, it’s really an addiction. I have the same problem with books, games etc. – when the story is good, I just need to know the end and even then I want the story to continue. It’s strange that I don’t need to wear glasses yet. But slowly, I grew more and more patient. Wait a feek for another chapter of manga, wait a month for update of web comic, wait a year or two for next book in the series. It sometimes scare me that it’s already 2014 as I don’t really see the time flowing. I just don’t really pay attention and keep forgetting – what day is it today, what month, what year. Oh, it’s already that day…? Time flows so slow, yet so fast. I often get lost in what’s past, and what’s present, my short term memory just keeps failing me. I often forget what I was thinking, about what I was talking or what was I doing… Juuust like right now. Awwww guar patties, I hate when that happens ;_; Anyway, be more patient people, Kaz is really doing her best. But karma’s a bitch and wants to punish Kaz for all the nasty stuff that happened to poor Katia and others 😛

    • Obviousguy

      You… you put it in words…

    • Irrevenant

      Kaz is a dude.

  • KamikazeCat

    I’d be funny, if the first update he puts out there is a picture of Katia getting her ass kicked by a rat in a crudely drawn format such as a kindergardener would draw in, with no color being in the line, making it look like it took 2 minutes to create in MSpaint.

    And the lines of dialogue would be “fuck off”.

  • Shazbot

    Kaz, did you see the fireball meteor today? Aimed pretty close to where you’re at..

  • Random Argonian

    I have been waiting so long, my soul has turned to cheese.

  • was a reader

    Okay, three months, I’m going to call this comic abandoned.

    Shame, it was pretty well-written. Will check back in a year and see if the site’s still up and if there’s been any updates.

    Unfortunate when this happens to decent stories.

    Of course, Girl Genius having been taken over by a horrifically crappy artist doesn’t help, either.

    • Critanium

      I find it really funny that everyone is complaining about how long this update is taking, when I read Lackadaisy.

      • Bob

        Yeah, also weren’t there updates that took way longer than this?

        Again, Katia:Excelsior took just as long as this and there were even longer periods of little activity than this.

        I just can’t understand why people just post here saying “OH! IT’S DEAD. TIME TO SAY, FUCK THIS AND LEAVE.” than just ask kazerad himself saying “have you abandoned the project?”

        If you don’t know how to, then its understandable and I can direct you to how to contact him

        (That is if he permits me :|)

    • Daki

      The story isn’t abandoned, Kaz just isn’t feeling well.
      I admit that I used to think Kazerad didn’t care, but once I read all his comments I realize he wouldn’t really abandon us.

      Until he does update though, you can help out by doing something (no more whining) . I’m making a fan update and could use your ideas.

      • Piranha!

        I have an idea: illustrate the book that Katia vandalized.

        I’d love to see the story she made of herself–ESPECIALLY the Sad Nord page.

        • Bob

          Oh, Yes. That sad nord page was SO tragic.. I mean to make someone that sad is such a travesty.

    • No you guys dont understand

      You’re a twat.

    • Lilli

      That type of scold doesn’t help the maker(s), you know. Kaz is having trouble and probably doesn’t enjoy seeing a bunch of comments saying “Kaz you suck fence-impaled donkey gonads iizleavingyou4evaz’n’eva”. If you like both the creation and the creator, then check at least once a week during times of unexpected pause.
      Some errors I would like to correct (or at least that would make me feel better to see differently)

      Okay, it has been three months since the last update, and I’m still not going to call this comic abandoned.

      Shame, it was It is pretty well-written. I Will will check back in a year day and see if the site’s still up and if there’s there have been any updates.

      It is Unfortunate unfortunate when this happens to decent stories.

      Of course, Girl Genius having been taken over by a horrifically crappy artist doesn’t help, either.

      Sorry, I just wanted that stuff out of the way.
      #defines WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
      #defines WIN32_HTML_TAGS
      I will now leave spouting Win32 hashtags.

    • Kazerad

      woah woah wait, after reading this I just checked Girl Genius for the first time in like a year. What did they doooo? Where is Phil and Kaja’s art??

      • minigendo

        The Professors Foglio have gone on vacation. As best as I can recall, they’ve got a guest artist making a comic of a girl genius radio drama they wrote. I believe they’ll be back sometime in March to continue the tale.

    • Pedantic rules-lawyer

      Technically, for three months, Kaz still has until the end of the first of March.

      • Daki

        Yes, he does. One more day, before it’s all over. I hope he can do it.

        • DestinedFateX

          Hey look, day’s practically over already and there is no update here.

          Not that I mind really; I’ve been stalking Katia ever since that one page with her running into Kvatch. I understand what a certain anon was talking about when he/she said he’d rather a work such as this end if the author shows little to no interest in his own work, yet a few of the responses to his statement showed me that a certain division of Kaz’s little group may or may not idolize him or worship that user icon of an old women from some foreign ad. Now you may ask, “What is the point, Fate?” or “You’re not making sense at all”, to which I respond: “Yup, I dunno what the fuck I’m writing anymore.”

          PS: I’m still watching this comic.

          • Bob

            P.S. P.S. The 3rd